Studio Jerusalem
Facing the Iranian challenge
The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to remain Israel's biggest threat, regardless of what is happening on other fronts, the majority of which also emanates from the Iranian master plot to annihilate the Jewish State. For the rest of the world, the spectre of an Iranian nuclear arsenal is unsettling but not an existential threat. This difference gives rise to doubts in the Israeli camp regarding the Trump administration’s intentions. While there are some measures which justify the title “The Return of Maximum Pressure”, there are also indications that the White House’s preferred option is a negotiated settlement.fre 28.2.2025 kl. 19.30Western Efforts to Confront Iran’s Global Belligerence
The Islamic Republic of Iran appears to operate on two parallel and mutually supporting tracks. While slowly but surely building up its nuclear stockpile, it simultaneously conducts malign and militant activities in its local region as well as further afield in other continents and bodies of water. The executive agents involved are both their own forces, such as the IRGC, and various proxies, being either rogue nations or organisations.tis 25.2.2025 kl. 19.30The US- Israel Alliance amid Mideastern Complexities
Through thick and thin, across the decades, wars, and administrations, the US-Israel relationship has endured and grown stronger. This is our starting point for today’s discussion on the state of this partnership. This alliance is now facing many challenges and complexities in the Mideast region, from Gaza to Lebanon and all the way to Iran.fre 21.2.2025 kl. 19.30Syria: Does Al-Qaeda Hold Sway over Damascus?
Syria’s new President, Ahmed Al-Shara, cannot erase his past. Under a different alias, he was a Jihadi terrorist, joining the fight against the United States and the West after 911 and celebrating Al-Qaeda’s crime against the free world. These days he goes out of his way to play the Statesman, but the onus remains on him to convince the world that he and his henchmen have undergone a complete transformation. The lingering suspicion is that once firmly established in power, his true character will be unveiled from under the diplomatic suits and ties.tis 18.2.2025 kl. 19.30The Gaza Strip: Can Hamas be Eradicated?
The first stage of the hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas is now at mid-point. So what may happen in the latter half of this stage, and will there be a second stage? POTUS’ proposal to empty Gaza of its population, thereby stripping Hamas of its power to rule the Strip and threaten Israel, was rejected by Arab governments. So this brings Israel back to its war to eradicate Hamas as the Islamic organisation will certainly not volunteer to close up shop. Is this militarily feasible? In light of the fact that Hamas will continue to keep dozens of hostages, releasing them only once its survival is guaranteed?fre 14.2.2025 kl. 19.30Israels strategiska utmaningar
Vilka är Israels viktigaste utmaningar? Är de synonyma med nationens mest akuta utmaningar, eller finns det en skillnad mellan omedelbar och långsiktig problematik?tor 20.2.2025 kl. 21.15Confronting Iran’s Axis of Terror Proxies: What’s next?
Iran entered 2024 with the apparent realisation of Qassem Soleimani’s scheme : the development of a regional system of proxies, each receiving guidance from Tehran, acting out of various geographic locations, with the sole aim of harassing Israel, the West and moderate Arab countries. Come 2025, this plan is now in shambles. Hamas and Hezbollah have suffered serious damage, the Assad regime has collapsed and the Houthis are confronted with a more assertive administration in Washington. Could the Axis of Terror be in deep trouble, or perhaps this is just another phase in a long cycle?tis 4.2.2025 kl. 19.30Iran’s Race Towards Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
LLast week, President Trump appeared to throw a wrench into Iran’s strategic deliberations when he sounded willing to negotiate a new nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic. Also, should this effort fail, he may even be open to supporting an Israeli strike on the Iranian nuclear facilities. Whatever the Iranians position - either a dash towards their first weapons or trading their threshold status for sanctions relief – this must now be re-evaluated.fre 31.1.2025 kl. 19.30Israel versus Iran: what’s next?
With the Gaza ceasefire in its first week and the Lebanon one in its last (although it will most likely be extended) the Iran-Israel confrontation has now entered a new phase. For the first time since October 7, the guns and missiles have fallen silent, with even the Houthis announcing that they will hold their fire. This of course is not the end of the affair, but rather a waiting period in which the parties judge each other and prepare for a decision by President Trump regarding his policy on Tehran’s military nuclear aspirations and regional activities.How can this lull between storms be put to best use?tis 28.1.2025 kl. 19.30Damascus’ Jihadist Ruler : Regional Implications
While one important governmental transition ended yesterday, having global implications, another one with regional repercussions is still ongoing, and there is a connection between the two. The new, post-Assad regime in Damascus under Ahmed al-Shara is still being organised, with simultaneous efforts being undertaken in foreign policy as well as domestic realignment. Al-Shara and his lieutenants have met with Arab and European counterparts from Berlin to Paris to Gulf capitals. Al-Shara himself changed his attire, from battle fatigues to a suit and tie. But can a Jihadi predator truly change his spots? This will probably become known only after the Trump administration unveils its Mideast policy, part of which will relate to Syria.fre 24.1.2025 kl. 19.30A New Trump-Era for the Middle East : Geo-Strategic Overview
When Donald Trump once again takes the oath of office, the entire world will be waiting anxiously to see whether the priorities, policies and promises he made during the Presidential Campaign will stand true when tested by reality. This, of course, will include the Middle East, although probably not featured at the top of Trump’s agenda. So what is the regional strategic overview, from Jerusalem to Damascus, Beirut to Gaza, Ankara to Tehran?tis 21.1.2025 kl. 19.30Israel's State of War VS the Iran-led Axis
Outgoing CIA director Bill Burns described over the weekend the decision point facing the Iranian regime: this being hether to try and reach military nuclear power, running the risk of drawing the regime’s adversaries into a preemptive blow, or to signal its readiness to negotiate a deal with the incoming Trump administration. If the latter course is chosen, it will impact the entire alliance of partners and proxies waging war against Israel on Iran’s behalf. So how should Israel prepare for the next stage in its confrontation with Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis and the various other forces getting their guidance from Tehran?fre 17.1.2025 kl. 19.30Israel: 2025 Strategic Outlook
Historians are often fond of saying that periods are not always marked by round numbers, but rather by events, whenever they happen. For instance, the 20th Century really started in 1914, with the First World War. According to this standard, 2025 will strategically begin three weeks after New Year’s Day, with the change in administrations in Washington. Keeping that seminal event in mind, while also being aware of all the active fronts of the IDF and the looming risk of Iran going nuclear, what is Israel’s strategic outlook for the year ahead, as of early January?tis 14.1.2025 kl. 19.30Iran som strategiskt problem på flera fronter
Donald Trumps valseger sätter press på Iran. Trump upphävde JCPOA och beordrade Qassam Soleimanis död men utesluter nu Mike Pompeo - hjärnan bakom "maximal press"- från sitt nationella säkerhetsteam.tor 12.12.2024 kl. 21.15Att möta islamistisk antisemitism i väst
Upploppen i Amsterdam där muslimska huliganer närapå lynchade israeliska fotbollsfans chockade Israel, Europa och hela världen. Att detta skedde i en västerländsk stad ledde till självrannsakan.tor 28.11.2024 kl. 21.15USA:s och Europas Mellanösternpolitik
USA skulle kanske vilja fokusera på Kina, Taiwan, Ryssland och Ukraina, men för mycket står på spel för det i Mellanöstern. I Europa har Mellanöstern dock ingen större inverkan på europeiska ärenden.tor 17.10.2024 kl. 21.15Irans inflytande över Arabiska halvön och Afrikas horn
Den islamiska republikens plan för Arabiska halvön och Afrikas horn verkar vara att etablera fler baser för operationer mot Irans motståndare, vilka huvudsakligen består av Israel och USA.fre 4.10.2024 kl. 21.15Israels geostrateigska utmaningar 2(2)
Israels strategiska intressen i Mellanöstern anknyter till tre cirklar av arabiska grannar och grannländer. I den fjärde cirkeln finnsfre 20.9.2024 kl. 21.15
USA, Israels partner och rivaler.Israels geostrategiska utmaningar 1(2)
Israels intressen anknyter till tre cirklar. Den innersta är den palestinska befolkningen. Följande cirkel består av Egypten, Jordanien och Saudiarabien. I den yttersta finns Iran, Jemen och Turkiet.fre 13.9.2024 kl. 21.15Begränsad av lagen – Israels motgångar i Haag
De två internationella domstolarna i Haag är inte alltid överens men de verkar vara eniga när Israel attackeras. Hur beaktar Israels regering, ämbetsverk och ambassader dessa juridiska utmaningar?tor 27.6.2024 kl. 21.00Antisemitismen i Europa och USA
I dagens panel talas det om antisemitismen i USA och Europa och vilka åtgärder görs för att hantera detta problem och i vilka samhällsgrupper som den är mest framträdande.tis 9.4.2024 kl. 19.45Egyptens avgörande roll för Mellanösterns stabilitet under hotande Rafah-offensiv: Israel i krig
Egyptens 42-åriga fredsavtal med Israel har hittills överlevt kriser. Efter Hamas attack och Israels motoffensiv i Gaza medlade Kairo i gisslanförhandlingar. Hur bör de agera när Israel intar Rafah?tis 5.3.2024 kl. 19.15
Nya utmaningar för CENTCOM
USA:s centralkommando var säkerhetsvärldens centrum. Sedan kom den tänkta svängningen mot Indo-Pacific och Kina verkade bli viktigast. Men nu verkar pendeln svänga. Vilka är CENTCOM:s nya utmaningar?ons 7.2.2024 kl. 20.15Risk för storkonflikt i Mellanöstern?
Enligt Israels underrättelsetjänst måste Israel bemöta militärutmaningar på flera iranskstyrda fronter. I över 100 dagar har en regional storkonflikt avvärjts men kan det förändras den närmaste tiden?ons 31.1.2024 kl. 20.00Återblick på massakern den 7 oktober
Världens uppmärksamhet riktas nu oproportionerligt mycket mot palestinierna i Gazas korseld. Men efter massakern och massbortförandet den 7 oktober har Hamas nu över 241 gisslan, även spädbarn i Gaza.tor 16.11.2023 kl. 20.15Utsikterna till en israelisk-saudisk normalisering
Den saudisk-israeliska normaliseringen är redan här, utan upplopp. Indien nämner djärvt Israel som partner i en saudisksponsrad transport- och energiuppgörelse. Vi utforskar frågan och dess effekter.mån 2.10.2023 kl. 18.30Abrahamavtalet: Treårsjubileum
För tre år sedan signerades Abrahamavtalen, vars titel valdes i marknadsföringssyfte - främst en säkerhetsrelation som utvidgades till ett diplomati-, ekonomi- och turism-utbyte. Dags att utvärdera.mån 25.9.2023 kl. 18.30Vad ligger framför för Saudiarabien?
Kronprins Mohammed bin Salman bryter mönstret med försiktiga, äldre monarker. Hans agenda omfattar ett kärnprogram och djupare involvering i Israel-Palestina-konflikten.fre 27.10.2023 kl. 21.10Militära insatser i Syrien; analys av slagfältet
Ingress: Syrien motsatte sig en gång utländska försök att ta kontroll genom att införa militär på dess mark i allianser. Men nu finns flera utländska trupper i landet. Vad har hänt och vad väntar framöver?fre 1.9.2023 kl. 20.45USA-Saudiarabiens relation under Kinas växande inflytande i Mellanöstern
Blinken besökte Saudiarabien pga USA:s diplomatiska och kommersiella konkurrens med Ryssland och särskilt Kina som redan verkar dra fördel av den regionalt uppfattade omjusteringen av USA:s uppmärksamhet.ons 28.6.2023 kl. 20.15Erdogan återvald: följder för Turkiet
Erdoğans seger i presidentvalet varken överraskade eller var någon jordskredsseger. Nästan hälften av väljarna röstade på oppositionen. Nu måste han ta tag i inflation och internationella relationer.sön 25.6.2023 kl. 18.30Israel mellan två sjöfronter
Israeliska flottans största utmaningar härrör från Syrien, Libanon och Gazaremsan, men då iranska proxygrupper hotar sjötransporter och kustbaser i Persiska viken, Bab-el-Mandeb och Röda havet får Eilatflottan allt större ansvar. Israel måste nu balansera sjöoperationer mellan två mikroversioner av 6:e flottan i väster och den 5:e i söder vilket inkluderar Suezkanalen, som används för genomfart.tor 27.4.2023 kl. 20.15Rysslands situation i Mellanöstern under Ukraina-kriget
Med Syrien i sekundär position för Ryssland, vad blir följden för Rysslands band till Israel, Iran och Turkiet? Hur påverkas regionen av en rysk-kinesisk axel i aktiv konkurrerns med en USA-ledd axel?tor 16.3.2023 kl. 21.15Israels väg in i Afrika
Israels hjälp till Afrikas regeringar efter avkoloniseringen skapade band som påtryckningar förstörde. Men då arabvärlden normaliserar band till Israel vågar Tchad och Sudan samarbeta med Israel igen?tor 23.2.2023 kl. 20.15Att förstå Mellanösterns allianser
Mellanösternallianser var lättförståeliga. Inte nu. Israel och Egypten är USA:s pålitliga vänner men är Turkiet och Saudiarabien det? Är Iran och Syrien vänner eller ryska klienter? Vad är Kinas roll?tor 9.2.2023 kl. 20.05Turkiets hotande offensiv i Syrien
Terrorattacken i Istanbul 13 november utfördes troligen av kurder. Erdoğan hotar med en markoffensiv. Kurdstyrkor som med USA:s stöd bekämpar IS hotar då att sluta. USA försöker därför avråda Turkiet.tor 15.12.2022 kl. 20.15Ryssland i Mellanöstern
Fram till årets början var Syrien känsligaste punkten mellan Ryssland och Israel men i Ukrainakriget behöver Moskva Teheran som vapenleverantör och de väntar sig även att Israel inte ger Kiev vapen.tor 8.12.2022 kl. 20.15Iran's race to nuclear weapon capabilities
With the mid-term elections in the US essentially over, the Biden administration must re-assess its priorities for the remainder of the President’s term in the White House and before the next electoral cycle kicks into gear. Foreign policy did not play a prominent part in the contest between Democrats and Republicans. Domestic issues could very well top the list of voters’ concerns looking forward, too. But how are Biden and his Iranian counterpart, Ayatollah Khamenei, going to interpret that political reality, along with the continuing protests against the Ayatollah regime in Tehran and its sale of military drones to Russia, as they consider the fate of the 2015 Nuclear deal?fre 18.11.2022 kl. 19.30Netanyahu's bid to form a government' coalition
With Israel’s electoral train chugging along its stations, from polling booth to President’s residence to parliamentary negotiations: the play is now in Benjamin Netanyahu’s half-court. His ability to traverse the obstacles along the way to forming a new coalition government will determine how soon he will head back to the Prime Minister’s residence, which he vacated less than 18 months ago and at what price.tis 15.11.2022 kl. 19.30U.S. Mid-Term elections: Implications for the Middle East
The bi-annual cycle of American politics has passed its mid-term point and is barely posing for the holiday season. The bitterly fought Senate, House of Representatives and State elections did not provide for a clear winner in the contest between Democrats and Republicans. What’s next for US governance and the policies to be expected from an Administration limited by Congress and in anticipation of 2024?fre 11.11.2022 kl. 19.30Israel’s Polls, Politics and Policy
When millions of Israelis went to the polls, they hoped to elect a Knesset which will be able to form a stable government and rid the country of the curse hovering over it for more than three years’ now. To analyze whether Jerusalem is expected to finally attain political stability?tis 8.11.2022 kl. 22.00Syria and Hamas - a renewed alliance?
My enemy’s enemy is of course usually my friend in the Middle East, but sometimes it is more complicated. Ten years ago the Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas, based in Gaza, fell-out with the Assad regime in Syria, because Hamas officials assessed, like most intelligence agencies, that Bashar Assad is doomed to be swept from power. Late last month, with Assad still ruling Syria thanks to help by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah; Hamas returned to Damascus, conceding a reality in which both parties do not have a surplus of allies. Is there more than meets the eye in the Syria-Hamas story?tis 1.11.2022 kl. 22.00Irans drönare - reellt hot mot Ukraina eller svepskäl för att få israeliskt stöd?
Då Iran hjälper Ryssland med beväpnade drönare i Ukraina-kriget ber Ukraina Israel ge dem drönarbekämpningssystem. Israel tvekar. Behöver Ukraina verkligen detta eller är de ute efter symboliskt stöd?fre 28.10.2022 kl. 20.15Topic updated: The Unstable Situation in Iran.
It has been almost 44 years since Shah Reza Pahlevy and his regime were toppled in Iran, after which the Islamic Republic was established. Time enough for two generations of dis-illusioned youth to grow up and express their protests against a corrupt, incompetent, and cruel dictatorship. Except for those governments supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine, the world is shocked by the brutal treatment of dissents, including teenagers, both male and female. The question, however, is whether the current wave of resistance can blossom into a concrete threat to the viability of Ayatollah Khomeini’s hold on power through his millions of thugs in various organizations.tis 25.10.2022 kl. 22.00Tensions escalate: Jerusalem & the West Bank
For the last several months, terror activity emanating out of the West Bank and leaking into Israel’ proper generated manhunts and preventive operations by the Israel Defense Forces, leading to clashes with armed individuals and cells, especially in and around the cities of Nablus and Jenin. Further south, East Jerusalem is a hotbed of friction between residents and the police. How tense is the situation in these sectors, what is the Israeli government and security forces policy in handling it and could the sensitive time on the eve of the Parliamentary elections see a conflagration into full-scale raids on the scale of the 2002 Defensive Shield campaign?fre 21.10.2022 kl. 20.15Saudi Arabia's alignment amid shifting sands
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has of late been consolidating his domestic power, in anticipation of succeeding to the throne when his elderly father, King Salman, dies, abdicates or is incapacitated. MBS, as he is universally known, added the position of Prime Minister to his title, and proceeded to deal a blow to the Biden Administration by allying the Oil Producing and Exporting Countries, which Saudi Arabia leads, with Russia in cutting petroleum production. The move is designed to raise the price of oil and politically hurt President Biden, against whom both MBS and Vladimir Putin bear grudges. So is it all personal, or strategic, and could the Saudis possibly form an axis with their sworn enemies, the Iranians, who are allied with the Russians in the Ukraine war, in Syria and beyond?tis 18.10.2022 kl. 22.00Israel-Lebanon: Reaching an Agreement
The Arab-Israeli conflict has been known for tense negotiations, seemingly about to break down and lead to fighting between the parties, when at the last moment a compromise is suggested and a deal is struck. The bargaining between Lebanon and Israel on the demarcation of their maritime boundary is no exception. It had its ups and downs, but now, having gone down to the wire because of domestic factors in both Beirut and Jerusalem, the formula drafted by American mediator Amos Hochstein has been accepted by President Michel Aoun - north of the border - and Prime Minister Yair Lapid - to its south. Aoun’s term expires on the 31st of this month and Lapid faces an uphill re-election the next day. So is their administration’s approval of the Hochstein draft a done deal, or could it still be aborted, leading Israel and Hizballah to an armed clash?fre 14.10.2022 kl. 20.15Israel’s upcoming elections: Jerusalem’s reins of power
On November 1, millions of Israelis will go to the polls and elect a new Knesset. Exactly how many millions, that is whether turnout is going to be high or low and on what sectors and population centers, could make or break the next Israeli coalition government to emerge three weeks from now, if there is no absolute deadlock, as has been the case several times over the last three years. What are the prospects for the outgoing incumbents, led by Prime Minister Yair Lapid, to protect their hold on power from a comeback by former Premier Binyamin Netanyahu, and will whoever gets to form a new government be able to stay at the helm for an entire four-year term? To ponder and predict, let’s turn to veteran observers of this serious game.tis 11.10.2022 kl. 22.00IAEA:s utredningar av Irans oredovisade kärnteknikverksamhet
Iran har försökt dölja fyra kärnteknikanläggningar varav en har utplånats och sanerats och förnekar att de har ”odeklarerat kärnmaterial eller -verksamhet”. Kan detta få Wienavtalet att spåra ur?fre 7.10.2022 kl. 20.15The Russia-Ukraine war and its effects on the Middle East and Syria
More than seven months into Russia’s war in Ukraine, it is too early to see its end, but enough time has passed in order to learn preliminary strategic and military lessons. For us in the Middle East, it is especially important to apply these emerging lessons to our region in general and most particularly to Syria, where Russia has air and naval assets, out of which it reinforced its formations in Ukraine, and whose presence bolstering the Assad regime carries a constant risk of friction with the Israel Defense Forces.tis 4.10.2022 kl. 22.00Israel’s economy amid global instability
Israel’s economy has surprisingly withstood the blows striking global commerce and finance in recent years, including Covid-19, uncertainty in the oil market and disruptions in supply chains. But can the Israeli economy thrive when the domestic political scene is perennially unstable and when individual households complain that they do not reap the fruits of macro-economic success?tis 27.9.2022 kl. 22.00Hizbollah-hotet om att dra in Israel och Libanon i krig
Israel och Libanon verkar nära avtal om delad Medelhavsgas men vad åsyftar Nasrallah med att fortsatt hota Israel? Är han villig att riskera krig eller vill han bara få äran för Israels eftergifter?fre 23.9.2022 kl. 20.15IDF rules of engagement in war on terror
All modern military forces face the dilemma of overkill capabilities. Armies and Air Forces are equipped to clash with their opposite numbers, and in great numbers, under conditions which give rise to indiscriminate targeting. Yet in fighting terrorists sheltered among civilians, hitting innocents is almost unavoidable but still carries a heavy price morally, professionally and diplomatically. The latest episode in this series featured American criticism of Israeli rules of engagement in the fight against Palestinian terror squads and a defiant response from Jerusalem.tis 20.9.2022 kl. 22.00Irans kärnvapenprogram, framtidsutsikter för JCPOA-2
Att hoppas på det bästa men förbereda sig för det värsta passar in på förhandlingarna om att återuppliva JCPOA. Är de igång eller inte och vilka slutsatser kan man dra av parternas olika åtgärder?fre 16.9.2022 kl. 20.15Israel Defense Force: A New Commander in Chief
The appointment of a new Israel Defense Forces Chief of General Staff is a very important event in the life of this military organization. More than in most Western democracies, Israel’s top General Officer has a major impact on the nation’s policies and conduct. Major General Herzi Halevi, an experienced Paratroop and Intelligence military leader, has earlier this month been nominated to serve as Israel’s 23rd Ramatkal, or Chief of General Staff, taking over at the turn of the year. How significant is this transition, at a time of political turbulence within Israel and security challenges around it? With us to share their opinions on Halevi’s elevation to Ramatkal are two senior IDF veterans.tis 13.9.2022 kl. 22.00Irans nukleära diplomati - vad förväntas härnäst?
Att förhandla eller inte förhandla är fortfarande frågan då Iran vill få fler eftergifter av Bidenregeringen som är uppenbart ivriga att återuppliva JCPOA, men möter starkt motstånd i kongressen.fre 9.9.2022 kl. 20.15Israel's Campaign Between the Wars vs Iran
Last October, it seemed that at long last Iraq was on the verge of having a some-what stable multi-confessional government, which will take care of the country’s domestic problems free of efforts by neighboring Iran to manipulate it. This was good news to the Biden administration, because it showed that even after the end of America’s military involvement, or because of it, a more democratic Iraq, which resists Iranian domination, could emerge. But these expectations were soon shattered, when personal ambitions of politicians with vested interests in a status quo overshadowed by Iranian-backed militias stifled the move towards majority rule. Now, there is no effective administration in Baghdad, Washington has a hands-off policy and ‘satisfied smiles’ are seen only in Tehran.tis 6.9.2022 kl. 22.00Kampen om Irak under Irans obevekliga grepp
Förra året verkade Irak äntligen få en stabil av Iran opåverkad regering men politikers egenintresse av status quo kvävde utvecklingen. Nu är Irak utan fungerande regering, USA gör inget och Iran ler.fre 2.9.2022 kl. 20.15
Israel-Turkey: normalization of bilateral relations
As soon as Benjamin Netanyahu vacated the Prime Minister’s office, 14 months ago, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan moved to unfreeze Turkey’s relations with Israel. When Foreign Minister Yair Lapid failed to respond to Ankara’s advance, Erdogan outflanked him and found a warm welcome in Jerusalem’s non-Executive Presidency, eventually bringing around Lapid and the other Alternate Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett. Now another step up the ladder was marked, with Erdogan and Lapid announcing the return of the Ambassadors to the respective capitals, after a dozen year hiatus. Is it symbolic or substantial, and what’s ahead for the Turkish-Israeli relationship?tis 30.8.2022 kl. 22.00Irans avsiktliga kärnvapenframsteg trots "Wien-samtalen"
Då ett i huvudsak upphävt JCPOA alltmer närmar sig återupplivning ökar Irans kärnkapacitet sakta men säkert, vilket naturligtvis är en förhandlingstaktik, men som med tiden får praktiska konsekvenser.fre 26.8.2022 kl. 20.15
Concerns over Israel’s northern front
Israel’s two Palestinian fronts, at its center in Jerusalem and the West Bank and in the Southwest in Gaza, have been relatively quiet over the last two weeks, save for the occasional terror attack or incident; but danger seems to lurk in the North – including in Syria, where Iran proactively seeks to entrench militarily, and Lebanon where the Iranian-proxy Hezbollah is determined to claim its position as the country’s arbiter. Which of the two are more severe – and are we to expect a possible conflict in the near to medium future?tis 23.8.2022 kl. 22.00Irans kärnavtal: Vad händer nu?
Enligt Bidens regering är köpslåendet om JCPOA slut och det är dags att fatta beslut medan Khameini kanske vill vänta till efter USA:s mellanårsval.fre 19.8.2022 kl. 20.15The global war on Islamic terror
The recent focus on Russia’s war against Ukraine and China’s militant move against a perceived threat to the status quo in Taiwan reflected a reality envisioned several years ago in American defense planning - the world has reverted to a game of nations. States and governments, not movements and organizations, operate and interact. This is why the targeted killing of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman a-Zawahiri, in his Kabul apartment, which was less than a safehouse, seemed as a relic from a bygone era. But is that really so, has the campaign against Islamic terror in its various manifestations become a footnote to major headlines, or is it just that public attention has shifted elsewhere and the real war conducted by intelligence agencies and special forces goes on unrelentingly?tis 16.8.2022 kl. 22.00The West's response to the progress of Iran's nuclear program
tis 9.8.2022 kl. 22.00Rysslands och Irans ömsesidiga beroende, följder för Mellanöstern
Putins Teheranresa skulle inte lösa alla motsättningar utan visa västvärlden en ryskledd motaxel med Turkiet. Turkiets roll minskade snabbt men vilar Rysslands och Irans uppvärmda band på solid grund?fre 5.8.2022 kl. 20.15Turkisk-israeliskt samarbete kontra iransk terror
Mossad och MIT avstyrde i maj flera planer och grep iranska torpeder med israeler som mål i Istanbul. Israel framhöll Erdoğans roll då de vill uppgradera sina diplomatiska band till ambassadörsnivå.fre 1.7.2022 kl. 20.15Middle East energy in the midst of a shortage supply
The Middle East became prominent in world affairs for its religious and cultural centrality due to its location between continents and maritime routes but most of all because of the discovery of oil at a time when demand for the resource escalated by the industrial and transportation sectors. Oil is still King but there is a Crown Prince of sorts Natural Gas which is edging toward center stage in deals between local actors such as Egypt and Israel as well as between clusters of countries as well as regional producers and European customers. In this season of supply shortage - exacerbated by the Russia-Ukraine War. What are the prospects for Mideast Energy Reserves and Initiatives?tis 28.6.2022 kl. 22.00Washingtons insatser och ambitioner i Mellanöstern
Joe Biden besöker nästa månad Mellanöstern för första gången under sitt mandat men hur framgångsrik kan hans fyra dagars rundtur till Israel, Palestinska myndigheten och Saudiarabien egentligen bli?fre 24.6.2022 kl. 20.00Israel's military preparedness post-Chariots of Fire
The Israel Defense Forces changes its top leader every four years. The current chief, Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi, is due to retire at the turn of the year, and is already preparing his end-of-tour’ report by testing his forces through a month-long exercise, (namely) Chariots of Fire, held not only in Israel but also above the Mediterranean, in the Red Sea and in a complex Special Forces simulation in Cyprus. Meanwhile, Israel’s military, security and police forces kept their counter-terror pressure on hotbeds of hostile activity in the West Bank and elsewhere. So while lessons learned in “Chariots of Fire” are being collected and digested, what is the net balance of Israel’s security in late-spring or early-summer of 2022?tis 14.6.2022 kl. 22.00Turkiets säkerhetsrelaterade synpunkter på Syrien och Irak
Kurdiska minoriteter vill skapa ”Kurdistan” mot sina nationers vilja. Erdoğan beordrar två våroperationer, först i Irak och nu Syrien. Hur påverkas banden till Moskva, Washington och regionala länder?fre 10.6.2022 kl. 20.15Jerusalem’s political stability
In a week’s time, Israel will mark former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s first year out of power. His rivals have managed to hold together a unique Right-Center-Left coalition united on almost no issue save the determination to block Netanyahu’s return to the office he occupied for the preceding dozen years.tis 7.6.2022 kl. 22.00Irans kärnvapenframsteg mitt i det diplomatiska dödläget
Malley pessimistisk om utsikt till återupplivat kärnavtal utan vilket Irans framsteg förkortar utbrottstiden till några veckor. IAEA:s insyn räcker inte för att upptäcka Irans hemliga verksamhet.fre 3.6.2022 kl. 20.15Iran's domestic woes due to its malign priorities
The Islamic regime in Tehran does not derive its legitimacy and authority from popular support. It claims divine backing, but just in case - relies on brute force, through the Revolutionary Guards Corps and other military, security and police organizations.tis 31.5.2022 kl. 22.00Gaza: An obstacle to regional stability
For the last seventeen years, Israel has been out of the Gaza District, having unilaterally left it under Palestinian rule. For fifteen of those years, Hamas has controlled this narrow territory and its two million inhabitants. And for eleven of those, the leader of Hamas, and therefore of Gaza, has been Yahia Sinwar, a devout Islamist operative which Israel released from jail in a prisoner exchange deal. While Hamas maneuvers carefully not to trigger another major Israeli operation against it - Sinwar has inspired terror attacks by individuals penetrating Israeli cities from the West Bank, and part of the frustrated public response was a call to renew the tactic of targeted killings, with chief focus on abruption Sinwar’s timeline. Has that helped de-escalate the tense situation, or only pushed Sinwar to show that he cares for the Palestinian and Muslim causes more than he does for his personal safety?tis 24.5.2022 kl. 22.00Damaskus-Teheran-kopplingens betydelse för världens utveckling
EU har samlat många länder till möte om Syriens humanitära situation och politiska framtid, men utan Ryssland, Iran och Israel, vars komplexa inbördes relation påverkar Bashar Assads regim.fre 20.5.2022 kl. 20.15US-Israel relations amid great power competition
U.S. President Joe Biden intends to visit Israel and the Palestinian Authority next month, in a show of support for their governments and for an internationally aspired two-state solution. However, the fragility of the Israeli ruling coalition, which is hanging by a thread, prevents any substantive progress on the Israel-Palestinian file – at a time when alternate arenas are seemingly prioritized over the decades old conflict. Moreover, Jerusalem is trying to harness the United States to its tougher anti-Iran policy, while the U.S. wishes Israel adopt a tougher line vis-a-vis Moscow in the Ukraine war, despite the Israeli need to avoid friction with Russia in Syria.tis 17.5.2022 kl. 22.00Irans nukleära framsteg och regionala konsekvenser
Wiensamtalen är inaktiva och Ukrainakriget prioriteras uppenbarligen framför nästan allt annat, medan Iran gör framsteg mot kärnvapenkapacitet och fortsätter sin aggressiva Mellanösternpolitik.fre 13.5.2022 kl. 20.15Lebanon Pre-Election analysis
On the Fifteenth of this month Lebanese voters will elect a new Parliament. The one hundred twenty eight seats are allocated along confessional and geographical lines, with no party ever getting a majority and the government thus always based on complex coalitions. Lebanon is in pernanent crisis, economically and socially. Its ruling elite is corrupt. There are no independent security agenda and foreign policy, because of Hezbollah’s influence and therefore the competing interests of Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia.tis 10.5.2022 kl. 22.00USA och Iran mitt i avbrutna förhandlingarna om kärnkraftsavtal
tis 3.5.2022 kl. 22.00Jerusalem: Spänningar kring suveränitet och religionsfrihet
I den främst religiösa palestinsk-israeliska konflikten är Jerusalem känsligaste frågan. I senaste veckornas drabbningar på Tempelberget spreds spänningar till Gaza och Libanon. Vad väntar Jerusalem?fre 29.4.2022 kl. 20.15Israel-Russia relations amid Ukraine war
The Russia-Israel relationship, which was favourable until the invasion of Ukraine, is now a minor casualty of this war, in which Jerusalem has no direct self-interest. At first, Israel tried to avoid taking a position, but American pressure to condemn Russia’s policy proved too much, and Moscow countered in kind. Diplomatically, verbal blows are exchanged, with the Russian Foreign Ministry singling out Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid for an “aggressive” statement and blaming him for trying to distract attention from “one of the oldest unsettled conflicts,” namely - the Israeli-Palestinian one. But on the military side, Israel has refrained from helping Ukraine and Russia kept its co-existence with the Israel Defense Forces in Syria. What does it all add up to?tis 26.4.2022 kl. 22.00Israel’s political stability
The Israeli government has been in office for ten months and the next election is scheduled three and a half years from now, but it is teetering on the brink of political abyss with the defection of its own majority whip, a member of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s Knesset faction. Because Israel’s legislators are on recess for the next several weeks, moves to unseat Bennett are in suspended animation, but his future seems bleak, though not downright doomed. So how will the political drama unfold when the Knesset is back in session after its holiday break?tis 19.4.2022 kl. 22.00Israels krig mot terrorismen
Israels inre säkerhetsläge var länge relativt lugnt. Nu har flera civila dödats i större städer varför "Operation Vågbrytare" lanserades. Hur effektiva är åtgärderna och vad blir deras effekter?fre 15.4.2022 kl. 22.15Yemen's domestic turmoil amid regional rivalries
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has unleashed a humanitarian crisis there, had also brought about an indirect effect far away. The war in Yemen, which is in its Eighth year, killed more civilians than the one in Ukraine, almost Nine Thousand, yet the poor population there is out of sight and out of mind. On a basic level, it is a civil war between Yemenites, but on another one it is fought between Saudi Arabia and Iran, whether through air strikes or the provision of drones and missiles. An inter-Yemeni dialogue was recently launched in Riyadh, but it is boycotted by the Iranian-backed Houthies, which the Biden administration failed in trying to placate. What is the state of lethal play in the battlefield and around the negotiating table?tis 12.4.2022 kl. 22.00Iran: nukleära kontra revolutionära ambitioner
Iran vill förena sin shiarevolutions överlevnad med export av den. Att insistera på kärnprojektet äventyrar regimen, ett kärnavtal ger revolutionsgardets aggressiva verksamhet medel. Vad väljer Iran?fre 8.4.2022 kl. 20.15Efforts to revive a Palestinian-Israel political process
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel last week for the second time during his watch as President Biden’s top diplomat, ten months after his first trip to Jerusalem. Last year, his mission was to help reach and preserve a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, with Egyptian mediation. This time he celebrated Israel’s growing acceptance into the Middle East by Arab countries from the Gulf to North Africa. But what does that mean for the long-stalled peace process between Jerusalem and Ramallah? Is it going to stay dormant, because life can very well go on without it, or conversely, will it soon be restarted, in order to assure stability in this part of the region?tis 5.4.2022 kl. 22.00Israel's security in the Cyber spher
The use of Cyber weapons, both defensive and offensive, is supposed to be a hallmark of modern war, supplementing and even supplanting traditional kinetic operations. Yet, in the Russia-Ukraine war, Cyber seems to have been in use less than expected, and if it accompanied the Russian invasion, had little impact - unless media manipulation is taken into account. Israel, too, has recently seen Cyber exchanges, such as an Iranian attempt to embarrass Mossad Director David Barnea. Is Israel’s Cyber shield strong enough to withstand attacks in wartime, or is it only a secondary front when planes are bombing and missiles are being launched?tis 29.3.2022 kl. 22.00Ryssland-Ukrainakriget: konsekvenser för Mellanöstern
Rysk-ukrainska kriget går in på sin andra månad, regeringar och militärer bevakar och försöker dra användbar lärdom om styrkor, metoder, diplomati, moraliska och samhällstrender från konflikten.fre 25.3.2022 kl. 20.15Turkey-Israel relations
President Yitzhak Herzog’s visit to Ankara earlier this month was an important milestone in a long road back to a sensible relationship between Israel and Turkey. There was a strategic love affair between the two nations in the 1990’s, but it turned into an acrimonious divorce after Tayep Recep Erdogan came to power. With new political and economic realities in the Levant and the Eastern Mediterranean, Erdogan’s initiative to warm the chilly relationship seems to have an initial success, but a lot still has to happen in order to translate words into deeds and ceremonies into policy.tis 22.3.2022 kl. 22.00Irans kärnkraftsprogram - senaste nytt
Ukrainakriget hängde över Iransamtalen då ett avtalsutkast redo att signeras frystes pga Moskvas krav att tillåta handel med Iran. IAEA slöt fred med Irans atommyndighet trots Israels bittra motstånd.fre 18.3.2022 kl. 20.15Eleven years to the Syria Conflict
March 15 is indeed the Ides of Mars in Syria. Mars, the God of War, descended on Syria on this date eleven years ago and has never left, though he is also busy in Ukraine and other places. For all of this time of a decade plus a year, Bashar Assad managed to cling to power, helped first by Hezbollah and Iran and since 2015 by Russia, too. Earlier this month, representatives of the United States, the UN and Arab and European countries called once again for a ceasefire, humanitarian measures to alleviate suffering, war crimes proceedings and above all a political power-sharing settlement, but there seems to be little progress, as Bashar and his sponsors insist on purging remaining pockets of resistance to the regime. Where do the various actors, including Israel, stand as they mark this sad anniversary?tis 15.3.2022 kl. 22.00Regional security cooperation to contend with rising Iranian threats
Apart from the Nuclear file, Iran’s activities in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq, compounded by maritime aggression in the Arabian Gulf and its vicinity, brought home to pro-Western regional governments the need for wider and deeper military and security cooperation. Two of the major lynchpins in this new array of forces are CENTCOM’s Fifth Fleet and the Israel Defense Forces’ Air Force and Navy.tis 8.3.2022 kl. 22.00Irans framsteg med kärnvapen och ballistiska robotar
Spänningar mellan Ryssland och väst påverkar säkert fler frågor pga kriget i Ukraina t.ex Iranavtalet. Börjar Ryssland luta sig mer mot Iran och är Iran därför ett farligare hot än för en månad sedan?fre 4.3.2022 kl. 20.15Lebanon: state of affairs amid escalating rhetoric
Less than three months before general elections are to be held in Lebanon, the country is in turmoil, though not yet in one of its periodic civil wars. The most severe problem is the collapse of the economy, spreading misery to many walks of the population, though not to a corrupt and incompetent elite. The governor of the central bank is suspected of using his decades-old job as a sort of a political mafia accountant. Hezbollah ignores Lebanon’s interest in peace and quiet on its borders by provoking Israel. Lebanon’s Sunni leader Saad Hariri suspended his political career, leaving his followers at a disadvantage in the run-up to the elections, and there is no accountability for the devastating blast in Beirut in August 2020. What are we to make of the troubled Lebanese scene?tis 1.3.2022 kl. 22.00Israels försvarsberedskap under ökade drönarhot
Förra veckan kom en liten drönare in i Israel från Libanon men lyckades välbehållen smita hem sedan den jagats av stridsplan och luftförsvar. Har Israels mur en allvarlig rämna eller bara en asterisk?fre 25.2.2022 kl. 20.15The battle against ISIS amid its resurgence
Earlier this month, the U.S. Special Forces Operation against the leader of Da’esh, or ISIL, Ibrahim Qurayshi, also known as Hajj Abdullah, was apparently successful on two levels. It removed from the scene a supreme commander who had a major role in the Islamic State’s efforts to regroup and once again take over parts of Syria. It also raised the possibility that Da’esh will not be able to function under a single authority of a so-called Caliph, but from now-on act in a decentralized fashion through its various geographical provinces. Is this the way ahead for an Islamist movement which several years ago terrorized large parts of Iraq and Syria, but was beaten back and lost its territorial conquests, though not its virtual hold on many Muslims in the Levant and elsewhere?tis 15.2.2022 kl. 22.00Irans kärnprogram: Sista diplomatiska sträckan i Wien?
Wien-förhandlingarna verkar närma sig slutspelet. Bidens regering ger sanktionsundantag för kärnarbete i Irans kärnanläggningar. Biden talar själv med Bennett, accepterar sedan inbjudan till Israel.fre 11.2.2022 kl. 20.15The battle over Yemen: Regional & Global implications
The war-torn country of Yemen is seen my analysts as a territory of limited strategic value with some ability to threaten vital shipping lanes in the adjacent Red Sea. And while local groups are vehemently fighting for control over this impoverished territory - the conflict is not only an internal one – rather – it is part of a regional struggle factoring-in Iran, Saudi Arabia and even Turkey.tis 8.2.2022 kl. 22.00Israels utmaningar och hot på nordfronten - säkerhetsbedömning
Vid Israels nordgränser finns många element, en relativt konstant bild de senaste åren. Men kan israeliska beslutsfattare lugnt räkna med att allt är lugnt på nordfronten under överskådlig framtid?fre 4.2.2022 kl. 20.15
Turkey-Israel relations amid overtures for normalization
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has apparently made a strategic decision, to bury the hatchet and normalize Turkey’s relations with Israel. For the last several months, there have been small and symbolic signs of Erdogan’s willingness to chart a new course with the Bennett government, after a dozen years of tension with the one headed by Netanyahu. There were phone calls with senior Israeli officials; Erdogan praised Bennett’s “positive attitude” and his Foreign Minister wished his Israeli counterpart a speedy recovery from a light case of Covid. When and how will substance follow style?tis 1.2.2022 kl. 22.00Irans kärntekniska framsteg under utdragna samtal i Wien
Biden fokuserar mest på Ryssland-Ukraina-krisen, Wiensamtalen drar ut på tiden utan genombrott medan Iran sakta men systematiskt anrikar uran till 60 %. Vart är parterna i Wienförhandlingarna på väg?fre 28.1.2022 kl. 20.15Israel-Jordan relations - geo-strategic analysis
Of the two neighboring Arab countries upholding their peace accords with Israel, Jordan is always of more concern to strategic planners in Tel Aviv and their Cabinet in Jerusalem. Egypt’s mainland is far away, across the Sinai Desert, and its regime seems relatively safe. But the Hashemite Kingdom has to contend with a Palestinian majority, cells of Jihadi groups, a vocal opposition to the economic policies of King Abdullah and security problems in nearby southern Syria. Israel has excellent working relations between its military and intelligence agencies and their Jordanian ones, and it has done its share to alleviate the chronic water problem arid Jordan suffers from, but there is constant fear west of the river that the Hashemite dynasty is just one bullet away from being toppled, leaving Israel vulnerable along its backbone. Can Israel bank on the East Bank to renain quiet?tis 18.1.2022 kl. 22.00
Irans kärntekniska fråga under eskalerande spänningar
Kärnavtalets parter säger att framsteg har gjorts och bekräftar samtidigt att stora klyftor kvarstår i viktiga frågor medan Israels underrättelsetjänster är oeniga om Jerusalems handlingsplan framåt.fre 14.1.2022 kl. 20.15Israel’s challenges vs Iran amid presumed diplomatic concessions
Over the last few weeks, we have watched Iran practice an offensive military exercise focused against Israel. Iran fired rockets they claim can reach Israel and emphasized that Israel is the target. Yet as we speak, the diplomatic effort to arrive at an agreement with the Islamic regime of Iran about the nuclear issue is scheduled to continue in Vienna. What kind of concessions will be made to Iran as the world tries to curtail the Iranian nuclear program?tis 11.1.2022 kl. 22.00Israels beredskap efter konflikt; insiktsanalys
Hur har Israel dragit lärdom av tidigare konflikter och hur implementeras dessa inför nästa konfrontation, som inte verkar vara så långt borta med Hizbollah i norr och Hamas i söder?fre 7.1.2022 kl. 20.15TV7 Annual review - 2021 Recap
As the year 2021 draws to its close, we will try to look back it from our regional perspective, in an effort to highlight its more salient and perhaps enduring features. This has of course been the second consecutive year impacted by Covid-19, but the pandemic did not freeze military and political developments in the Middle East and around it.tis 21.12.2021 kl. 22.00What to be done if Iran nuclear talks fail?
The cliches have been used so many times that they have worn thin. All options on the table. All means at our disposal. Plan B. Other tools in our box. These are of course intended to signal, indicate and threaten without being direct about it. This is prose rather than poetry, because once a threat is issued, it has to be acted upon, which does not seem to be the case in the Iran Nuclear stand-off. So if diplomacy in Vienna fails, what measures can those nations and organizations concerned with Tehran’s militant posture take in the political, military and financial spheres?tis 14.12.2021 kl. 22.00Irans nukleära framsteg mitt under Wien-samtalen
Den sjunde samtalsvändan återupptogs i veckan på två nivåer i förhandlingsrummet och det offentliga spåret.fre 10.12.2021 kl. 20.15
Ett huvudämne är Irans metodiska urananrikning som illavarslande minskar tiden kvar till kärnvapennivå.The growing threat of drone warfare in the Middle East
tis 7.12.2021 kl. 22.00P5+1 kärnförhandlingar med Iran: statusuppdatering
Sjunde omgången indirekta Wien-samtal pågår efter fem månaders uppehåll. Iran försöker maxa sin position som förfördelad part sedan Trump lämnade 2015 års avtal och ålade Iran sanktioner. Iran vill ha garantier att alla sanktioner hävs och att inte Trumps agerande kan upprepas när de avslöjat sina eftergiftsförslag. Hur kommer Wiensamtalen att fortskrida och kan USA räkna med stöd från avtalets övriga parter?fre 3.12.2021 kl. 20.15Iran's intentions ahead of revived JCPOA talks in Vienna
Next week, an Iranian delegation will rejoin the indirect talks with its American counterpart in Vienna, with the expressed aim of moving from proximity negotiations through European, Russian and Chinese mediators to face-to-face exchanges with the Special State Department Envoy for Iran Robert Malley and his team, where the exact formula regarding the mutual return to full compliance with the 2015 JCPOA will be drafted and sent to Washington and Tehran for approval. Ahead of these talks, Malley has been touring the region for consultations and briefings in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Israel. What is to be expected in Vienna and are the Iranians finally ready for serious negotiations, rather than for merely scoring diplomatic points while they blatantly continue to enrich more high-grade uranium?tis 23.11.2021 kl. 22.00Syriens tillstånd under utländskt ingripande
Bashar ASsad har innehaft makten i Syrien i 21 år, halva tiden under ett blodigt inbördeskrig. Med inblandning av Ryssland, Turkiet, USA, Iran, Israel och olika kurd- och oppositionsgrupper - hur står det till i landet?fre 19.11.2021 kl. 20.15Iran’s Shadow War with Israel and the West
When a week ago or so Israeli media reported that Mossad foiled Iranian assassination and abduction plots in Africa, it was a reminder of the extent and persistence of the Shadow War waged between the Revolutionary Guards Quds Force and its Israeli and Western adversaries. It is definitely a mutual exchange of blows, played out in Syria, Iraq, the High Seas and numerous cities around the world, by units, squads, proxies, planes, missiles and drones. Up to now, these seemed more needle pricks than hammer blows, but if they cause excessive or collateral casualties, this war may leave the shadows and escalate out into the open, with spiraling attributions and retributions.tis 16.11.2021 kl. 22.00Snart återupptas Irans kärnförhandlingar i Wien
Då Wien-samtalen snart återupptas: hur mycket klyvbart material har Iran kvar och hur långt från USA står de i förhandlingarna då årets slut närmar sig?fre 12.11.2021 kl. 20.15Sudan: Post Coup Analysis
Sudan used to be the largest country in Africa, and a hundred times the size if Israel, until a decade ago South Sudan split from it, but it still has an enormous territory and occupies a strategic location next to Egypt, the Nile river and the maritime route from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea. Reason enough for its neighbours and other powers to be concerned by the military coup against the civilian half of the power-sharing arrangement in Khartoum set up two years ago and charged with a transition process towards democratic rule. Washington condemned the coup and froze 700 million dollars in aid, but some autocratic Arab leaders only went through the motions in criticizing General Burhan and his officers for ousting the cabinet headed by Prime Minister Hamdok. What is in the cards for Sudan, and what are the implications for the Middle East and Israel?tis 9.11.2021 kl. 22.00Turkiets regionala och geopolitiska inställning
Lyckades Erdoğan förbättra Turkiets position vid G20-konferensen i Rom? Möten med Biden och Macron var positiva men inga nya avtal slöts. Hur ser Turkiet på t.ex. USA, Ryssland, Syrien, Grekland?fre 5.11.2021 kl. 20.15Eastern Mediterranean: tensions on the rise
Two less than friendly neighbours, Turkey and Greece, are at the core of stormy weather in the Eastern Mediterranean. Their disputes stem from geography, history and politics. The United States used to be their mutual benefactor and protector when several European countries faced a common Soviet threat, but 30 years after the end of the Cold War, the tensions between Ankara and Athens seem to outweigh their overlapping interests.tis 26.10.2021 kl. 22.00Irans strategiska överblick under stigande spänningar
Irans kärnpolitik kan sammanfattas med "fördröj and installera". De förhalar och försöker få eftergifter av USA mot ett nytt kärnavtal medan en atombomb snart är verklighet. Efter USA:s militära utträde förs en saudisk-iransk dialog.fre 22.10.2021 kl. 20.15
Iraq's post-election analysis
Iraqi voters went to the polls last week with no illusions regarding the impact results will bring to their life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all of which are in short supply in the country formerly known as Mesopotamia. The low turnout was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Not much will change in the new Parliament, and coalition negotiations seem sure to drag-on for many weeks. But regardless of the make-up of the next government, one feature does suggest itself. Most Iraqis, while arguing about everything else, have had enough of foreign involvement in their affairs. Whether it is the Iranians or the Americans, Iraq wishes to handle its affairs on its own. Is it really the case, and if so what are the implications for Washington, Tehran and Jerusalem?tis 19.10.2021 kl. 22.00USA: intressen och utmaningar i Mellanöstern
Mellanöstern är universums centrum, men USA ser stormaktskonkurrensen med Kina i vilken Ryssland har en egen nisch som nästa generations dominerande faktor. Vad betyder USA:s minskade närvaro i Mellanöstern för särskilt Israel?fre 15.10.2021 kl. 20.15Lebanon’s domestic woes & implications for Israel
Israel’s Northern neighbor, Lebanon, is powerless in more than one sense. While foreign Iranian influence and deep economic distress rooted in political corruption threatens the once termed Switzerland of the Middle East with plausible disintegration – such a reality would inevitably pose a grave security-risk for Israel.tis 12.10.2021 kl. 22.00Rubrik: Irans kärnkraftsprogram - nytt JCPOA?
Enligt IDF:s avgående militäre underrättelsechef genmj Haymans bedömning från årsskiftet är Iran minst två år från att skaffa kärnvapen och har ännu inte fattat beslut om detta. Får vi se förnyade kärnsamtal och vad kan förväntas i dem?fre 8.10.2021 kl. 20.15Israel and the Arab world – Challenges & Opportunities
While disputes pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict challenge Jerusalem’s aspiration to normalize relations with additional Arab states; the common threat posed to the Jewish State and the Sunni-Arab world is the Shi’ite Islamic Republic of Iran.tis 5.10.2021 kl. 22.00Israels svar på Irans politik & kärnprogram
Iran är på väg tillbaka till samtalen i Wien om JCPOA. I Israel finns två olika synsätt: premiärminister Bennetts hårdare linje eller försvarsminister Gantz och utrikesminister Lapids mjukare.fre 1.10.2021 kl. 20.15Turkey's regional opportunities and challenges
In almost 19 years in power, top of the political longevity table with Vladimir Putin, Bashar Assad and King Abdullah of Jordan, Recep Tayep Erdogan has made himself an important player on the regional and even global political scenes. Erdogan’s Turkey is certainly not taken for granted. In the Mediterranean, in Syria, in Central Asia conflicts, in Europe’s migration headache, even in the evacuation from Kabul, Turkey’s role was notable, though not always received with critical acclaim. But where has Erdogan’s trajectory taken Turkey? How is his Middle Eastern and Eastern Mediterranean policy intended to meet current challenges and exploit emerging opportunities?tis 28.9.2021 kl. 22.00Israel's southern security challenges
Israel’s Southern half, the Negev, is a triangle bordering Egypt and Jordan and reaching down to the Red Sea. The 1948 War actually ended only the next year, when Israeli forces reached what is now the port city of Eilat. Four additional wars were fought at least partly over Sinai and the Straits of Tiran, the Red Sea’s choke point. In the 40 years of peace between Israel and Egypt and almost 30 of Jordan’s peace with Israel, this area seemed to lose its claim to priority in Israel’s security concerns, but this proved as misleading. Gaza is a constant thorn in Israel’s side. Sinai is a launching pad for Jihadists. Iran has made even remote peninsular and maritime sites, such as Yemen, East Africa and the Bal el Mandab choke point, potential fronts in its campaign against Israel. What are the Israeli responses to these challenges, through defense and diplomacy?tis 21.9.2021 kl. 22.00Irans kärnkraft - tänker Israel agera?
Är det under rådande internationella förhållanden logiskt att Israel verkligen skulle bomba Irans kärnprojekt liksom de tidigare gjort i Irak och mot Nordkoreas hemliga reaktor i Syrien, eller talar de bara så för att ge mer tyngd åt USA:s diplomati?fre 17.9.2021 kl. 20.15Russia’s Mideast interests & challenges
In twenty years as Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin established his reputation as a major figure on the global scene and brought his country back from its dismal appearance during Boris Yeltsin’s reign. An important part of his agenda had to do with a pro-active foreign policy backed by military force, from Georgia to the Ukraine and onward to Syria. But next week Putin’s political party, United Russia, will be tested in elections - and according to public opinion polls is expected to get a smaller slice of the country’s Parliamentary pie. Russian voters may long for the real or imagined glory days of the Soviet Union, but they seem more interested in their economy and domestic issues than in Putin’s power plays in the Mideast and elsewhere. What does it mean for the next Russian moves in the Middle East? An advance, a retreat or more of the same?tis 14.9.2021 kl. 22.00Israels nordfront under Iransk förankring
Iran som hjälpt Assad överleva syriska inbördeskriget får förskansa sina proxygrupper på syrisk mark mot Israel. Deras avfyrningsramper, underrättelseposteringar och ammunitionsdepåer blir genast mål för Israels flygvapen.fre 10.9.2021 kl. 20.15China’s pivot Westward amid Great-Power competition
Admiral Charles Richard, who heads the United States Strategic Command, sounded a relatively new alarm the other week. He warned that the entire structure of global stability, which rests on nuclear deterrence between the U.S. and Russia, could be undermined by the emergence of China as America’s peer. Of course, the view from Beijing is quite different - an economic powerhouse wishing to fulfil its potential by moving West, through its Road and Belt Initiative. Without judging which of these perspectives is more to the point, can there be a meeting of the minds on this issue?tis 7.9.2021 kl. 22.00Israels globala försök att konfrontera Iran
Afghanistans grannland Iran oroar Israel på flera fronter. Kärnprojektet, deras militära närvaro i Syrien, precisionsvapenförsörjning av Hizbollah och till havs. Detta diskuterade Bennett med Biden då Israel försöker stärka en global koalition mot Irans agerande. Hur framgångsrika är de, så här långt?fre 3.9.2021 kl. 20.15Afghanistan: Regional & Global Implications
Twenty years after it first set foot in Afghanistan, by its Special Forces linking up with the local Northern Alliance, the United States is withdrawing from this war-torn, land-locked Asian nation, leaving it at the mercy of the Mujahedeen, or Islamist Taliban, which swept its way back into power. Regardless of the wisdom or even inevitability of the decision to cut and leave, the images of desperate Afghanis clinging to U.S. Air Force C17 transport Aircraft taking off at Kabul airport have sent a clear message of an American retreat. What repercussions are now expected, regionally and globally?tis 31.8.2021 kl. 22.00Irans nukleära program och IAEA:s varningar
IAEA rapporterar att Iran har tillräckligt klyvbart material för ett kärnvapen och anrikar uran till 20 % i en oroande dimension och 60 % i en annan, långt utöver de 3,5-6 % som avtalet föreskriver.fre 27.8.2021 kl. 20.15US-Israel relations amid pivot
The over-all strategic decision in Washington, at least from former President Barack Obama through his successor Donald Trump and now back to the Democrats with Joe Biden, has been to consider China its Number One threat and primarily invest in preparing to meet this challenge. This decision has military, diplomatic and budgetary implications, including both a withdrawal and a draw-down of forces from less crucial theaters, such as the Middle East.tis 24.8.2021 kl. 22.00Israels havsdomäner omgärdade av säkerhetsutmaningar
Israel har två stora marina fronter, liksom sekundära som Galileiska sjön - som förr gränsade till Syrien - och Döda havet, som Israel delar med Jordanien. Men de båda huvudsakliga vattenområden som är viktiga för Israel är naturligtvis Medelhavet och Röda havet med dess södra infarter, ända till Bab-el-Mandeb och längre bort.fre 20.8.2021 kl. 20.15The battle against Islamic terror
Next month the world will mark the twentieth anniversary of nine-eleven, the most momentous event of this century, so far. This simultaneous attack on American targets massacred almost three thousand innocent victims and caused two military conflicts, in Afghanistan and Iraq, which in one way or another still persist. This was the most blatant example of Islamic terror, perpetrated by non-state actors, in this case Al Qaeda and in others the Islamic State, alongside a long list of other groups. If there is terror in the world today, its Islamic variant is not alone in spreading its evil, but it is surely the most abundant and dangerous.tis 17.8.2021 kl. 22.00Iran’s nuclear aspirations and activities
Iran’s quest for the power that comes with the possession of a nuclear arsenal takes place inside a paradox. The Islamic Republic knows full well that it is suspected of edging towards military nuclear potential, and once it is implicated or even suspected of reaching its goal, those nations feeling threatened will strike in order to nip it in the bud. One reason, therefore, that what the Iranians really want is to profit by refusing to give up this quest and gain benefits and concessions in exchange for limiting it by re-activating the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action. As new President Raisi starts his term, the question is thus what is the state of play between Tehran, Washington, Jerusalem and Vienna, where the JCPOA renewal and reinforcement talks are held.tis 10.8.2021 kl. 22.00Israels säkerhetstillstånd i den regionala utvecklingen
Efter cirka 50 dagar vid makten måste Israels regering under ledning av premiärminister Naftali Bennett, utrikesminister Yair Lapid och försvarsminister Benny Gantz brottas med gamla men intensifierade utmaningar norr och öster om landet mitt i den regionala kvicksanden.fre 6.8.2021 kl. 20.15Säsongsavslutning - tillståndet i regionen
Inför sommaruppehållet ges en längre lägesanalys. Hittills under 2021 har USA, Israel och Iran fått nya ledare och JCPOA-samtal pågår. Samtidigt eskalerar spänningar i Irak, Syrien, Libanon och Jemen.fre 2.7.2021 kl. 20.00The Eastern Mediterranean - Israel’s challenges & opportunities
One of several constants in Israel’s foreign, economic, and defense interests and policies has to do with its immediate maritime neighborhood; the Eastern Mediterranean. All of its Arab neighbors, save Jordan, are coastal countries and thus have Territorial Waters and Exclusive Economic Zones from which to extract energy resources. Israel’s one gaz derricks are vulnerable to attacks by Hezbollah and Hamas. It has to navigate between Turkey, Greece and Cyprus and wants to strengthen its ties to Egypt, Italy and France. Israel is also mindful of events in Libya, which relate to Russia’s Mediterranean push centered on Syria. A lot of circumstances to take care of in this body of water impacting mankind since time immemorial. So how does the new Israeli government intend to frame and pursue its strategy in the Eastern Med?tis 29.6.2021 kl. 22.00Gaza – nuläge, intressen, utmaningar
En dryg månad har gått sedan operation ”Murens väktare” avslutades men ännu har inte vapenvilan mellan Israel och Hamas stabiliserats. Vad innebär det för Israels nya regering?fre 25.6.2021 kl. 20.15
Israels politiska läge i regionala utmaningar
Israel har äntligen en ny regering även om många tror att den blir kortlivad. Vilka inre och yttre utmaningar väntar den nya regeringen ledd av Naftali Bennett och Yair Lapid?fre 18.6.2021 kl. 20.15Israel’s state of security amid regional developments
The world and the Middle East have followed with interest and curiosity, the political drama unfolding in Israel, but no factor or actor stood still until the parties in the Knesset made up their minds regarding the country’s governmental fate. The same forces impacting Israel’s security problems and policies are still here. The Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iran with its nuclear quest and the forces and proxies it is deploying in Syria and elsewhere. The American gradual withdrawal from the area and the Russian and Chinese advance into it. How does Israel under new management intend to face this complex security situation?tis 15.6.2021 kl. 22.00Israels nya regering – utsikter & utmaningar
Bennett-Lapids enhetsregering är nära startlinjen. Den består av osannolika parter: höger-vänster, religiösa-sekulära, judar-araber. Lyckas den avsätta Netanjahu på söndag och kommer den överleva?fre 11.6.2021 kl. 20.15The Iran nuclear deal amid regional tensions
Only ten days are left until the Iran Presidential elections, and this is no event in which betting against the odds will make gamblers rich, even in the highly devalued local currency. The winner will be Ebrahim Raisi, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s favorite candidate, for whom the race was cleared from competition. Because of the waiting for the transition from Hassan Rouhani to Raisi, it seems that the Vienna negotiations on a mutual return to the 2015 nuclear deal were put on hold, so that the credit for sanctions relief will not be given to the moderates in Tehran, led by Rouhani. Meanwhile, the hard-liners reporting to Khomeini, whose foreign activity arm is the Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, continue their subversive regional policy from Iraq and Yemen to Syria and Lebanon, where Israel keeps trying to block their designs against it.tis 8.6.2021 kl. 22.00Israels politiska dilemma och säkerhetsläge
Inget är klart men det verkar som om en ny sjupartikoalition kommer avsätta Netanjahus Likud-styre efter tolv år. Kan den nya regeringen uträtta något eller är de inbördes motsättningarna för stora?fre 4.6.2021 kl. 20.15Iran's regional aspirations and activities
The Vienna talks between Iran and several parties regarding the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action, commonly referred to as the Iran nuclear deal, have entered their fifth round. With progress towards an agreement on a mutual return to compliance reported as a hopeful indicator but not enough for a deal. The American side is involved indirectly, in a sort of proximity talks, while the focus remains on Iran’s nuclear activities and U.S. sanctions imposed on Tehran’s economy.tis 1.6.2021 kl. 22.00Efter ”Murens väktare” – översikt & analys
Efter elva dagars strider mellan det islamistiska Hamas och Israel råder vapenvila. Hur skilde sig ”Murens väktare” från tidigare operationer och hur ser framtiden ut för Gazaremsan?fre 28.5.2021 kl. 20.15Europe’s strategic challenges amid global changes
When one looks at the world from the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels, one sees both problems and prospects in new alignments. To the West, Britain has broken away from the Continent, leaving the EU with twenty-seven member states and doubts about the dream of a cohesive European project. The United States under President Joe Biden is re-affirming the Transatlantic Alliance which seemingly frayed during the term of his predecessor. To the East, Russia and China are a constant security challenge but China is even more imposing. To the South, Northern Africa and the Middle East never sleep, with concerns from Libya to Syria, and farther east to Iran and maritime shipping in the Persian Gulf. Are European countries up for the task of dealing with Challenges and Opportunity presented to the continent?tis 25.5.2021 kl. 22.00Israels offensiv mellan krigen
Israels säkerhetsdoktrin vilar på antagandet att fred inte är normalläget. Grannar som nu är fredliga kan bli fiender igen. Israels utmaning är att inte förlamas av det ständiga potentiella hotet.fre 21.5.2021 kl. 20.15Russia-Turkey relations amid latest developments
Despite his signature militant rhetoric, Turkish President Recep Tayep Erdogan has recently signaled a more pragmatic approach to several regional issues. He has seemingly moderated his stand towards Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Israel and even Turkey’s arch-rival, Greece. When U.S. President Joe Biden broke with his predecessors’ reluctance to recognize the Ottoman massacres of Armenians more than a century ago as genocide, Ankara was predictably angry but much less than was expected. An obvious explanation is Turkey’s historic fear of Russia, its neighbor across the Black Sea, as indicated by Erdogan’s embrace of Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenskiy.tis 18.5.2021 kl. 22.00Israels politiska dödläge – regering i sikte
Mindre än två veckor efter att Netanjahu misslyckats med att bilda regering verkar hans motståndare vara på väg att lyckas, ledda av Naftali Bennett och Yair Lapid. Är en hållbar regering i sikte?fre 14.5.2021 kl. 20.15Israel and Lebanon in the midst of iranian influence
tis 11.5.2021 kl. 22.00Spänningar i Jerusalem – regionala följder
Senaste veckorna har våld blossat upp i Jerusalem och frågan har åter väckts om östra Jerusalem får rösta i de palestinska val som nu skjutits upp. Vad är Jerusalems status juridiskt och i praktiken?fre 7.5.2021 kl. 20.15Russia-Iran tensions over control of Syria
When Syrian President Bashar Assad was in real danger of being ousted in Syria’s Civil War, in the first half of the last decade, both Iran and then Russia came to his rescue. He certainly owes them as well as Lebanon’s Iranian-proxy Hezbollah, gratitude for his survival. But international politics is an unsentimental business and now Russia and Iran are each pursuing its own interests in Syria, leading to tensions between Moscow and Tehran over their respective agendas in Damascus.tis 4.5.2021 kl. 22.00Översikt JCPOA-förhandlingar i Wien
Rapporter från Wien om de indirekta samtalen mellan Iran och USA visar att parterna söker en stegvis process till full efterlevnad i stället för en delvis efterlevnad. Vad innebär det för Israel?fre 30.4.2021 kl. 20.15U.S. Mideast strategic interests and challenges
President Joe Biden has made his first major foreign policy decision, and while it is not focused on the Middle East, but rather on a region adjacent to it, the regional implications are evident. In ordering all American forces out of Afghanistan by September 11, Biden laid out a rationale based on both ends and means. American attention must turn to China and to a lesser extent Russia, and by virtue of priorities away from secondary spots including the Middle East; diplomacy must have primacy over military involvement. What is the signal to be received by Biden’s audience from Tehran to Jerusalem to the capitals of NATO member states? Has the United States changed its perception of interests and challenges in our neighbourhood?tis 27.4.2021 kl. 22.00Israel-Iran, offensiv mellan krigen
Spänningen mellan Iran och Israel har ökat sista tiden. Betyder det att länderna oundvikligen är på kollisionskurs och vad händer bakom kulisserna i ”offensiven mellan krigen”?fre 23.4.2021 kl. 20.15Jordan’s stability: strategic overview
A few weeks ago, shock waves hit the Middle East, and particularly Israel, when word came out of Amman that a planned coup against King Abdullahtis 20.4.2021 kl. 22.00Jerusalems politiska dödläge
Den här veckan har Israel hedrat stupade, firat sin självständighet och fortsatt den politiska dragkampen. På 73-årsdagen, hur självständigt är Israel och hur hållbart är dess politiska system?fre 16.4.2021 kl. 20.15
Israel’s preparedness amid looming threats
Over the last two years, Israel’s primary concern was atypically not its preparedness to cope with security challenges but rather a unique mix of pandemic and politics. However, now that the COVID-19 crisis is seemingly on a steep downward curve and negotiations between potential coalition partners have shifted into a more practical mode following last month's elections, the focus will inevitably return to Israel’s unfinished business with its various enemies. Most prominently, those in Iran, Lebanon, Gaza and Syria. Has Israel kept in shape during this pause from perils, or has it lost its edge?tis 13.4.2021 kl. 22.00Irans revolutionspolitik och väst
Hur kommer Iran agera de närmaste två månaderna när samtal kring JCPOA har inletts i Wien och valrörelsen inför Irans presidentval når sin kulmen? Blir det en eskalering eller en taktisk paus?fre 9.4.2021 kl. 20.15Russia-Israel relations - Strategic Overview
The three dominant themes in the calculus of Russian-Israeli relations now seem to be Power, Prestige and Proximity. Russia is obviously a rising or returning force in the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean; while its global competitor, the United States, wants to reduce its own military involvement in the region. And because Russia’s Air, Naval and to some extent Ground presence in Syria makes Russian forces subject to friction with Israel’s Air Force operating against Iranian targets threatening Israel from its neighbor to the north, de-conflicting is a constant concern.tis 6.4.2021 kl. 22.00Den politiska instabiliteten i Jerusalem
Rösträkningen är klar och det slutgiltiga valresultatet publicerat. Nu flyttas fokus till president Rivlins residens och processen att hitta en premiärminister som kan bilda en stabil regering.fre 2.4.2021 kl. 22.00Lebanon domestic woes amid deep rooted corruption
When one tries to follow Lebanese politics, it is as if nothing of significance took place in Beirut, Tripoli, Baal Bek and the other cities and districts over since deep into the last century. The same name of political families and dynasties are heard now as in 2005, 1990 or even earlier. Maronite, Shiite and Sunni power brokers jockey for position and enjoy the forbidden fruits of corruption, while the country sinks into an economic and social abyss. What is in the cards for Israel’s poor and strife-torn neighbour to the North?tis 30.3.2021 kl. 22.00Israel - eftervalsanalys
Det enda säkra efter tisdagens val i Israel är att osäkerheten består i Jerusalem. Den slutgiltiga rösträkningen är inte klar men det är svårt att se stabila regeringsalternativ.fre 26.3.2021 kl. 20.15
Israel’s Elections Day - Special
In less than one-hour, the first exit polls will grant anxious Israelis a rough idea about the chances for their elected representatives to finally setup a functioning government, more than two years after the last one fell apart. Ahead of the expected moment, we will attempt to provide a general analysis of Jerusalem’s political state of play.tis 23.3.2021 kl. 22.00Östra Medelhavet – strategisk överblick
Västra Medelhavet är lugnt, i centrum ökar spänningen i Libyen mellan rivalerna Egypten och Turkiet, och i öster skärps tvisterna om gastillgångar både mellan Israel-Libanon och Turkiet-Grekland.fre 19.3.2021 kl. 20.15Saudi Arabia - Challenges and opportunities
tis 16.3.2021 kl. 22.00Turkiet-Iran på kollisionskurs?
Under 1900-talets första hälft såg både Iran och Turkiet Sovjetunionen som ett gemensamt hot men nu står ländernas intressen alltmer i konflikt med varandra. Är vi på väg mot öppen konfrontation?fre 12.3.2021 kl. 20.15Egypt’s challenges between East & West
The re-emergence of the Democratic Party as the ruling power in Washington is a challenge to the foreign and even domestic policies of the Sisi regime in Cairo. President Abd el Fatah a-Sisi, then a General, ousted President Morsi because he was too close to the Moslem Brotherhood, whose rise was partly related to the Obama-Biden Administration’s hostility towards Hosni Mubarak. Sisi’s conclusion was that he had to diversify Egypt’s strategic ties and strengthen his ties with Russia, both because it is less shocked by human rights problems and as a rising power in the region while the U.S., under Trump as well, wished to lessen its involvement. Now Sisi is facing Biden, with a host of issues, such as Libya, Syria, terrorism versus human rights, Iran, Arms Sales, the Eastern Mediterranean, Israeli-Palestinian peace and the Ethiopian Dam. So how does Sisi maneuver between Putin and Biden?tis 9.3.2021 kl. 22.00Ökade spänningar Israel – Iran
Mycket av den fientliga aktiviteten mellan Iran och Israel är osynlig men nyligen angrep Iran ett israeliskägt fartyg i Omanbukten. Ser vi en eskalering eller är det ett sätt för Iran att pressa USA?fre 5.3.2021 kl. 20.15Iraq: domestic challenges amid foreign influences
This week marks the Thirtieth anniversary of the end of the first Iraq War. A coalition headed by the United States and including Saudi, Syrian and Egyptian forces defeated Saddam Hussein and imposed limits on his power. But twelve years later, war erupted again, and this time Saddam was captured and executed, Iraq was occupied and its fragile domestic equilibrium shattered. In almost Amtwo decades, it is yet to find the right balance between its Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish components and the outside forces competing in it, primarily Iran and the United States.tis 2.3.2021 kl. 22.00USA – Iran omförhandlar JCPOA, en överblick
IAEA lyckades i helgen nå tillfälligt samförstånd med Iran om viss övervakning i tre månader medan förhandlingar mellan USA, Iran och EU:s högkvarter i Bryssel tar fart. Hur kommer Biden agera?fre 26.2.2021 kl. 20.15Yemen Conflict: Conflict, terror & humanitarian concerns
In one of its very first policy moves in the Middle East, the Biden Administration focused on war-torn Yemen from two directions. It announced an end to supplying Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E arms used in their offensive campaigns against the Houthis, helping them only to defend against Houthi attacks on their homelands and shipping in the Gulf of Aden and in the approaches to the Red Sea. And it revoked part of the Trump Administration measures against the Houthis, by distinguishing between the organization as a whole, which will now be exempt from sanctions, and various leaders, who will remain on the forbidden list. The rationale is the same - concern about the humanitarian crisis for Yemeni civilians. What does it all portend for Yemen, and is there a more lesson to be learned from it regarding Biden’s regional policies?tis 23.2.2021 kl. 22.00Mellanöstern – kapprustning till kärnvapen?
I mars fyller icke-spridningsavtalet 51 år. Trots avtalet tycks fler länder närma sig kärnvapen. Riskerar vi en dominoeffekt – om Iran bygger en atombomb följer Turkiet, Saudiarabien och UAE efter?fre 19.2.2021 kl. 20.15Global power competition: Mideast’ implication
A few years ago, when Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s understudy in preparation for his own Presidency, their administration announced a “pivot” from the Middle East to the Far East, especially with a view to China as the main global competitor with the United States. There has been some delay, as Daesh had to be crushed and Iran remained an active foreign policy problem due to President Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal with it, but now the move away from the Mideast is back, and this time it may hold. What does that mean for American, Russian and Chinese moves in the region? Will France return to its historic role in Lebanon? How are Turkey and Iran going to respond to new realities? And most crucial for us here, what does it portend for Israel?tis 16.2.2021 kl. 22.00Israel i norr – utmaningar och möjligheter
Bland Israels säkerhetsproblem är fronten i norr det konstanta och omedelbara hotet på grund av tre saker: Hizbollah, Syrien-kriget och Iran. Finns det bara utmaningar eller även möjligheter?fre 12.2.2021 kl. 20.15Turkey-Israel relations; Friend or Foe?
If one safely goes back to a cliche always relevant in the Middle East, about my enemy’s enemy being my friend, Turkey is certainly not yet Israel’s friend again, even though it is less vehement a foe than it used to be until recently. It is more like my enemy’s friend, the enemy being HAMAS in Gaza, while Israel has the friendliest of relations with two of Turkey’s adversaries, Greece and Cyprus. But with the onset of a new administration in Washington considered hostile to the Erdogan regime but reputed to be susceptible to Israeli arguments, Ankara seemingly inches closer to Jerusalem. Is it really so, and if it is, what’s the next step up this road?tis 9.2.2021 kl. 22.00Irans kärnvapensträvan - krig och diplomati
Den 21 februari sätts ett ultimatum från Iran till USA på prov. Om inte USA häver sanktionerna kommer Iran bryta mot vissa villkor i JCPOA. Är det ett allvarligt hot eller bara en ny fas i maktspelet?fre 5.2.2021 kl. 20.15Libya’s future and strategic significance
The civil conflict in Libya reached a hopeful milestone in mid-January, with a UN-sponsored agreement on a mechanism for holding elections in late December, 11 months from now. It is a complicated arrangement for an executive council, a presidential trio and a prime minister, with candidate lists submitted by regions controlled by either a Turkish supported Tripoli government or an Egyptian backed Bengazi militia. To break it all down, and perhaps put it together again.tis 2.2.2021 kl. 22.00Relationen USA-Israel i regionala utmaningar
USA:s nye försvarsminister Austin ringde först av allt sina kollegor i Nato, Storbritannien, Japan och Sydkorea. Vad säger det om USA:s prioriteringar och relation till Israel under president Biden?fre 29.1.2021 kl. 20.15Israel and the Arab world
One election down and two or three to go - that is the score as President Joe Biden gets used to sleeping above his new Oval Office, the political campaign in Israel heats up, Iran prepares its own Presidential contest and Palestinian Authority head Mahmud Abbas also declares his decision to put his own position and his Parliament up for a vote. This is certainly a time of transition, of choosing leaders and of getting used to a mix of old and new faces. It is also the right moment to take stock and consider Israel’s position vis-a-vis the Arab world.tis 26.1.2021 kl. 22.00Syriens tillstånd och regionala spänningar
Den arabiska våren gav nytt hopp åt flera förtryckta folk. Ingenstans släcktes hoppet mer brutalt än i Syren där miljoner dödats eller flytt. Vilka är utsikterna för fred och stabilitet i Syrien?fre 22.1.2021 kl. 20.15Israel-Greece relations and common challenges
Athens and Jerusalem have had a complicated relationship, and not only in antiquity. Except for Cuba, Greece was the only non-Arab, non-Moslem member of the United Nations to vote against the establishment of the State of Israel in a partition of British Mandate’s Palestine. Later, the Greek-Israeli connection was overshadowed by the Ben Gurion doctrine of forging a regional alliance of countries such as Turkey with a Western orientation and in opposition to Arab leaders such as Egypt’s Nasser. But in recent years, it has changed to such an extent that the tables seem to have turned, with Turkey hostile towards Israel and Greece its warm friend and partner. Of course, it all has to do with the three E’s - Energy, Economy and Erdogan.tis 19.1.2021 kl. 22.00Iran - kärnvapenmål i globala förändringar?
Läget är spänt mellan Iran och de länder som ser med misstänksamhet på Irans kärnteknikprogram. Kommer tillträdande president Biden välja att bara återgå till JCPOA eller kräva förändringar?fre 15.1.2021 kl. 20.15Jerusalem’s political instability amid challenges
The State of Israel is evidently struggling to attain much needed stability. Following a relatively short hiatus of attempts by those poised to grip Jerusalem’s power reins – at least declaratively so - for the purpose of dealing with the nations numerous challenges; on March 23rd, the state of Israel will once again head to the polls. Naturally, the following question arises: Will these upcoming elections draw Israel from what appears to be a bottomless well – or are we expected to linger in a political limbo of sorts, which spells growing hardships amid lurking military, diplomatic, economic and social dangers?tis 12.1.2021 kl. 22.00Israel – prognoser för 2021
Utmaningarna står på rad när Israel går in i 2021. Främst följderna av coronakrisen men även politisk osäkerhet med nyval i mars och frågetecken kring hur USA, Iran och andra länder kommer agera.fre 8.1.2021 kl. 20.15Återblick på 2020 - lärdomar och prognoser
Äntligen kan vi lägga 2020 bakom oss och gå in i ett förhoppningsvis mycket bättre år. Innan vi vänder blad ger panelen sin analys av vad 2020 betytt för Mellanöstern och dess hjärta Israel.fre 1.1.2021 kl. 20.15The EastMed dispute & its implications for Israel - Part 2
A few days ago we held the first part of a conversation about the state of play in the Eastern Mediterranean - one of the cradles of human civilization, which of course includes not only spiritual and technological progress but also friction and conflict. We tried to lay out the various interests and policies of several actors, from Athens and Ankara to Jerusalem, Cairo, Nicosia and Beirut. Now, in our second part, we will try to do what sailors did in the Med from time immemorial and peer into the fog, looking for a beacon from some lighthouse before we are grounded on a reef or a beach.tis 22.12.2020 kl. 22.00Israel och tvisten i östra Medelhavet (del 1)
Östra Medelhavet har under lång tid varit relativt lugnt. Att lugnet nu brutits beror på två saker: gasfyndigheter i omtvistade områden och Erdogans aggressiva politik. I två program analyseras läget.fre 18.12.2020 kl. 20.15
Iran's nuclear Ambitions amid Latest developments
With President-Elect Joe Biden’s inauguration a little over a month away, the Islamic Republic of Iran is anxiously awaiting the formulation of Biden’s cabinet and policy, as well as the corelation of forces in Washington, which could depend on the results of the two Georgia Senate contests. But even if the Republicans keep their Senate majority, they could at most block some of Biden’s nominees and initiatives, not impose any on him. So for the time being Tehran is in a waiting mode, accumulating low-enriched uranium as a signal it could do more if it wanted, keeping its powder dry so as not to give the outgoing Trump administration a pretext for a major military strike, and prepare for a resumption of talks and the lifting of sanctions promised by Biden once the US reverts to the Obama-era line rejected by Trump.tis 15.12.2020 kl. 22.00Israel på väg mot val igen
I två år har Israel haft politiskt kaos med tre val och dödläget bröts först när Gantz bildade regering med Netanjahu. Det splittrade de Blå-vita och Gantz maktbas försvann. Blir det nyval i vår?fre 11.12.2020 kl. 20.15Are Earthquakes threatening Israel’s Home Front?
The scenario is frightening. Some seven thousand killed. Many more wounded. One hundred seventy thousand left homeless as buildings collapse and infrastructure essentials such as power and water supply are damaged. The good news is that we keep hearing these warnings about earthquakes threatening Israel and are relieved to see that so far nothing of the kind has happened. The bad news is that we may grow complacent and be shocked into grim reality when it does happen. So where between these poles of fear and fatalism does Israel stand?tis 8.12.2020 kl. 22.00Israels beredskap för storskalig konflikt
Covid-19 påverkar Mellanöstern och de flesta av Israels fiender utgör inget akut hot men konflikten med Iran består och kan beröra Syrien, Libanon och Gaza. Är Israel rustat för en upptrappning?fre 4.12.2020 kl. 20.15MidEast Cyber & Security
Two invisible elements have evidently shaped life in the Middle East and indeed globally over this year, which is approaching its end. One is of course the Corona virus, in a pandemic which only now begins to show some promise of being contained by vaccines next year. There is more than meets the eye in Cyber, too, a new form of warfare to which societies blessed with the most advanced technological and economic infrastructure are more vulnerable than relatively primitive one. What is being and can be done, offensively and defensively, in the realm of Cyber between governments, organizations and even self-motivated hackers? Joining us, and hoping that no Cyber attack will disrupt our talk.tis 1.12.2020 kl. 22.00Israels väntade strategi mot Irans hot
Premiärminister Netanjahu upprepade i veckan löftet att aldrig låta Iran skaffa kärnvapen. Hur nära har Iran redan kommit och vad kommer att hända med JCPOA under en trolig Biden-administration?fre 27.11.2020 kl. 20.15The Eastern Mediterranean - Latest Developments
The Eastern Mediterranean, which was relatively tranquil over the last several decades, has recently become a bone of contention and a hotbed of activity.tis 24.11.2020 kl. 22.00Valspecial USA - följder för Mellanöstern
Rättsprocesserna kring USA:s valresultat komplicerar förberedelserna inför övergången till en trolig ny Biden-administration. Påverkar valet USA:s historiska stöd över partigränserna till Israel?fre 20.11.2020 kl. 20.15Turkey-Israel: From Strategic partners to regional rivals
In the 1950’s and again in the 1990’s, Israel and Turkey have been regional partners, almost best friends. They both faced the hostility of their common neighbor separating them, Syria. They were officially or practically in the Western orbit. And they had no conflict over the body of water they live next to, the Mediterranean. All of that changed over the last twenty years, with Turkey at odds with Israel over religion, Palestinians and energy resources, and pulling away from the United States. Is it reversible, or are Turkey and Israel doomed to remain rivals, as long as Ankara is led by President Erdogan?tis 17.11.2020 kl. 22.00Europas kamp mot islamistisk terror
Frankrike har blivit ett slagfält mellan historiskt kristna länder och islamistiska terrorister som vill påtvinga samhället sin ideologi. Är detta bara en säkerhetsfråga eller ett djupare problem?fre 13.11.2020 kl. 20.15Israel-Armenia relations amid challenges and interests
The renewed fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed district of Nagorno-Karabakh put Israel in an uneasy position between the two. Israel has long had an emotional attachment to the Armenian people, whose plight under Ottoman rule during the First World War preceded the Jewish people’s Holocaust in Europe during the Second war. But rationally, rather than emotionally, Azerbaijan is more of an asset to Israel, because of its border with Iran and the defense items it buys from Israeli industry. The difference between Armenia and Azerbaijan, from an Israeli economic viewpoint, is between millions and billiond. How do Yerevan and Jerusalem manage their relationship, under these circumstances?tis 10.11.2020 kl. 22.00Turkiets ställning, intressen, utmaningar
Under president Erdoğans ledning har Turkiet fjärmat sig något från USA och EU, och närmat sig Ryssland. Vilka risker innebär landets nya utrikespolitik och vad kan Turkiet vinna på den?fre 6.11.2020 kl. 20.15Iran's regional policies & global standing
The Khamenei regime in Tehran is surely taking stock these days, as much like everyone else around the globe it anxiously awaits the outcome of the Presidential and Congressional elections in the United States. On the positive side of the ledger, from its point of view, it did not concede defeat even under the most severe sanctions imposed on its economy in the American “maximum pressure”. Offsetting it, the Iranians are watching the emergence of an American-Israeli-Arab Gulf alliance against their militant outreach. So what is the score, at this time in the contest?tis 3.11.2020 kl. 22.00Östra Medelhavet - geopolitisk överblick
För romarna var det ”Mare Nostrum” men nu säger vi Medelhavet. På sistone har en storm blåst upp i nordöstra hörnet där president Erdoğans nationalistiska och islamistiska politik skapar konflikter.fre 30.10.2020 kl. 20.15Israel's diplomatic standing and challenges
Because it was born in battle and has always feared for its survival, Israel in its Seventy-Third year is still putting defence over diplomacy. A foreign policy conducted by professionals is nice to have, but protecting the homeland from invasion and devastation is a must. Generals are therefore more important than Ambassadors. And in an uneven global arena, Israel has to carefully balance its relationship with a friendly US administration with the cooler feelings of Europe, Russia and China, with their interests and policies farther than Israel’s vis-a-vis Iran and the Palestinians. So as candidates Trump and Biden head into an election which will obviously impact all of the above, how high is Israel’s diplomatic standing, and what challenges is it facing?tis 27.10.2020 kl. 22.00Nedtrappning möjlig i östra Medelhavet?
I östra Medelhavet tycks nu forna konflikter komma upp till ytan igen på grund av konkurrens eller ideologier. Är vi på väg mot en ytterligare upptrappning eller är en nedtrappning möjlig?fre 23.10.2020 kl. 20.15Lebanon-Israel negotiations
After years of intensive and mostly futile efforts, Lebanon and Israel have launched overt negotiations in order to demarcate their maritime border, between the port cities of Beirut and Haifa and West towards the presumably offshore energy treasure that lays beneath the Mediterranean, in the direction of Cyprus. Delegations will be meeting under United Nations auspices at Nakura, in Southwest Lebanon, with American mediation and the Lebanese military representing its government so as to bypass the thorny question of Iran and its proxy Hezbollah influencing Beirut’s position.tis 20.10.2020 kl. 22.00Nagorno-Karabach ur Israels perspektiv
Nagorno-Karabach är internationellt erkänt som azeriskt territorium men styrs av en armenisk majoritet. Israel har anklagats för att ställa sig på Azerbajdzjans sida men hävdar strikt neutralitet.fre 16.10.2020 kl. 20.15
1. Dr Eran Lerman, vice ordförande för JISS och föreläsare vid Shalem College.
2. Professor Zeev Hanin, expert på Ryssland och Mellanöstern vid universiteten Bar Ilan och Ariel.
Analytiker: Amir Oren
Programledare: Jonathan HessenIraq a strategic overview between east and west
The death of Kuwait’s 91-year-old Emir Sabah al Ahmad al Jaber al Sabah in late September served as a reminder to the origins of the United States’ enhanced military involvement in the Arabian Gulf region, which go back to the Iran-Iraq war, including the “tanker war” and the reflagging of local vessels, and then to the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and two American-led coalition wars against Saddam Hussein’s regime. Ever since the second one, American Presidents have tried to extricate their forces from Iraq without paying too much in regional security and stability. The dilemma is that if the Americans stay, Iran exploits it against a weak government in Baghdad, and if they pull out, in line with a rare wish common to both Barack Obama and Donald Trump, the vacuum is filled by Iranian proxies as well as by Jihadi groups such as Daesh. How is the new government, led by American protege Mustafa al-Kadhimi, faring under these conditions?tis 13.10.2020 kl. 22.00
Relationen Turkiet-EU i Medelhavstvisten
Långt innan Erdoğan kom till makten försökte Turkiet bli medlem i EU. Med Erdoğans aggressiva politik och upptäckten av naturtillgångar i östra Medelhavet har i stället nya spänningar uppstått.fre 9.10.2020 kl. 20.15Iran’s aspirations amid global quarrels
The Islamic Republic of Iran is in an extremely bad shape, with setbacks in almost every issue set - health, economy, military ambitions, foreign policy. Yet for Tehran, all is not lost, as it awaits the turn of events in the American political season. For the time being, as it has not fulfilled its threat to avenge the death of Quds Force General Qassam Soleimani, it seems as if Iran is determined to wait out the contest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, in the meantime using its Shiite Iraqi proxies to try to drive the U.S. out of its Baghdad embassy. Iran has also been unhappy but relatively quiet regarding the normalization of relations between Israel and Arab countries. So where are the Iranians at this juncture?tis 6.10.2020 kl. 22.00Östra Medelhavet - en strategisk överblick
Under kalla kriget sågs Östra Medelhavet som en möjlig front mellan USA och Sovjet, och Israel har stridit mot Egypten och Syrien där. Nu är bilden mer komplicerad på grund av Turkiets politik.fre 2.10.2020 kl. 20.15Israels vision för fred, säkerhet och välmåga i Mellanöstern
Förenade arabemiraten, Bahrain och snart kanske Oman, Sudan eller Saudiarabien väntar inte längre på en lösning av den israelisk-palestinska konflikten utan agerar enligt egna intressen och stärker sina reella band till Jerusalem. Är detta en ny paradigm? Ett gemensamt hot från Iran och ekonomiska samarbetsutsikter ska bidra till stabilitet i Mellanöstern enligt denna syn. Är det realistiskt eller ännu en hägring?tis 29.9.2020 kl. 22.00Israels kamp mot coronaviruset
I Israel blir firandet av hösthögtiderna inte som vanligt när den andra vågen av covid-19 lett till nästan fulla sjukhus. En ny nedstängning infördes men efterlevnaden brister. Hur djup är krisen?fre 25.9.2020 kl. 20.15France’s growing Mideast presence
When European powers ruled the post-Ottoman Middle East, France was Britain’s junior partner and rival, concentrating on the northern part of the Levant - Syria and Lebanon. Following Lebanon’s independence in the 1940’s, France became more of a cultural than political force – labelling the city of Beirut – Paris of the Mediterranean. While Syria, Israel, the United States had significantly more influence on Lebanese affairs - the horrendous blast in the port if Beirut on August 4th changed this balance, with President Emmanuel Macron visiting the Lebanese capital twice to demand of local leaders must needed political and economic reforms.tis 22.9.2020 kl. 22.00Palestiniernas sak - diplomati och konflikt
Var står de olika palestinska fraktionerna – Palestinska myndigheten, Hamas, Islamiska jihad – i dag? Vad är egentligen ”palestiniernas sak” och hur påverkar den de olika gruppernas agerande?fre 18.9.2020 kl. 20.15The Syria conflict: Latest developments
Before it began, 2020 was assessed to be the last year of the Syrian civil war, which erupted in 2011. This turned out to be either wishful thinking or an overly optimistic assumption which fell victim to the Corona virus. As the year approaches its end, the conflict is still there, with most of the same domestic and foreign actors - the Assad regime and its opposition, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Israel, the United States and various Jihadi groups. What are the military and political pictures?tis 15.9.2020 kl. 22.00Tvist i Östra Medelhavet - Israels intressen
Östra Medelhavet är en av mänsklighetens vaggor och därmed även en stridsarena genom historien. På senare år har de rika natur- tillgångarna hamnat i fokus. Hur ser läget ut nu och hur påverkas Israel?fre 11.9.2020 kl. 20.15Intra-Arab alliances, challenges and interests
In the 75 years since the creation of the Arab League, which grew from six members to twenty-two, the Arab countries of North Africa, the Levant and the Persian Gulf areas have never acted as a unified block, except at times against Israel. Now, with Iran and Jihadist groups as their mortal enemies, Israel at peace with Egypt and Jordan as well as normalizing its relations with the United Arab Emirates, the conflicting interests of the various Arab countries are expressed in their alliances with each other and with non-Arab regional and global actors.tis 8.9.2020 kl. 22.00USA:s kampanj för maximal press mot Iran
Den 20 september återinförs efter fem år de globala sanktionerna och vapenembargot mot Iran efter USA:s beslut att lägga sitt veto mot alla försök i FN:s säkerhetsråd att stoppa det.fre 4.9.2020 kl. 20.15
Vad väntar nu?
influences. Is there a cure for the Lebanese problem?
Four weeks after the horrific blast on the port of Beirut, which killed close to two-hundred people, wounded thousands more, and brought about the resignation of the cabinet - Lebanon is still beset by a series of crises - health, corruption and long-lasting political deadlock due to foreign influences. Is there a cure for the Lebanese problem?tis 1.9.2020 kl. 22.00Utmaningar vid Israels gräns mot Gaza
I flera veckor har det sjudit vid gränsen mot Gaza. Hamas sänder ballonger med brand- och sprängladdningar mot Israel och IDF svarar nästan dagligen med hämndanfall. Vad ligger bakom eskaleringen?fre 28.8.2020 kl. 20.15Israel’s rapprochement to the Arab world
A week after the United Arab Emirates and Israel announced their intention to normalize their relations and bring them from the practical level to an official one, there are mixed ramifications. More and more Arabian Gulf regimes react favorably and may soon follow suit, yet in Israel’s immediate vicinity, in Gaza, it is far from quiet, regardless of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s freeze on his plan to extend Israel’s sovereignty towards the Jordan river.tis 25.8.2020 kl. 22.00Östra Medelhavet: turkisk-grekiska spänningar
När Homeros skrev om ”det vinmörka hav” syftade han på en del av Medelhavet som än i dag orsakar konflikter. Turkiet och Grekland tvistar nu om gasfyndigheter och Israel och Egypten stöder Grekland.fre 21.8.2020 kl. 20.15The benefits of Russia-Iran relations
tis 18.8.2020 kl. 22.00Libanons interna och regionala utmaningar
Explosionen i Beirut kan bli en vändpunkt i dess politiska historia. Landet brottades redan före katastrofen med flera kriser och nu skakas även hela regeringsstrukturen och Hizbollahs maktställning.fre 14.8.2020 kl. 20.15China's growing influence over Iran
The old lesson about politics, including on a global scale, abhorring a vacuum, is apparently being learned once again in the Middle East. The United States is in the process of leaving Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.tis 11.8.2020 kl. 22.00Israels omedelbara säkerhetshot
De senaste veckorna har spänningen ökat längs Israels nordgräns på flera platser och drastiskt ökat risken för upptrappning. Står vi nära ett krig trots inrikes oroligheter i samtliga berörda länder?fre 7.8.2020 kl. 20.15Iran's efforts to maintain its regional agenda
tis 4.8.2020 kl. 22.00Israel och Mellanöstern - lägesöverblick
I veckan blossade strider upp vid Israels gräns mot Libanon. Det kan ses som ett tecken på hur sköra vapenvilorna är längs Israels gränser. Säsongen inleds med en överblick av läget i regionen.fre 31.7.2020 kl. 20.15Israel och Västbanken - lägesanalys
Är Israel på väg att förverkliga sin strävan att hävda överhöghet över internationellt omtvistade territorier på Västbanken? 1 juli är snart här – ska vi förvänta oss ett historiskt tillkännagivande?fre 26.6.2020 kl. 20.15Europe-Israel relations amid talks of West Bank annexation
When Binyamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz formed their co-equal cabinet several weeks ago, both Israeli leaders agreed that Jerusalem would start a move to extend its sovereignty over parts of the disputed territories on the West Bank of the Jordan River, provided Washington gave its blessing the designated territories and consequential measures involved. While this condition is yet to be met, there has been firm opposition to the proposed annexation by leaders of the European Union and its major member states - with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas flying to Jerusalem to counsel Israel to reconsider its unilateral initiative.tis 23.6.2020 kl. 22.00Irans fortsatta kärnvapensträvanden
Relationen USA-Iran tycks nu ha två spår. Å ena sidan har en fångutväxling skett och USA uppmanar till nya förhandlingar. Å andra sidan anrikar Iran sitt uran till nära vapennivå. Hur går detta ihop?fre 19.6.2020 kl. 20.15Saudi-Israel relations and prospects of peace
Saudi Arabia is obviously the largest, wealthiest and most important country in the Arabian peninsula. The Sunni House of Saud considers the militant Shiite regime in Tehran its sworn enemy. There is thus common cause between the Saudis and the Israelis, as well as with the Trump administration in Washington. What is the current state of affairs in this triangle?tis 16.6.2020 kl. 22.00Libyen: konflikt och strategisk betydelse
Libyen, ett land med stor strategisk betydelse i södra Medelhavet fortsätter att slitas mellan två parter som stöds av utomstående makter. Vad står på spel och vilka faktorer spelar in i utvecklingen?fre 12.6.2020 kl. 20.15Israel’s growing security challenges. Part 2
Last week, we looked at how Israel prepares for a potential escalation on its Palestinian front, if the planned annexation of parts of the West Bank comes to pass. But the Israeli military has other enemies and other problems.tis 9.6.2020 kl. 22.00Israels växande säkerhetsutmaningar
Det är möjligt att Israel hävdar suveränitet över delar av Västbanken redan i juli men hot om storskalig konflikt och hämndaktioner har riktats utifrån. Är Israel redo att hantera konsekvenserna?fre 5.6.2020 kl. 20.15Iranian's regional activities in the face of Israeli active resistance
In recent weeks, Israel has marked the 20th anniversary of its final withdrawal from Lebanon, thereby depriving the Lebanese Iranian-proxy Hezbollah of its main declared cause for battling Israel. Yet, the Islamic Republic of Iran has persisted in its anti-Israel campaign and is actively using Syria as one-of-several launching pad. As of late, Israel has gone on the offensive, pushing Iranian proxies away from the Golan Heights front. What is the score in this contest, which also includes Cyber attacks and counter-attacks?tis 2.6.2020 kl. 22.00Utmaningar inför en annektering av Västbanken
Om en månad kan processen inledas att utvidga Israels suveränitet över delar av Västbanken. Förslaget har redan väckt skarp kritik från Jordanien och palestinska myndigheten. Är det ett vist drag?fre 29.5.2020 kl. 20.15Israel’s qualitative edge amid regional turmoil
The Chinese Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead in his residence last week, and while there was seemingly no foul play involved, the timing was curious. Ambassador Du only arrived in Israel three months ago, at the height of the corona contagion’s outbreak in his country, and his death came merely a couple of days after a visit to Jerusalem by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, whose purpose was partly to urge Israel to avoid trade arrangements with Beijing which could threaten American national security. What are China’s interests and ambitions in the Middle East and how does Israel manoeuvre between these global giants?tis 26.5.2020 kl. 22.00Israels nybildade samlingsregering
I veckan fick Israel efter 507 dagar en ny regering ledd av Bibi Netanjahu med Benny Gantz som alternerande premiärminister. Många utmaningar väntar men den största är regeringens egen överlevnad.fre 22.5.2020 kl. 20.15Libya: latest update on the situation
The conflict in Libya, between two competing forces assisted by regional and global actors, has seemingly reached a deadlock. Neither the government headed by Fayez al-Sarraj, nor the militia commanded by Khalifa Haftar can defeat each other, and the costs in civilian casualties and infrastructure destruction keeps rising. Is there a solution in the horizon, perhaps brokered by the United , Turkey and the United Arab Emirates?tis 19.5.2020 kl. 22.00USA:s utmaningar och intressen i regionen
USA:s utrikesminister Mike Pompeo besökte i veckan Israel för attbl a diskutera iransk aggression och möjliga förändringar påVästbanken. Hur passar detta in i USA:s större strategi för regionen?fre 15.5.2020 kl. 20.15Israel’s regional security challenges
Israel usually declines to comment on reports detailing alleged attacks by its Air Force and other units in Syria, mostly against Iranian targets. But according to reliable sources in Jerusalem, action against Iran and its proxies had indeed intensified, as of late. Meanwhile, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Islamist groups in Gaza have not laid down their arms, which are declaratively earmarked for the purpose of annihilating the Jewish State.tis 12.5.2020 kl. 22.00Egypten – social stabilitet och säkerhet?
Med över 100 miljoner invånare för Egypten en ständig kamp mot social oro, ekonomisk misär och terrorgrupper. President al-Sisi verkar ha skapat ett relativt stabilt läge men hur ser framtiden ut?fre 8.5.2020 kl. 20.15
Iran's military advancement amid COVID19
The Islamic Republic of Iran is suffering from several overlapping crises, which brought public approval of Tehran authorities to a new low. While Iran faces one of the most severe consequences of the corona pandemic, its Revolutionary Guards Corps defied international scrutiny by conducting a successful launch of a military satellite, an obvious signal of missile capabilities – all the while ignoring American warnings to stop harassing the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf and Straits of Hormuz.tis 5.5.2020 kl. 22.00Israels nya krisregering och COVID-19
Israel har nyss firat Minnesdagen och Självständighetsdagen men det har bara belyst den politiska krisen. Nästa vecka blir ett vägskäl: antingen bildas en regering eller så väntar en fjärde valrunda.fre 1.5.2020 kl. 20.15
Syria vs Turkey amid the Corona-crisis
The entire Middle East seems to be focused on the Corona virus crisis. While the spreading contagion is indeed a major issue everywhere, it is not the only one. In northern Syria, the Assad regime and Turkey are still in conflict, with various other powers involved directly or indirectly. To look at this persistent problem, which will probably outlast even, the pandemic.tis 28.4.2020 kl. 22.00Israels obevekliga kamp mot COVID-19
COVID-19 anses vara skäl nog för att bilda en krisregering i Israel men landet har i veckan börjat lätta på restriktionerna. Om det visar sig att lättnaderna kom för tidigt, kommer beslutet rivas upp?fre 24.4.2020 kl. 20.15
Israel, the Palestinians and the Corona virus
Amid ongoing efforts by Israeli authorities to battle the corona contagion, Jerusalem is forced to consider the implication of the pandemic in the two Palestinian entities, neighbouring the country. And while relations with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah is institutionalized, the Jewish State has seen the mutual benefit of working with health authorities in the Islamist-controlled Gaza Strip.tis 21.4.2020 kl. 22.00Israels pågående kamp mot COVID-19
Israel har intensifierat åtgärderna mot smittspridning under en period då flera religioners högtider infaller, och de flesta israeler tycks följa föreskrifterna. Vilka utmaningar väntar närmast?fre 17.4.2020 kl. 20.15Iran aspirations and challenges amid COVID19
The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the countries hardest-hit by the corona contagion, on top of the fact that its global standing and domestic difficulties have challenged the Ayatollah regime well-before the current crisis emerged. Will this pandemic also prove lethal to the regime?tis 14.4.2020 kl. 22.00Israels envisa kamp mot coronaviruset
I början tog Israel hotet från coronaviruset med ro men när krisen fördjupades mobiliserade man alla resurser och agerade snabbt. Går de medicinska, sociala och ekonomiska följderna att överblicka?fre 10.4.2020 kl. 20.15
Mideast Strategic security challenges amid COVID19
The corona contagion overshadows all other issues across the Middle East, as is the case globally. And while all other matters pertaining to the security situation in the Levant and beyond may have been marginalized in the public’s consciousness – they continue to pose challenges to local and major actors, alike.tis 7.4.2020 kl. 22.00Israels åtgärder mot coronaviruset
Israel tycks ha svårt att hejda COVID-19-pandemin. Antalet bekräftade fall stiger stadigt och uppgår till flera tusen israeler. Vad gör regeringen och hur reagerar befolkningen hittills på åtgärderna?fre 3.4.2020 kl. 20.15
Israel security challenges amid COVID-19 (part 2)
Following-up on our previous program, in which we discussed several aspects of the coronavirus crisis – and other challenges pertaining to Israel; we will now further analyse the highly complex situation.tis 31.3.2020 kl. 22.00Israels säkerhetsläge och COVID-19 del 1
Krisen med coronaviruset har påverkat Israels befolkning på sätt som annars bara sker i krig. En unik utmaning för Israel är det politiska dödläget som tvingar landet att möta två kriser samtidigt.fre 27.3.2020 kl. 20.15The Iranian nuclear program
The Iranian nuclear programtis 24.3.2020 kl. 22.00
While the coronavirus crisis evidently overshadows all other world events; the Islamic Republic of Iran seems bent on challenging the West vis-à-vis its nuclear program. Earlier this month, the international atomic energy agency published a sharp rebuke of the clerical regime in Tehran over its persisting efforts to evade its responsibilities under its obligations as a signatory of the Non-proliferation treaty.Israel och coronaviruset, en världspandemi
Coronaviruset, som av WHO klassats som en global pandemi, har nått Israel. Interimsregeringen har utfärdat stränga order som fått vardagslivet att avstanna och slår hårt mot landets ekonomi.fre 20.3.2020 kl. 20.15Israel’s qualitative edge amid regional turmoil
As competing politicians in Jerusalem keep actively maneuvering and negotiating in an effort to build a governing coalition, following a third election campaign in less than a year; one issue was sure to concern whoever holds office in the key positions of Prime Minister and Minister of Defense: the security threats to the State of Israel.tis 17.3.2020 kl. 22.00
Syrien-Turkiet: krig och diplomati
Förra veckans vapenvila mellan Ryssland och Turkiet i Syriens Idlib-provins tycks ha undvikit en storkonflikt. Tidigare avtal har dock aldrig implementerats fullt ut så läget är fortfarande skört.fre 13.3.2020 kl. 20.15U.S.-Israel bilateral relations 2020
There is a span of eight months between last week’s elections in Israel and the anticipated U.S. elections, which are scheduled for November 3rd. During this time, Jerusalem’s nexttis 10.3.2020 kl. 22.00Israels tredje valdag på ett år
Israels unika tredje val på knappt ett år i måndags gav inget entydigt valresultat. Netanjahus Likud ökade antalet mandat men fick ändå inte egen majoritet för högerkoalitionen. Vad händer härnäst?fre 6.3.2020 kl. 20.15Prospects of a wide-scale Russia-Turkey conflict
Tensions between Ankara and Moscow persist, amid ongoing battles in Syria’s northwestern Idlib region. President Vladimir Putin and his counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan are seemingly on a collision course; with Turkey – historically – the weaker party, looking to avoid a major confrontation with Russia.tis 3.3.2020 kl. 22.00Israels beredskap inför coronaviruset
Israel har inte lyckats undgå det öde som drabbat många länder genom coronavirusets spridning. För Israel blir problemet unikt på grund av de potentiella politiska och säkerhetsmässiga följderna.fre 28.2.2020 kl. 20.15Turkey’s regional security challenges & aspirations
The area in Northern Syria, just south of the Turkish border, has in recent weeks been the focus of friction, as fighters and refugees move in and out of embattled spots in Idlib province. While Moscow is in full support of Damascus, it is also negotiating with Ankara to find some interim solution.tis 25.2.2020 kl. 22.00Israel till val för tredje gången på ett år
In seventy years since the inception of the Jewish State, Israel elected its Parliament – or Knesset in Hebrew - at an average of once every three and a half years. But a week and a half from today, Israelis will head to the polls for an unprecedented third time in less than a year, with the political fate of outgoing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hanging in the balance.fre 21.2.2020 kl. 20.15Syria: latest developments
While hostilities in war-torn Syria are seemly far from over, throughout the country; the focus is now squarely on the northwestern province of Idlib, where the forces of Turkey and the Assad regime are involved in open conflict.tis 18.2.2020 kl. 22.00Israel: Nya utmaningar i eskalerat läge
Med två veckor kvar till ett unikt tredje val ökar spänningarna stadigt längs Israels gränser. Landets fiender ser dödläget som ett skäl att antingen trappa upp våldet eller vänta in en ny regering.fre 14.2.2020 kl. 20.15Israel’s regional standing and challenges
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is fighting his third election campaign in less than a year, has traveled to Uganda last week in order to meet with Sudan’s leader, General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan, who expressed his wish to normalize Khartum’s relations with Jerusalem. Sudan, bordering Egypt and Ethiopia – among others - is also important for Israel vis-à-vis Iran’s foreign influence. This is only the latest manifestation of Israel’s regional reach, from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf, as well as the Red Sea.tis 11.2.2020 kl. 20.15U.S. ‘deal of the century’, projections and implications
When President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited vision for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, last week - it drew, as expected, both praise and criticism. While Trump was given credit for trying to succeed where his predecessors failed; he was also faulted for various details of his so-called “Deal of the Century”.fre 7.2.2020 kl. 22.00Turkiet-Egypten – strävan efter dominans
Sedan Muslimska brödraskapet störtades i Kairo av nuvarande president al-Sisi har Turkiet kylt ner relationen mellan länderna och de konkurrerar om att bli den starkaste aktören i östra Medelhavet.tis 4.2.2020 kl. 20.15Iran’s ideological aspirations and hurdles
Forty years on, the Islamic Republic of Iran, is both an ideological power wishing to export its fundamental theology; and, a realistic nation-state aware of power politics. The two streams are reflected in the struggle apparently involving major figures in the regime – following the latest flareups with the United States.fre 31.1.2020 kl. 22.00Israels utmaningar i ICC
Internationella brottsmålsdomstolen (ICC) med knappa 20 års historia ger Israel problem. Chefsåklagaren har flera ärenden som gäller Israel. Är detta en ny farlig front eller ett marginellt hot?tis 28.1.2020 kl. 20.15Struggles of democracies to combat totalitarian regimes
The state of Israel is, of course, the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. Which means that some of its problems are peculiar to its region, but others have to do with the nature of its democratic system. Many other democracies also find themselves in crisis, partly, because they have to contend with totalitarian regimes. What are the challenges, and do any solutions emerge in this regard?fre 24.1.2020 kl. 22.00Konflikter och allianser i östra Medelhavet
Israel, Cypern och Grekland samarbetar i energi- och säkerhetsfrågor i östra Medelhavet. Samtidigt vill Turkiet skapa en ekonomisk zon ihop med Libyen. Olika intressen krockar och läget är spänt.tis 21.1.2020 kl. 20.15Prospects of a wider Mideast conflict
The Middle East is still reeling from the aftershocks of the January 2nd targeted killing of Iranian Quds Force commander, Qassem Suleimani, by the United States in Iraq. It remains to be seen whether this will necessitate a revision of the draft-annual threat assessment by intelligence professional in Israel, as well as in the region.fre 17.1.2020 kl. 22.00Val i Israel 2020
Om sju veckor går Israel till val för tredje gången på ett knappt år. Huvudrivalerna är återigen Benjamin Netanjahu och förre ÖB Benny Gantz. Hur stor är chansen att Israel nu får en ny regering?tis 14.1.2020 kl. 20.15Jerusalem's security challenges for 2020
With the start of the new year, the Israeli intelligence community, as well as outside experts and thinktanks, have published their annual assessments regarding Israel’s security situation. It also includes the probability of a new wide-scale conflict that could engulf the Jewish State. What lies ahead for Israel and its people in 2020?fre 10.1.2020 kl. 22.00The strategic dynamic between Jerusalem and Damascus
A major focus of tension this year is sure to be the Israel-Syria relationship. while gradually coming out of its domestic nine-year conflict, Israel’s northern neighbor is still hosting forces threatening it – most prominently, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards elite Quds Force, as well as the Lebanese Hezbollah organization.fre 3.1.2020 kl. 22.00Jerusalem Studio’s 2019 Recap
As the year 2019 draws to a close, it is high time to look back and survey its landscape. What was accomplished? What fell short? What can one expect from the year ahead?fre 27.12.2019 kl. 22.00Israel’s 3rd round of elections
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who for the last year has headed a caretaker government in Jerusalem, is facing three challenges ahead of the March 2020 election. The first is an internal one within his Likud party. The second challenge pertains to a legal finding regarding his eligibility to form a government, if he obtains the required votes. And, the third is obviously winning the nation-wide parliamentary election.fre 20.12.2019 kl. 22.00Mellanöstern på väg mot en ny arabisk vår?
Det är nästan nio år sedan den arabiska våren. Den började som ett demokratiskt uttryck för folkligt missnöje men urartade snabbt till kaos. Nu ser vi på nytt social oro i den explosiva regionen.tis 17.12.2019 kl. 20.15Europe’s insistence to preserve the Iran nuclear deal
Over the last three years, European powers have seemingly diverged from the American position under the Trump Administration, regarding their policy vis-à-vis Iran’s nuclear ambitions. While the United States withdrew from the so-called 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, Europe has been adamant on preserving it – even while Tehran responds to Washington’s challenge by scaling back its commitments under the deal.fre 13.12.2019 kl. 22.00Israel: militär beredskap i politisk oro
Israeler är nu fokuserade på det politiska dödläget i Jerusalem som i nästan ett år saknat en ordinarie regering. Hot och fiender fortsätter trots detta att vilja påtvinga Israel sin vilja.tis 10.12.2019 kl. 20.15Israel-Iran: Ökar risken för krig?
Spänningarna mellan Israel och Iran har eskalerat senaste månaden med såväl verbala som väpnade angrepp från båda sidor. Bägge parter har också hotat med hämndaktioner. Står vi på randen till krig?tis 3.12.2019 kl. 20.15Israel: Political turmoil within uncharted waters
The state of Israel is currently face with the worst constitutional crisis in its seven decade history, despite the paradoxical fact that the Jewish State does not have a constitution. Two election campaigns ended in deadlock and a third one looms, if no candidate is able to form a government this month. What are the probable outcomes amid growing uncertainty?fre 29.11.2019 kl. 22.00Israel-Jordanien: diplomati och säkerhet
Jordanien har ofta setts som en av de bräckligare arabstaterna men på senare år har landet varit förvånansvärt stabilt jämfört med andra i regionen. En viktig faktor är freden med grannlandet Israel.tis 26.11.2019 kl. 20.15Israel’s challenge of confronting Gaza Islamist
Last week, Israel and the second most-powerful militant organization in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, exchanged fire for a couple of days – until Egyptian mediators, as well as others, brokered a temporary cessation of hostilities. The most important and surprising feature of this conflagration, was the absence of the enclave’s rulers – the Islamist Hamas organization – which considered its interests and decided to stand aloof.fre 22.11.2019 kl. 22.00Rysslands växande inflytande i Mellanöstern
De senaste 4 åren, sedan Ryssland på allvar gick in i Syrienkriget, har Moskva befäst sin starka ställning i landet och tycks ha förverkligat en gammal ambition att bli en stark aktör i Mellanöstern.tis 19.11.2019 kl. 20.15Implications of Iran’s nuclear scale-back
Under heightened international pressure, the Islamic Republic of Iran appears to strike back in several ways, not all of them overt. Following the attack on the Saudi oil facilities two months ago, Tehran has taken several steps in the nuclear domain, inching towards a clear violation of its commitments under the 2015 multilateral atomic accord. Is this a sign of more trouble to come, or a mere power-play before a potential diplomatic move?fre 15.11.2019 kl. 22.00Israels säkerhet i det politiska dödläget
Det har gått ett år sedan Israel hade en fungerande regering och parlament. Landet är låst av det politiska dödläget men säkerhetsutmaningarna väntar inte på att Israel ska ställa sitt hus i ordning.tis 12.11.2019 kl. 20.15Lebanon, public outcry for security and stability
Israel’s northern neighbor, Lebanon, has been subjected to several weeks of popular upheaval, which include peaceful protests that sporadically turned into violent clashes. The public unrest stemmed from widespread frustration over the country’s failing economy, corruption and the meddling by outside forces and their local proxies.fre 8.11.2019 kl. 22.00Israel på väg mot en tredje valrunda?
Ungefär sju veckor har gått sedan valet. Premiärminister Netanjahu lyckades inte bilda regering och huvudrivalen Benny Gantz får också svårt att lyckas. Är Israel nu på väg mot en tredje valrunda?tis 5.11.2019 kl. 20.15Syria, a global effort in war on terror
Syria has been a battle ground, in which various conflicts and forces have intertwined. Along with the civil war, there is the age-old confrontation between Turkey and the Kurdish organizations fighting for aspired independence, global and regional power-struggles for dominance, and Jihadist groups vying to assert Islamic control over territory as a launching pad for further expansion. The latest example, of course, was the successful American operation that brought about the demise of the self-proclaimed Caliph of Daesh, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.fre 1.11.2019 kl. 22.00Saudiarabien–Iran: mellan krig och diplomati
Krisen i nordöstra Syrien har en tid överskuggat en annan regional fråga – relationen mellan Saudiarabien och Iran. Vad kan vi vänta oss nu 1,5 månad efter Irans attack mot saudiska oljeanläggningar?tis 29.10.2019 kl. 20.15Turkey’s military plans in Syria
One of the most crucial turning points in the Syrian civil war culminated this week with Turkey’s cross-border incursion into northeastern Syria. While Ankara’s declared goal aims to implement a territorial safe-zone, as a buffer between the Kurdish militias and southern Turkey; the Kurdish forces have been forced to alternate alliances, by submitting to their arch-enemy, Syrian president Bashar Assad.fre 18.10.2019 kl. 22.00Egypten – social oro hotar stabiliteten
Egypten står inför många utmaningar ekonomiskt, politiskt och säkerhetsmässigt. President Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi försöker dämpa oroligheter i landet och samtidigt stärka landets ställning i regionen.tis 15.10.2019 kl. 20.15Israel-Iran: prospects of wide-scale conflict
Earlier this week Prime Minister Netanyahu convened an urgent cabinet meeting, to discuss the growing threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, as perceived by Israel. The new danger discussed is a capability to launch cruise missiles with precision warheads.fre 11.10.2019 kl. 22.00
Israels ekonomiska stabilitet och utmaningar
Israels ekonomiska tillväxt beräknas sjunka även om det första halvårets dryga 3 % är bättre än många länders. Utmaningarna är en stigande arbetslöshet och en växande statsskuld.tis 8.10.2019 kl. 20.15U.S.-Israel alliance: challenges and interests
The United States has traditionally been one of the strongest allies of the Jewish State, and visa versa - although there have been strained relations at times over the years.fre 4.10.2019 kl. 22.00Iran och Saudiarabien – risk för krig?
Retoriken har skärpts mellan USA och Iran efter drönar- och robotattackerna mot saudiska oljeanläggningar. Finns det risk för en fullskalig militär konflikt mellan Iran och Saudiarabien?tis 1.10.2019 kl. 20.15Post-Election Developments in Israel
Israel just historically held its second round of national elections in one year – in fact, only five and a half months apart. The thriving democracy in this country was very much witnessed on September 17th, with a nearly 70% turnout of all eligible voters, which is very high; to participate in a political system based on multi-party, proportional representation of all the nations citizens.fre 27.9.2019 kl. 22.00Islam’s Shi’ite-Sunni Mideast Rivalries
The most ferocious religious conflicts are often not those between different religions, but rather between various streams within a common religion. That is no longer true in the context of Christianity between Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox, but it is certainly the case in Islam, with the Shiites led by Iran hostile towards the Sunnis led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia.fre 20.9.2019 kl. 22.00Valdag i Israel
Israel har i dag gått till valurnorna för andra gången i år och väntar spänt på de första prognoserna. Läget är osäkert då Netanjahu nu möter sin svåraste valutmaning efter 13 år vid makten.tis 17.9.2019 kl. 20.15
Syria, eight-and-a-half year to its multi-sided conflict
It is now one-hundred months since Syria became subjected to - what started as a popular uprising and quickly turned into a civil war – ultimately being transformed into a multi-dimensional conflict, involving regional and global forces.fre 13.9.2019 kl. 22.00Iran och väst – den senaste utvecklingen
Relationen mellan Iran och väst utvecklas motsägelsefullt. USA fortsätter påtryckningarna men president Trump har även gett sitt stöd åt president Macrons initiativ till ett diplomatiskt närmande.tis 10.9.2019 kl. 20.15
Israeli preparedness amid heightened tensions
Earlier this week, Israelis braced themselves for a flare-up along the countries northern border. The leader of Iran’s Lebanese-proxy Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, promised retaliation for certain Israeli actions a week prior. In the events, Nasrallah made good on his pledge – yet, the incident ended without casualties – a fact that mitigated prospects for further escalation.fre 6.9.2019 kl. 22.00EU, union med splittrad utrikespolitik
Har Europa en klar ståndpunkt i frågorna kring Mellanöstern och är EU enat i sin syn på Iran, Syrien och andra oroshärdar? Frågorna är aktuella efter G7-mötet och en till synes ökad splittring i EU.tis 3.9.2019 kl. 20.15Iraq, a battlefield of global and regional rivalries
Attention in the Middle East has gradually returned to a country, which in recent years seemed to have faded from its center stage prominence. The country in question: Iraq, is fighting remnants of the Islamic State, which lives on through its hold on key religious and ideological institutions. The Central Government in Baghdad is also trying to avoid collapse, due to various ethnic components pulling Iraq apart, while at the same time it contends with the ongoing stand-off between Iran and its regional adversaries.fre 30.8.2019 kl. 22.00Ökad spänning i och kring Gazaremsan
Israels södra gräns har sett fler strider det senaste 1,5 året när IDF och palestinska fraktioner i Gaza öppnat eld mot varandra. Båda sidor verkar dock måna om att undvika en fullskalig konflikt.tis 27.8.2019 kl. 20.15Iran vs West, strategies & tactics
Gibraltar Authorities ended a weekly long stalemate between Britain and the Islamic Republic last week, by releasing an Iranian oil tanker that was seized upon the request of the United States. This would seemingly help relieve some of the tensions revolving the confrontation between Washington and Tehran, but the so-called Grace affair, is only one part of a multi-dimensional strife between the Trump Administration and the Khamenei regime.fre 23.8.2019 kl. 22.00Israels ställning i USA:s handelskrig
Israels ekonomi har stärkts av allt bättre relationer med flera stormakter. Men när stor- makterna är på kollisionskurs hamnar Israel i kläm. Vilken sida man än väljer får landet betala ett pris.tis 20.8.2019 kl. 20.15
Iran-krisen mitt under global maktkamp
Iran och USA:s regering är låsta i olika syn på sin pågående tvist. Trumpregeringen hävdar att den beror på Irans expansionspolitik och Irans regering hävdar att de bara besvarar västs aggression.tis 13.8.2019 kl. 20.15Israels utmaningar i dödläget mellan USA och Iran
I dödläget mellan USA och Iran i Persiska viken syns inga genombrott. Israels position i krisen är unik då de inte deltar i diplomatin utan engagerar sig aktivt mot Iran och deras proxygrupper.tis 6.8.2019 kl. 20.15EU och Israel
Relationen mellan EU Och Israel har haft både toppar och dalar. Israel har en permanent beskickning till EU men mindre känd är en lobbygrupp som verkar för förbättrade relationer mellan parterna.tis 30.7.2019 kl. 20.15Iran and its nuclear ambitions
Jerusalem Studio Special from Tel Aviv with Former IAEA Deputy Director General Olli Heinonen. We discuss the Islamic Republic of Iran and its nuclear ambitions as well as the international scrutiny directed at it. Host Jonathan Hessen.fre 28.6.2019 kl. 22.00Förföljda kristna i Mellanöstern
Mellanöstern är den kristna trons födelseplats. Trots det kan inte kristna fritt utöva sin tro i de flesta länderna i regionen utan blir trakasserade, förföljda och diskriminerade.tis 25.6.2019 kl. 20.15Lebanon-Israel: conflict resolution & mediation
In a diplomatic breakthrough, both Israel and Lebanon agreed earlier this month to hold negotiations over the fate of so-called bloc-9 of a dispute off-shore gas-field. The talks will be mediated by the United States, and held under United Nations auspices. Hopefully, if deemed successful, some of the tensions between Jerusalem and Beirut will be alleviated.fre 21.6.2019 kl. 22.00Gaza – möjligheter och utmaningar
Nästan halva 2019 har gått och förutsägelser om Gaza har ännu inte slagit in. Signaler om en israelisk militärinsats eller ett de facto-avtal mellan parterna har inte blivit verklighet. Vad väntar nu?tis 18.6.2019 kl. 20.15
Iran & the West, diplomacy and war
Over the past several weeks, the emphasis - in what can be regarded as the Iran crisis – has shifted from belligerent rhetoric to indirect diplomacy, as well as an apparent beginning of confidence building measures. Do the latest developments indicate a mutual effort at de-escalation or are merely a pause in an inevitable military confrontation?fre 14.6.2019 kl. 22.00Politisk instabilitet och nyval i Israel
tis 11.6.2019 kl. 20.15
Sex veckor efter invigningen av det 21:a Knesset i Israel har parlamentet överraskande upplöst sig självt efter att avgående premiärminister Netanjahu misslyckats med att bilda en ny koalition.
Iran's defiance amidst mounting pressure
For more than two years, the Trump Administration has exerted – what it calls – maximum pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran - crippling its economy in general, and its income-producing oil industry, in particular. While Tehran is yet to give in to this pressure, the American measures have exerted a toll on the Ayatollah regime, which in turn, brought about a militant response and a threat of a wider escalation.fre 7.6.2019 kl. 22.00Israelisk-palestinska konflikten och världen
Den israelisk-palestinska konflikten har aldrig varit bilateral då både regionala och globala aktörer haft egna planer och intressen. USA:s kommande fredsinitiativ aktualiserar den globala aspekten.tis 4.6.2019 kl. 20.15U.S.-Iran, on a course of collision
If one were to judge by rhetoric only, the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran are inevitable drawn into a head-on clash. That said, along with a verbal escalation, there are efforts to cool the heat and bring, about some form of dialogue.fre 31.5.2019 kl. 22.00Israel och araberna, striden om Jerusalem
Vi närmar oss snabbt framläggandet av ”århundradets avtal.” En avgörande pusselbit är Jerusalems status. Stadens betydelse för både israeler och araber gör det omöjligt att i längden undvika frågan.tis 28.5.2019 kl. 20.15
Global rivalries, regional impact
The United States government defines Russia and China as its main global adversaries, in the sectors of trade, diplomacy, cyber and security. While it has not clashed with those powers militarily, it does see such a confrontation down the road as a viable scenario. How does the Middle East in general, and Israel in particular, fit into this emerging reality?fre 24.5.2019 kl. 22.00USA och Iran – hur stor är risken för krig?
Relationen mellan USA och Iran har försämrats de senaste två åren och nått till kokpunkten. USA:s allt hårdare sanktioner har mötts av öppna och dolda motåtgärder från Iran som kan leda till krig.tis 21.5.2019 kl. 20.15Gaza: terror vs humanitarian distress
A temporary respite that was achieved last week between Israel and the Islamist organizations in Gaza could be broken at any moment, as the situation has all the markings of instability.fre 17.5.2019 kl. 22.00Farorna med militant islam
Ett distinkt fenomen de senaste årtiondena har varit framväxten av militant islam. På sistone har dessa grupper mött motgångar men har spridningen av militant islam hejdats eller väntar nya attacker?tis 14.5.2019 kl. 20.15Topic – Iran under strict sanctions regime
A year after the U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran, tensions are steadily rising between Washington and Tehran. And as the Islamic Republic is about to implement counter-measures challenging the Trump Administration's policy, the Persian gulf could become a cauldron-of-conflict.fre 10.5.2019 kl. 22.00”Århundradets avtal” och suveränitet?
Nästa månad väntas USA:s fredsinitiativ för den israelisk-palestinska konflikten läggas fram. Vad innebär det för parternas motstridiga krav på statsbildning, suveränitet och säkerhet?tis 7.5.2019 kl. 20.15Israel-Lebanon: Prospects of a summer conflict
With spring turning into summer in the Middle East, the Israeli-Lebanese front also threatens to heat-up. Warnings of war have been heard from both Jerusalem and Beirut – amid a tightening Iranian grip along Israel's northern frontier.fre 3.5.2019 kl. 22.00Ökad spänning mellan USA och Iran
USA meddelade i förra veckan att undantagen från sanktionerna mot oljeköp från Iran upphävs den 2 maj. Syftet är att få ner Irans oljeexport till noll och därmed begränsa Irans ekonomiska resurser.tis 30.4.2019 kl. 20.15Egypt’s strive for stability
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi has managed to bolster his internal position, following parliamentary votes on constitutional amendments and a referendum, effectively prolonging his rule until 2030. Egypt's situation in the regional context, however, seems to precarious – with concerns on almost any front.fre 26.4.2019 kl. 22.00Turkiets dilemma – öst eller väst?
USA eller Ryssland? Det är frågan för Turkiets president Erdoğan när han begrundar landets intressen och ambitioner i skiljelinjen mellan Europa och Asien, mellan väst och Levanten.tis 23.4.2019 kl. 20.15Israel’s post-elections special
Prime Minister designate Benjamin Netanyahu is hard at work forming his new government, trying to balance the contradictory demands by his would-be coalition partners. What is to be expected of the new Israeli cabinet in the months ahead?fre 19.4.2019 kl. 22.00Utvecklingen vid syriska fronten
Den syriska fronten har varit relativt lugn med undantag för enstaka israeliska flyganfall mot iranska mål. Efter att USA erkänt Israels suveränitet över Golan finns dock en oro för ökad spänning.tis 16.4.2019 kl. 20.15Iran's malign activities amid natures' wrath
Amid Iranian efforts to expand its regional reach, domestic neglect has challenged its ability to cope with a series of natural disasters. How can the Islamic Republic balance its various aspirations, at home and abroad, and will its rivals exploit its exposed weaknesses, in the fight against the regime's malign activities.fre 12.4.2019 kl. 22.00Valspecial Israel
Vallokalerna i Israel stänger snart och då kommer även vallokalsundersökningarna men resultatet är troligen inte klart förrän i morgon bitti. I studion diskuteras de senaste trenderna i valrörelsen.tis 9.4.2019 kl. 20.15Elections amid growing security challenges
With just a few days remaining ahead of Israel's national parliamentary elections, a key issue continues to challenge the incumbent leadership in Jerusalem – tensions of a possible conflagration on Israel's southern frontier.fre 5.4.2019 kl. 22.00Ryssland i Mellanöstern
Efter nedgången på 1900-talet har Ryssland med president Putin vänt utvecklingen och stärkt sin ställning i Mellanöstern. Moskvas ambitioner rör hela regionen men har man meriter som stöder retoriken?tis 2.4.2019 kl. 20.15US in the Middle East
The United States has been the dominant world power, in the Middle East, for many decades. But under its current President, Donald Trump, Washington has reviewed its interests and commitments in the context of the Administration's declared vision of "America First." What does this mean for the region in general, and Israel in particular?fre 29.3.2019 kl. 22.00Valet i Israel
Om två veckor håller Israel allmänna val till de 120 platserna i Knesset. Efter 10 års dominans av högerpartiet Likud utgör valet den största utmaningen hittills mot premiärminister Netanjahu.tis 26.3.2019 kl. 20.15The Arab world and the Palestinians
The Palestinian issue has dominated the Arab-Israeli discourse, ever since the 1948 war. Excluding the Syrian angle, this virtually remains the last, yet most explosive issue blocking Israel from its aspired goal of peace with the entire Arab world.fre 22.3.2019 kl. 22.00Den syriska fronten
Israels kontroll över Golanhöjderna, som ockuperades i kriget 1967, har aldrig erkänts av USA eller något annat land i världen. När kriget i Syrien nu går mot sitt slut har området fått ny aktualitet.tis 19.3.2019 kl. 20.15Latest developments on Iran sanctions
The United States has implemented a series of sanctions against Iran, after withdrawing from a 2015 nuclear deal, that was identified by President Trump as deeply flawed. While the ultimate aim seeks to put Tehran's economy under substantial pressure, the Trump Administration decided to provide eight countries with waivers, which are due to expire in a few weeks-time. Tehran, on its part, is working extensively to defy American efforts – however – by seeking out international support in blocking Washington's maneuvers.fre 15.3.2019 kl. 22.00Europas relationer med arabvärlden
Europa har visat intresse för utvecklingen i Mellanöstern sedan kolonialtiden. På senare tid tycks dock Europas inflytande ha minskat – men det finns tecken på att den tendensen är på väg att vända.tis 12.3.2019 kl. 20.15Developments on the Syria front
The Syrian civil war has entered its ninth year, and this time – after many failed attempts - it seems that the end is in sight.fre 8.3.2019 kl. 22.00Konflikter och lösningar i Mellanösternstrategier
Det pågår flera överlappande konflikter i Mellan- östern, alla med unika särdrag men ändå oupp- lösligt förenade. Aktörerna har sina nationella intressen men samarbetar också för att nå gemensamma mål.tis 5.3.2019 kl. 20.15The battle for peace and security
Some five weeks before Israel's parliamentary elections, which until recently largely overlooked the decades-old conflict with the Palestinian; shifted its tone after a senior American official provided an overview of President Trump's so-called "deal-of-the-century."fre 1.3.2019 kl. 22.00Internationella allianser i regionala konflikter
FN, som skulle säkra världsfreden, har miss- lyckats i Mellanöstern på grund av motstridiga intressen hos regionens makthavare. I stället har konkurrerande allianser bildats, alla med en egen agenda.tis 26.2.2019 kl. 20.15Global efforts to curb Iranian aggression
On various issues and various degrees most important international powers oppose Iran's aggressive aspirations. That said, a global consensus is lacking vis-à-vis the diagnosis of Tehran's activities and the course of action to thwart them.fre 22.2.2019 kl. 22.00Rysslands regionala ambitioner
Mellanöstern står högst på den ryske presidenten Vladimir Putins lista över intressanta regioner. Han är inblandad i Syriens inbördeskrig men också i andra utmaningar i Levanten och bortom den.tis 19.2.2019 kl. 20.15Iran-Syria cooperation amid international constraints
Due to Iran's crucial military assistance in preserving the Assad regime in Syria, Damascus is reciprocating by accommodating many of Tehran's wishes. That said, many difference remain between these two parties, because each - has priorities of its own.fre 15.2.2019 kl. 22.00Libanon: kampen för stabilitet
Nästan nio månader efter Libanons val har avgående premiärminister Saad Hariri lyckats bilda en ny regering som han ska fortsätta leda, trots att han förlorade nästan 1/3 av sitt stöd i parlamentet.tis 12.2.2019 kl. 20.15The demise of Palestinian unity aspirations
The two Palestinian territories, the Gaza Strip under the Islamist Hamas and the majority of the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority that is controlled by Fatah, have been holding futile negotiations on reconciliation for the past several years. As Israel approaches its election, following which the Trump Administration is expected to unveil its peace initiative; there are conflicting views regarding the prospects for these Palestinian unity talks.fre 8.2.2019 kl. 22.00Egypten 2019
Egypten, som förr var den ledande arabnationen med både regionala och kontinentala ambitioner, lider ännu av följderna av den folkresning som ägde rum i början av decenniet.tis 5.2.2019 kl. 20.1540 years to Iran’s Islamic Revolution
Today marks the exact day which commemorates fourth years since the Islamic revolution in Iran. Since then, many events transpired which impacted both regional and global events.fre 1.2.2019 kl. 22.00USA:s "århundradets avtal"
Trump har ännu inte uppfyllt vallöftet att presentera en lösning på den israelsk-palestinska konflikten. Ibland kommer dock rapporter om påstådda detaljer om detta "århundradets avtal".tis 29.1.2019 kl. 20.15Turkiet och kurderna i Syrien
Ingress: President Trump beslöt i ett telefon-samtal med Erdoğan förra månaden att genast dra bort USA:s markstyrkor från Syrien och kräver att Ankara agerar återhållsamt mot USA-stödda, kurdiska miliser.tis 22.1.2019 kl. 20.15Europa mot Iran. Sanktioner och överenskommelser.
fre 18.1.2019 kl. 22.00Krav på nyval
Den 9 april har Israel parlamentsval, ca sju månader i förväg. Utifrån Israels politiska historia skiftar popularitet dramatiskt på kort tid varför utfallet för Jerusalems framtida ledarskap är okänt.tis 15.1.2019 kl. 20.15Syria, following US decision to withdraw
President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw all U.S. military and diplomatic personnel from Syria has created a fog of uncertainty, with no specifics on the pace and modalities of the dramatic withdrawal that carries with it significant implications.fre 11.1.2019 kl. 22.00Growing alliance between Israel, Greece and Cyprus
The shifting alliances across the Middle East, due to regional events, have produced partnerships based on strategic interests, which some may classify as surprising. Such a new triangle is has be formed between Jerusalem, Athens and Nikosia.fre 4.1.2019 kl. 22.002018 - en återblick
Då år 2018 håller på att avslutas är det dags att titta tillbaka och fokusera på de viktigaste händelserna och trenderna kring Jerusalems säkerhets- och utrikespolitik och dess regionala engagemang.fre 28.12.2018 kl. 22.00Growing Iranian influence in Iraq, despite U.S. objections
Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi has voiced his support for the preservation of bilateral relations with his country's Eastern neighbor, the Islamic Republic of Iran. Abdul Mahdi's efforts are made despite Washington's resistance to granting Baghdad special privileges amid American efforts to exert economic pressure on the Ayatollah regime, since the United States pulled out from the 2015 nuclear agreement.fre 21.12.2018 kl. 22.00De rysk-israeliska relationerna och iransk expansionism
Sedan syriska luftförsvarsrobotar sköt ner ett ryskt spaningsplan har Moskvas och Jerusalems relation nått en bottennivå. Detta främjar Irans närvaro i Syrien som visar på landets expansionspolitik.tis 18.12.2018 kl. 20.15
Israel's challenges from its northern frontier
While Israel seemed to be largely concerned by events in Syria, where enemies such as Iran, the Islamic State and Hezbollah have been operating with the civil war as a backdrop, it turns out that the Lebanese border has also been a hub of activity, mostly hidden from view. Earlier this month Israel mounted an ambitious engineering project, dubbed “Operation Northern Shield”, to expose and destroy cross-border attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah.fre 14.12.2018 kl. 22.00Antisemitism - antisionism 2018
Enligt alla nyligen gjorda undersökningar ökar antisemitismen i många västländer.Till skillnad från historien för längre sedan blandastis 11.12.2018 kl. 20.15
antisemitismen denna gång med uttryck för antisionism.Israels armé får ny överbefälhavare
Det skärpta läget i norr är tillsammans med de aktiva hoten i söder de mest akuta uppgifterna för IDF:s nye stabschef, generalmajor Aviv Kochavi som tillträder befattningen som överbefälhavare i januari.fre 7.12.2018 kl. 22.00EU stöder JCPOA men överväger sanktioner mot Iran.
Trots EU:s pågående insatser för att bevara 2015 års kärnavtal med Iran har vissa medlemsstater krävt en hårdare hållning gentemot det de kallar "Irans skadliga aktiviteter på europeisk mark".tis 4.12.2018 kl. 20.15Israel faces challenges amid coalition instability
Israel's governing coalition is undergoing its most severe crisis, since its establishment some three and a half years ago, following the resignation of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is making every effort to keep his coalition during – what he termed: a sensitive security period - from disintegrating :: but, other politicians may have plans of their own.fre 30.11.2018 kl. 22.00Radikal islam och dess Jihad mot väst
De islamiska jihadistgrupperna al-Qaida och IS med förgreningar har verkat avta men västerländska underrättelsetjänster varnar för att kampen mot dessa extrema muslimska grupper är långt ifrån över.tis 27.11.2018 kl. 20.15Saudi Arabia following the Khashoggi affair
For almost two months, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has been on the defensive in the Jamal Khashoggi affair, in which a prominent dissident of the regime has been lured into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey – where he was brutally murdered. While Riyadh denied the involvement of its highest officials in the assassination, many foreign critics – led by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, insist on full disclosure, where-ever the leads may reach.fre 23.11.2018 kl. 22.00Striden mellan öst och väst
Då vi är på väg mot slutet av det syriska inbördeskrigets åttonde år verkar det gå mot final där bl.a. ryssar, amerikaner, iranier, turkar och israeler alla har en roll spela.tis 20.11.2018 kl. 20.15Iran following US midterm elections
The United States midterm congressional elections, which were held last week, have complicated the political situation in Washington – for both domestic and foreign policy issues.fre 16.11.2018 kl. 22.00Israel och arabvärlden
Israels band till den moderata arabvärlden har nyligen uppgraderats från offentlig hemlighet till allmän kännedom vilket skapar frågor kring Israels erkännande i den övervägande arabiska regionen.tis 13.11.2018 kl. 20.15Iran under a new US sanctions regime
Earlier this week, the second and more severe batch of international sanctions was imposed on Iran by the U.S. Administration, focusing on Islamic Republic's oil and Banking industries.fre 9.11.2018 kl. 22.00Turkiet på gränsen mellan öst och väst
Natomedlemmen Turkiet har de senaste åren dragits till sin gamla fiende, Ryssland. President Erdoğan har ändrat sitt lands utrikespolitik, som förut var proamerikansk, i en mer balanserad inriktning.tis 6.11.2018 kl. 20.15Israel-Jordan, peace treaty enters 25th year
After seemingly having a relatively tranquil quarter century, following the 1994 signing of a peace treaty between Jordan and Israel, a sudden chill is threatening the relations between the two countries, with the announcement by King Abdullah to end certain arrangements of the bilateral agreement.fre 2.11.2018 kl. 22.00
Next round of us sanctions on Iran
On the fourth of November, the United States will reimpose a new batch of international sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, directly targeting Tehran's oil exports and central banking system.tis 30.10.2018 kl. 19.30Egypt, reasserting its role as a regional mediator
In the chaotic tides of the Middle East, Egypt has always served as one of the leading anchors. Both regional states and international powers historically took Cairo into account in the various spheres of Muslim Arab and African affairs. Following turmoil in the early part of this decade, Egypt re-emerges as an important actor under the leadership of President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.fre 26.10.2018 kl. 22.00Seglats för Jesus och Israel
Svenska Elida på besök i Israel seglar under devisen 'Sailing for Jesus'. De vill bryta tystnaden kring läget för de kristna i Mellanöstern och lyfta fram Israel som den enda demokratin i området.fre 19.10.2018 kl. 22.00Konkurrerande narrativ i den israelisk-palestinska konflikten
Självständighet i löfteslandet eller en katastrof, nakba? Dessutom finns ett annat militantare palestinskt synsätt som förnekar Israels rätt att existera.tis 30.10.2018 kl. 20.15Iraks nyligen utsedde president och iransk-amerikansk rivalitet.
En ny irakisk regering tar form efter valen, men krafterna som kämpar för inflytande över landets politik är inte irakiska. USA och Iran verkar vara på kollisionskurs i denna viktiga arabnation.tis 16.10.2018 kl. 20.15Russia's deployment of the S-300 in Syria & its implications for Israel
Russia is delivering to the Syrian military three battalion sets of its advanced S-300PM surface-to-air missile systems. The move comes as a response to the Syrian accidental shooting of a Russia Il-20 spy plane on the 17th of September, for which the Russian Defense Ministry has blamed Israel.fre 12.10.2018 kl. 22.00
Israel och Hamas på väg mot krig?
I skiftet augusti/september verkade Israel och Hamas vara på väg mot en ihållande vapenvila. Detta hopp har splittrats, delvis till följd av utspel från Abbas som vill återta kontrollen över Gaza.tis 9.10.2018 kl. 20.15Israel-Russia power comparison amid crisis
Right after a Russian intelligence collection plane was shot down by Syrian air defense missiles on September 17, following an Israeli air raid on Iranian targets in Syria, Israel hoped that the relationship between Jerusalem and Moscow will not suffer significantly from this isolated incident.fre 5.10.2018 kl. 22.00Skuggkrig mellan Israel och Iran
Israel och Iran har varit inbegripna i ett skuggkrig.tis 2.10.2018 kl. 20.15
EU-US relations, Middle East implications
A showdown between President Donald Trump and the leaders of EU member states, traditionally considered to be Washington's closest allies, has impacted - what used to be: a united Western front vis-à-vis the Middle East.fre 28.9.2018 kl. 22.00Relationen mellan USA och palestinierna
Under Trump har USA bestraffat den palestinska myndigheten, både ekonomiskt och diplomatiskt i försök att få dem att förhandla med Israel när väl det amerikanska fredsinitiativet blir framlagttis 25.9.2018 kl. 20.15Regional challenges ahead of UNGA - Donor conference
The last week of September is, as usual, dedicated to addresses by world leaders, who convene in New York city, for the United Nations General Assembly. As has been the case many times, challenges plaguing the Middle East will take center stage.fre 21.9.2018 kl. 22.00Nytt år och nya framtidsutsikter
Denna vecka byter Israel blad i sin hebreiska almanacka och inleder ett nytt år. Detta är ett bra läge för att ta en titt på Israels strategiska framtidsutsikt både regionalt och globalt.tis 18.9.2018 kl. 20.15Israel upgrading its military qualitative edge
Israel could never match its neighbors for quantity of miltary weapons and formations, so it concentrated on improving its qualitative advantages. Does it still have this edge, or is the gap being closed even as it is upgrading its air force, intelligence and cyber capabilities?fre 14.9.2018 kl. 22.00Irans desperata försöka att bevara kärnavtalet
Efter att president Trump slopade kärnavtalet med Iran och återinförde sanktioner mot Teheran kämpar Iran med utmaningen i samarbete med europeiska och asiatiska makter för att klara trycket från USA.tis 11.9.2018 kl. 20.15Syria's alleged use of Chemical Weapons
The fighting in the North-western district of Idlib may turn out to be the last big battle in the Syrian civil war. In its determination to gain a final victory, the Assad regime has been accused of readying a chemical weapon strike, and there is an American commitment to punish Damascus if that happens.fre 7.9.2018 kl. 22.00Flyktingarnas återvändande till efterkrigets Syrien
Under en presskonferens i Moskva tillkännagav president Vladimir Putin att det är tid för de syrier som flytt att återvända hem till Syrien och delta i återuppbyggandet.tis 4.9.2018 kl. 20.15Latest developments vis a vis Iran
U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton has been to Geneva for a meeting with his Russian counterpart Nikolay Patorshev, with Iran and Syria – topping the agenda. Before this meeting, Ambassador Bolton spent several days in Israel, during which he held talks with virtually every relevant defense and diplomatic official, in order to survey the status of the joint-American-Israeli efforts to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions and regional activities – following President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the 2015 multilateral deal.fre 31.8.2018 kl. 22.00Utvecklingen mellan USA och Turkiet
Verbala och fysiska skott avfyras mellan Ankara och Washington. Även om skjutningen vid USA:s ambassad verkar vara en isolerad incident ökar intensiteten i ömsesidiga angrepp mellan Trump och Erdoğan.tis 28.8.2018 kl. 20.15Israel-Gaza ceasefire – arrangement, agreement or understanding?
An exchange of fire between Israel and the Islamist organizations in Gaza, which escalated earlier this month, has abated to a large extent. Nevertheless, a status of relations between Israel and Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, with regard to a more sustainable ceasefire, remains unclear.fre 24.8.2018 kl. 22.00Syrien: Status quo ante bellum
Efter sju 7,5 år med konflikten i Syrien har president Bashar Assads lojala styrkor lyckats få ett övertag i kampen mot olika rebellmiliser och extremmuslimska grupper.tis 21.8.2018 kl. 20.15Gaza: Cease-fire or war
In the course of the past several months, the Islamist Hamas organization, which rules the Gaza Strip, is seeking to reach a cease-fire agreement with Israel that will allow it to bolster its domestic standing amid severe economic constraints.fre 17.8.2018 kl. 22.00Den senaste utvecklingen i Turkiet
Turkiets tillkännagivna åtgärder mot personer som påstås deltagit i ett kuppförsök för att avlägsna president Erdoğan har utmanat landets relationer med sina väst-allianser, inkluderat Europa och USA.tis 14.8.2018 kl. 20.15Iran under a new sanctions regime
Following the United States' pullout of the multinational nuclear agreement with Iran, the Trump Administration announced this week the restoration of a first set of financial, commercial and industrial sanctions against the Islamic Republic.fre 10.8.2018 kl. 22.00Den senaste utvecklingen längs Gazaremsan
Under juli har spänningarna ökat. Hamas avfyrade över 250 raketer och granater mot samhällen i södra Israel medan israelisk militär riktade in sig mot bl.a. militära mål i den Hamas-styrda enklaven.tis 7.8.2018 kl. 20.15The Syria conflict, latest updates
The Syrian civil war seems to be fast approaching its end, with various battles involving the Assad regime, Islamist militias, Iran and its proxies, as well as neighboring Israel and Turkey.fre 3.8.2018 kl. 22.00Den senaste utvecklingen i Syrien
Assadstyrkornas senaste framryckningar väcker frågan: Börjar detta sju år långa inbördeskriget i Syrien närma sig sitt slut?tis 26.6.2018 kl. 20.15Turkey elections
Turkey will hold its presidential and parliamentary elections on Sunday the 24th – in what arguably is the most important election in Turkey's modern history.fre 22.6.2018 kl. 22.00Israel-Gaza: Utmaningar bland internationell fördömelse.
Under internationella fördömanden av Israels defensiva åtgärder gentemot de våldsamma upproren längs gränsen till Gaza, försöker Jerusalem mildra en uppenbar humanitär kris i Gazaremsan.tis 19.6.2018 kl. 20.15Israel-Gaza: Ongoing challenges amid international condemnations
China, Russia, France, Britain and Germany continue to pursue ways of preserving the Iran nuclear agreement, voice their frustration at President Donald Trump's decision to immediately withdraw the United States from commitments made by his predecessor, Barack Obama; in which President Trump decreed Washington's vote in favor of U.N. Security Council resolution 2231 that endorsed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – which is the technical term of the nuclear agreement with Iran – as null and void.fre 15.6.2018 kl. 22.00Regional maktbalans bland hot om konflikter
Mellanöstern har härjats av krig i åratal då skiftande allianser och rivaliteter hotar etablerade stater med ickestatliga aktörer som beväpnade med ideologier och utländska rekryter stör maktbalansen.tis 12.6.2018 kl. 20.15The use of international mechanisms in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Years of deadlock in Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts, with bursts of violence and notions of despair dissuading optimism for any sparks of a viable solution to ignite sentiments of a better future; the Palestinian leadership resorted to its strongest supporters within the international community, seeking to assert legal mechanism that will turn the tide in their battle for statehood.fre 8.6.2018 kl. 22.00Israel och Iran på kollisionskurs?
Den ökade friktionen mellan Israel och Iran i Syrien som har lett till direkta konfrontationer och riskerar att leda ordkriget parterna emellan mot sammandrabbning.tis 5.6.2018 kl. 20.15Regional attempts for a long lasting Israel-Gaza cease-fire
The cycle of violence between the Gaza strip and Israel continues to persist as a peaceful solution to the volatile situation seems completely detached from reality, that said reports of a regional attempt to bring about a long-lasting cease fire between the Islamist organizations in Gaza and Israel have surfaced in recent weeks.fre 1.6.2018 kl. 22.00EU:s pågående försök att bevara JCPOA
EU tillkännager sin ovilja att skrota Iranavtalet och svär att ta alla steg möjliga för att bevara det då Washington har beslutat att hoppa av avtalet och att återinföra internationella sanktioner.tis 29.5.2018 kl. 20.15Turkey-Israel diplomatic row
The violent events along the Gaza Strip's border with Israel has garnered an international condemnation of the Jewish State, urging its military to exercise restraint in the face of violent Palestinian protests. Among the international critics of Israel, Turkey has assumed the most vocal rhetoric against Jerusalem, comparing Israel's defensive measures to those of Nazi Germany, and its government in Jerusalem to a terrorist regime. The harsh comments deteriorated into a diplomatic row – once again challenging the relations between the two countries.fre 25.5.2018 kl. 22.00USA drar sig ur JCPOA
Den 8 maj tillkännagav USA:s president Donald Trump att han har beslutat att gå ur det multinationella kärnavtalet med Iran.tis 22.5.2018 kl. 20.15
Latest developments on the Israeli-Palestinian flareup
On the 30th of March, Palestinian activists in Gaza announced a six-week campaign that sought to compose protests near the enclave's border with Israel. The series of protests were meant to culminate with a "Great March of Return" of some one million Palestinians on the 15th of May, during the commemoration of the 'Nakba Day', when Palestinians mark Israel's inception as a catastrophe; demanding to return to lands they claim to have owned prior to the establishment of the state of Israel. Nevertheless, similar to protests across the volatile Middle East, allegations surfaced of Hamas' use of the civilian protests to further the Islamist organization's aspiration of annihilating Israel.fre 18.5.2018 kl. 22.00Israels internationella ställning efter ambassadflytten
USA har officiellt flyttat sin ambassad från Tel Aviv till Jerusalem. Flytten har betecknat Washingtons erkännande av den judiska statens huvudstad men föraktas bland många i världssamfundet.tis 15.5.2018 kl. 20.15The fate of the Iran nuclear deal
One day remains before U.S. President Donald Trump's self-imposed deadline, on whether to pull the United States out of the nuclear agreement with Iran.fre 11.5.2018 kl. 22.00Israel rustar inför kommande säkerhetsutmaningar
I dagens program diskuterar vi en mängd utmaningar som dyker upp på radarn an eftersom nu i maj månad.tis 8.5.2018 kl. 20.15The EU's perseverance in the JCPOA
By the end of next week, U.S. President Donald Trump will have to decide, on whether to pull the United States out of the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran. The preservation of the multinational deal is subject to an attempt by Washington's European partners to formulate satisfactory amendments – that would reassure the American leader that he has fulfilled his pledge to improve measures that effectively block Iran's path toward nuclear weapons.fre 4.5.2018 kl. 22.00Utvecklingen i regionen och Turkiet
Efter seger i folkomröstningen om Turkiets konstitution och presidentmakt har president Erdoğan tidigarelagt parlaments- och presidentval då den utökade presidentmakten blir verksam först efteråt.tis 1.5.2018 kl. 20.15Israel vs Iran, threats and actions
Since the two confrontations between Israel and Iran, including the infiltration of an Iranian drone into Israel and an Israeli strike on a Syrian air-base that housed Iranian military personnel; threats voiced by Jerusalem and Tehran of a possible escalation have elevated tensions between the two enemy-states.fre 27.4.2018 kl. 22.00USA och Ryssland på kollisionskurs?
Retoriken från Washington och Moskva skärps över Västs svar på Assads förmodade bruk av kemiska vapen. En direkt konfrontation mellan de två stormakterna kan göra den regionala konflikten global.tis 24.4.2018 kl. 20.15Syria on the brink of calamity
The ongoing conflict in Syria continues to top the world media's headlines, with major developments across the war-torn country.fre 20.4.2018 kl. 22.00Muslimvärlden kontra Väst
I Västs intressen parallellt med oron för muslimvärldens framtidsutsikter ses de snabba kasten i områdena med muslimska stater kunna föranleda konfliktfyllda relationer.tis 17.4.2018 kl. 20.15Är Israel en apartheid-stat?
Israels kritiker i världen har ofta fördömt Israel för att vara en apartheid-stat och gör en analogi till den sydafrikanska regimen som byggde på rasåtskillnad. I dagens program utmanas denna analogi.fre 13.4.2018 kl. 22.00Verkligheten i en tvåstatslösning
Den eftersträvade tvåstatslösningen uppfattas som den enda lösningen till både israelers och palestiniers ambitioner men mängden misslyckade försök lyfter frågan om lösningen verkligen är genomförbar.tis 10.4.2018 kl. 20.15Egypt: al-Sisi’s second term in office
After running virtually unchallenged, Egypt's incumbent President Abdel Fattah al Sisi has won a second term in office, to lead a country where unrest since 2011 has devastated its economy.fre 6.4.2018 kl. 22.00Libanons politiska framtid
Libanon står åter igen inför betydelsefulla event i dess turbulenta politiska historia med sitt kommande parlamentsval. Både krafter i och utanför landet söker påverka resultaten till egen fördel.tis 3.4.2018 kl. 20.15Saudi challenges amid regional rivalries
Saudi Arabia, hailed as the most powerful Arab country today, has undergone major political and economic reform, aspiring to diversify its markets while bolstering its military capabilities.fre 30.3.2018 kl. 22.00Israels beredskap inför möjliga konflikter
Israel står inte overksamma och ser på medan Mellanöstern skakar. I programmet diskuteras Israels åtgärder för att säkra sin egen säkerhet.tis 27.3.2018 kl. 20.15Turkey’s challenges in Syria
Turkey's military operation in Syria, aimed at eradicating Kurdish militias that Ankara views as threats to its national security, will continue and even expend into additional areas under Kurdish control.fre 23.3.2018 kl. 22.00Gränsdispyter mellan Israel och Libanon
Spänningarna mellan Jerusalem och Beirut ökar åter, till följd av Irans ansträngningar för att stärka sin libanesiska proxy Hizbollah och konstruktionen av den israeliska försvarsmuren längs gränsen.tis 20.3.2018 kl. 20.15Western international interests in the Middle East
During today's program we will discuss the various Western interests across the Middle East and whether those interests have direct or indirect implications on security and diplomatic challenges.fre 16.3.2018 kl. 22.00Vikten av att USA:s ambassad flyttas till Jerusalem
Snart är det tid för flytten av USA:s ambassad från Tel Aviv till Jerusalem. Vissa länder är villiga att följa exemplet men majoriteten opponerar sig emot. Vad kommer denna flytt att innebära?tis 13.3.2018 kl. 20.15
Israel's greatest concerns in Syria
The years long conflict raging across Israel's northern neighbour Syria, Iran's increased influence and apparent efforts to establish a frontline foothold through its local proxies, as well as Russia's deployment of highly-advanced weaponry to assure the survival of the Assad regime: are just a part of a growing list of concerns voiced by Jerusalem that pose a direct challenge to the national security interests of the Jewish state.fre 9.3.2018 kl. 22.00Egyptens presidentval
I mars hålls första rundan av Egyptens presidentval där sittande president Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi förväntas vinna en jordskredsseger.tis 6.3.2018 kl. 20.15Jerusalem and the Arab world
Since U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6th, Arab states have unified in condemning Washington's move, urging the American Administration to backtrack on its decision.fre 2.3.2018 kl. 22.00Den USA-ledda koalitionens position gentemot IS
Koalitionen som leds av USA står inför en stundande seger över IS. Hur ser dagsläget ut och vart kommer det att leda?tis 27.2.2018 kl. 20.15Turkey and the Kurdish militias in Syria
Turkey has launched a largescale military operation last month dubbed operation olive branch in which it vowed to eradicate the Kurdish Syrian militias south of its border that Ankara claimed have direct links to the outlawed Kurdistan workers party, PKK.fre 23.2.2018 kl. 22.00Irak mitt i konflikten mellan USA och Iran
I programmet diskuteras bland annat maktbalansen mellan USA och Iran i Irak vilken har många olika faktorer, både historiska och nutida.tis 20.2.2018 kl. 20.15
Prof. Hillel Frisch - forskare vid Begin-Sadatcentret på Bar-Ilan University
Dr Eldad Pardo - forskningsledare för IMPACT SE och Iranexpert vid Hebreiska universitetet i Jerusalem
Analytiker: Amir OrenIs Israel heading to war with Iran?
Israel and Iran have been at odds since the Islamic Revolution of 1979 – a revolution that turned a years-long friendly relationship into vocal animosity.fre 16.2.2018 kl. 22.00Internationella politiska framgångar och misslyckanden i Syrien
FN-samtal i Genève, förhandlingar i Sotji och massor av insatser för att nå politiska lösningar i Syrien. Vad har vi sett för framgångar och misslyckanden och hur påverkar de framtiden?tis 13.2.2018 kl. 20.15Israel’s possible flare-up with its northern enemies
Israeli officials have voiced growing concerns regarding Iranian attempts to construct factories on Lebanon's soil, for the production of precision-guided weapons. The Iranian attempt has led to growing rhetoric from both Israeli and Lebanese officials, indicating a growing danger of a possible flare-up.fre 9.2.2018 kl. 22.00Saudiarabiens inflytande i regionen
Saudiarabien fortsätter att genomgå stora förändringar både inrikes- och utrikespolitiskt.tis 6.2.2018 kl. 20.15
Egypt's role in the Middle East
Ahead of Egypt's presidential elections, scheduled for the last week of March, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi is seeking to bolster his domestic support, following his first term that was defined by both economic hardships and a military campaign against radical Islamic elements seeking to overthrow his regime.fre 2.2.2018 kl. 22.00Trumps första år som president
Den 20 januari var det ett år sedan Donald Trump svors in som USA:s 45:e president. I programmet ges en överblick över beslut han fattat gentemot Mellanöstern med fokus på Israel.tis 30.1.2018 kl. 20.15The Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2018
Since President Donald Trump announced on December 6th a decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, the Palestinian leadership had deemed Washington as an untrustworthy mediator – a move that has challenged an American bid to broker a long stalled political process to the decades old conflict.fre 26.1.2018 kl. 22.00Turkiets södra front, väst mot öst
Turkiet står inför många utmaningar, däribland komplicerade allianser med motstridiga intressen och en hotad nationell säkerhet.tis 23.1.2018 kl. 20.15The future of the nuclear agreement with Iran
U.S. President Donald Trump has decided last week to waive sanctions on Iran, asserting he has done so to provide the United States congress and European allies a last chance to amend the flawed agreement. Trump's decision, however, was perceived by the Islamic Republic as a victory in its international effort to preserve the agreement that has granted Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for limiting Iran's nuclear program.fre 19.1.2018 kl. 22.00Jerusalems status
President Trumps beslut att erkänna Jerusalem som Israels huvudstad har lyft fram en kärnfråga i den generationslånga israelisk-arabiska konflikten.tis 16.1.2018 kl. 20.15The Ayatollah regime amid public unrest
Mass demonstrations broke-out some two weeks ago, across the Islamic Republic of Iran, with thousands of Iranians protesting economic hardships, as well as corruption allegations against senior officials; protests that escalated into political demands for a regime change.fre 12.1.2018 kl. 22.00Regional återblick för år 2017
Trumps tillträdande av presidentämbetet, Rysslands ökade dominans i Mellanöstern och den ökade rivaliteten mellan Saudiarabien och Iran är några av de händelser som diskuteras i dagens program.fre 29.12.2017 kl. 22.00Damascus, diplomacy vis a vis war
Russian President Vladimir Putin's declaration of victory over terrorist elements in Syria and his demanded shift-of-focus to a political-course has been met by the United States with skepticism, as Washington argues that Putin's declaration of a so-called triumph against the Islamic state was premature. Nevertheless, international aspirations to pursue a political process between the Syrian government and opposition has proven increasingly challenges amid clear successes on the ground by the Assad regime.fre 22.12.2017 kl. 22.00Israel i muslimvärlden
Hur ser relationen mellan Israel och dess arabiska och muslimska grannar ut? Relationerna förändras med tidens gång och i avsnittet diskuteras både historia och nutid.tis 19.12.2017 kl. 20.15
Jerusalem the capital of Israel
On January 23rd 1950 the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, adopted a proclamation declaring Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. 45 years later the United States congress passed a public law called the Jerusalem embassy act which urged the federal government to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Nevertheless it took 22 years for an American President to adopt the law, with President Donald Trump declaring on the 6th of December that it was time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State.fre 15.12.2017 kl. 22.00Kurderna och deras strävan i Syrien och Irak
Vad händer med den belöning som den kurdiska nationalrörelsen hoppades på efter att framgångsrikt ha bekämpat IS? Hur blir det med drömmen om en självstyrande nation?tis 12.12.2017 kl. 20.15Washington's efforts to restart an Israeli Palestinian peace process
The United States, under the Trump administration, is actively seeking to restart the long-stalled peace process between Israel and the Palestinians; aspiring to bring about a viable solution – this time with a regional approach - to the decades old conflict.fre 8.12.2017 kl. 22.00Den senaste utvecklingen i Rysslands Mellanösternpolitik
Ryssland är åter en maktfaktor i Mellanöstern. Hur förhåller de sig till regionala maktförhållanden och vilka är deras intentioner?tis 5.12.2017 kl. 20.15Exklusiv intervju med Israels underrättelseminister Yisrael Katz
Mitt i det kaos som rasar över Mellanöstern där också internationella makter försöker hävda sina nationella intressen står Israel inför en alltmer utmanande verklighet.fre 1.12.2017 kl. 22.00Mellanöstern och vapenhandeln
Mellanöstern har blivit en världsmarknad för vapenhandeln. Efterfrågan är stor och de stora makterna använder den för att öka sitt inflytande i regionen.tis 28.11.2017 kl. 20.15
Israel vs Gaza amid Palestinian reconciliation
Amid regional efforts to fully implement the Egyptian-brokered Palestinian reconciliation bid, Israel finds itself challenged in its efforts to maintain deterrence vis a vis the Islamist organizations in the Gaza Strip and its interest in maintaining stability in the Palestinian enclave, that ultimately contributes to the national security of the state of Israel.fre 24.11.2017 kl. 22.00Konflikten i Jemen
Vad gör omvärlden för den hemska humanitära situationen i arabvärldens fattigaste land Jemen där det pågår ett inbördeskrig mellan Huthi-rebeller och regering?tis 21.11.2017 kl. 20.15The fate of the foreign fighters following the fall of the Islamic State
In the past several years, the Islamic State has attracted thousands of foreign fighters and their families from around the world. Now that the governments of Syria and Iraq have announced victory over the extreme Muslim group, questions arise as to what will happen to those foreigners that seek to return – in most of the cases - to their home countries.fre 17.11.2017 kl. 22.00Libanon mitt i den saudisk-iranska rivaliteten
Libanon står nu i centrum för rivaliteten mellan Saudiarabien och Iran. Vilka är de vekliga huvudspelarna i denna rivalitet och hur står de i förhållande till varandra?tis 14.11.2017 kl. 20.15100 years to the Balfour Declaration, a regional approach
On November second Israel and the United Kingdom celebrated the centennial of the Balfour Declaration, in which the British Foreign Secretary at the time, Arthur Balfour, provided the leader of the Jewish community in the UK, Lord Rothschild, with a public statement of support to establish in the land of Palestine a national home for the Jewish people.fre 10.11.2017 kl. 22.00Washingtons strategi i Mellanöstern gällande Iran
Hur ser USA:s strategi gentemot Iran ut och vilka möjligheter har de egentligen för att kunna sätta press på Iran?tis 7.11.2017 kl. 20.15Kurdish aspirations for statehood
A Kurdish referendum in the northern Iraqi region, which resulted in an overwhelming "Yes" for Kurdish independence, backfired and triggered a regional crisis when Iraqi forces launched a surprise offensive in mid-October to recapture Kurdish-held territory.fre 3.11.2017 kl. 22.00Ramverk och motivation för fredsprocessen
Israel vägrar att förhandla med organisationer som vill utplåna dem. Vilka är parterna och vilka är deras olika motivationer?tis 31.10.2017 kl. 20.15
Egyptens roll i den israelisk-palestinska konflikten.
Egypten vill ha en aktiv roll i fredsprocessen mellan Israel och palestinierna. Hur ser samarbetet ut länderna emellan och kommer Egyptens strävanden att vara fruktsamma?tis 24.10.2017 kl. 20.15Den rysk-iranska relationen i det syriska inbördeskriget
Rysslands biaterala relationer med Iran visar på något som verkar vara en strategisk allians.tis 17.10.2017 kl. 20.15
Russian-Iranian relations amid gains in the Syrian civil war
With significant arms deals, cooperation in Syria and vocal backing of the nuclear agreement of 2015, Russia's bilateral-relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran provide us with a picture of what appears to be a strategic-alliance. However, significant differences and interests raise questions, as to: how long will Moscow and Tehran be able to conceal their growing friction.fre 13.10.2017 kl. 22.00Israel stärker sin internationella position
Israel arbetar på många fronter för att stärka sin internationella position. Vad gör de och vilka resultat kan det ge?tis 10.10.2017 kl. 20.15International efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The United States, under the Trump Administration, is elevating its efforts to re-ignite a long-stalled process aimed at resolving the decades old conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.fre 6.10.2017 kl. 22.00Framtiden för kärnavtalet med Iran
USA:s president Donald Trump ser över det internationella kärnavtalet med Iran. Vilka beslut kommer han att fatta och vad kommer de ha för inverkan på framtiden?tis 3.10.2017 kl. 20.15The Kurdish independence referendum in Iraq
Iraqi residents of the northern autonomous Kurdish region voted earlier this week in a referendum of independence seeking to provide the Kurdistan Regional Government with a mandate to discuss secession from the Central Government in Baghdad.fre 29.9.2017 kl. 22.00Den syriska oppositionens fall
Hur ser den senaste utvecklingen i Syrien ut och vad medför den för implikationer för de olika aktörerna i och utanför regionen?tis 26.9.2017 kl. 20.15Egypt between the US and Russia
With a surprising decision by the Trump Administration to cancel part of its vital assistance to Egypt in its war on terror and suspending another sanction due to what Washington said was a lack of progress on human rights, Egypt was left stunned and infuriated, vocally questioning its reliance on US support and providing Cairo with tail-wind in shifting its foreign policy toward Moscow.fre 22.9.2017 kl. 22.00Israel's regional standing ahead of the UN General assembly
The 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly convened earlier this week at the world body's Headquarters in New York city, with world leaders scheduled to arrive for the General Debate, which is scheduled to open next week, on the 19th of September. This year's theme is dubbed 'Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a sustainable Planet', yet as in previous years: the focus of world leaders will be on combating the global threat of terrorism, among other imminent challenges.fre 15.9.2017 kl. 22.00Flyktingkrisen i Mellanöstern och i hela världen
Det kvarstår miljontals flyktingar i Mellanöstern och i hela världen medan konflikterna i regionen fortsätter att ger näring åt det.tis 12.9.2017 kl. 20.15Israels oro gällande efterkrigets Syrien.
Vad händer med de områden som man rensat från IS? Ryssland och Iran är två av de stora aktörerna och vilken roll kommer deras drag att spela för Israel och framtiden i Mellanöstern?tis 5.9.2017 kl. 20.15
Islamic terror in the streets of Europe
Terror has yet again plagued the streets of Europe, this time in both Spain and Finland, in what security forces have identified as Islamic motivated attacks.fre 1.9.2017 kl. 22.00Turkiet och dess försök att stärka sitt internationella inflytande.
Turkiet, porten mellan Öst och Väst. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan innehar en nyckelposition men står inför många utmaningar.tis 29.8.2017 kl. 20.15
Did Iran violate the nuclear agreement?
With more than two years since world powers and Iran signed a nuclear agreement; allegations by Washington regarding Tehran's violation of the deal and in turn, Iranian threats of scrapping the deal if new sanctions would be imposed against it, raise a question: will the international deal - declared by some as historic and others as a mistake – survive its intended duration.fre 25.8.2017 kl. 22.00Israels försvarsinsatser mitt bland växande utmaningar
Hur står sig Israels försvarsinsatser i ett Mellanösternkaos fullt av makter som samlar sig mot dem.tis 22.8.2017 kl. 20.15Hezbollah's growing influence amid military accomplishments
The Iranian-proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, has provided its allies – including the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad and the Islamic Republic of Iran, with significant achievements in several arenas across the region, gaining a powerful reputation in the sight of its adversaries – including Israel, which has signaled the internationally recognized terror group as its most significant military challenge.fre 18.8.2017 kl. 22.00Irans president Hassan Rohanis andra ämbetsperiod.
Hassan Rouhani har nu återvalts som Irans president. Vad kommer han att kunna göra och hur ser omvärlden på hans möjligheter att åstadkomma en förändring?tis 15.8.2017 kl. 20.15US regional coordination amid strained relations
With US President Donald Trump signing new sanctions against Russia into law, bringing about what the American Secretary of State Rex Tillerson termed as "the worst relations between Washington and Moscow since the cold war"; we will evaluate the implications – during today's program - on the coordinate efforts of both countries in the various arenas of the Middle East.fre 11.8.2017 kl. 22.00Islamska Statens öde
Hur långt har den internationella kampanjen mot IS egentligen kommit och vad betyder IS stora markförluster för resten av världen? Vad är det egentligen som driver grupper som IS?tis 8.8.2017 kl. 20.15Regional tensions surrounding the Temple Mount
The Temple Mount, the location where both biblical Temples once stood, became yet again a source of tension in the region, as the bloodiest violence was recorded in the past month since the last surge of October 2015, which claimed dozens of lives.fre 4.8.2017 kl. 22.00Israel as a gas exporting state
Since the oil crisis of 1973, during which the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries implemented an oil embargo on states supporting Israel – a boycott that lasted some five months; Jerusalem was forced to continually seek its energy independence, on the one hand, while bolstering its international standing, on the other.fre 30.6.2017 kl. 22.00Palestinska rivaliteter och elkrisen i Gaza
Det är denna månad 10 år sedan Hamas med våld övertog Gazaremsan från Fatah, men de står nu med ryggen mot väggen.tis 27.6.2017 kl. 20.15The regional crisis surrounding Qatar
A rift between Qatar and four Arab states, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates over Doha's alleged role in funding terror organizations, as well as its alleged support of Iran; has brought about additional challenges to the already chaotic Middle East.fre 23.6.2017 kl. 22.00Den regionala rivaliteten mellan Iran och Saudiarabien.
Det shiitiska Iran och sunnitiska Saudiarabien har sedan länge en illasinnad konflikt. Båda söker de regional dominans. Vad har detta för inverkan på stabiliteten i regionen?tis 20.6.2017 kl. 20.15NATO and the Middle East
The NATO alliance, which was founded to contain the Soviet threat of the 1940's and 50', evolved over the years to confront new challenges – including the rising tension with the Russian Federation that contends for influence across the chaotic Middle East.fre 16.6.2017 kl. 22.00Egypten och de växande hoten mot säkerheten
Attackerna mot Egyptens kristna minoritet ökar. Det gör också terrorismen i stort. Egyptens president Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi svär att detta inte förbli ostraffat.tis 13.6.2017 kl. 20.15
Jordan: a base of operations against regional terror groups
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which borders Syria, Iraq, Israel and Saudi Arabia, is a key partner of the US-led coalition battling the Islamic State, and is the first Arab state to actively participate in the coalitions aerial campaign against the extreme Muslim group.fre 9.6.2017 kl. 22.00Islamistisk terror slår mot Västvärlden
Vad händer när den islamistisk terrorn inte har några utvägar och vad är grunden för dess spridande?tis 6.6.2017 kl. 20.1550 years to the reunification of Jerusalem
Since the 1967 Middle East war to date, the battle over Jerusalem continues. On the 23rd of May, Israel marked 50 years since the unification of Jerusalem, with the government declaring a year of festivities to mark the historic event.fre 2.6.2017 kl. 22.00Valet i Iran och dess inverkan på situationen i regionen
Vad betyder återvalet av Irans presidenttis 30.5.2017 kl. 20.15
Hassan Rouhani för Mellanöstern och vilka maktspel kommer att återfölja det?President Trumps första besök i Mellanöstern (på engelska)
US President Donald Trump concluded on Tuesday his first Middle East tour,fre 26.5.2017 kl. 22.00
visiting Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Palestinian territories.Turkiets hållning gällande Israel och palestinierna
Hur ser relationen ut mellan Turkiet och Israel och vilka åtgärder borde tas för att den ska kunna kvarstå?tis 23.5.2017 kl. 20.15The U.S. decision to arm Kurdish militias in Syria
In an unprecedented move, which was strongly objected by Turkey, Washington announced a decision to arm the Syrian Democratic Forces, perceiving the alliance as 'helpful' in the fight against the Islamic State.fre 19.5.2017 kl. 22.00Ryssland och USA i Mellanösterns kaos
Vilka utmaningar medför Ryssland och USA-relationen till det regionala kaoset i Mellanöstern?tis 16.5.2017 kl. 20.15Fred mellan Israel och Palestina - verklighet inom räckhåll eller illusion? (på engelska)
fre 12.5.2017 kl. 22.00FN:s betydelse i Mellanöstern (på engelska)
tis 9.5.2017 kl. 22.00Israel-India relations and its regional/global implications
The Republic of India, which is the second most populous country in the world, marked on the 29th of January, 25 years since it normalized bilateral relations with Israel as part of its foreign policy's shift to the improving relations with the West – diplomatic ties that have provided both Jerusalem and New-Delhi an extensive economic, military and strategic relationship.fre 5.5.2017 kl. 22.00Palestinian prisoners, terrorists or freedom fighters?
Nearly 6,500 Palestinians are currently incarcerated in Israeli jails, serving time for various crimes, with the majority of them indicted for terror related offenses. The story of those prisoners, which are defined by Israel as terrorists as opposed to the Palestinian public, which defines them as freedom fighters, has made headlines recently when more than 1,300 of them joined a hunger strike, demanding better conditions.tis 2.5.2017 kl. 22.00
Turkey's referendum and its implications on policy
On the 16th of April, a referendum was held throughout Turkey on whether to approve 18 proposed amendments to the country's constitution. The referendum, even though disputed by the opposition as rigged results, passed with 51.41% in favor and 48.59% against.fre 28.4.2017 kl. 22.00The rise in global Islamic terrorism
With the international community united in its efforts to battle global Islamic terrorism - even though the identity of those organizations may differ from one state to another - the growing pressure on Islamists bolsters their efforts to commit acts of terror around the world.tis 25.4.2017 kl. 22.00A change of policy to the US involvement in Syria
Since the United States conducted a massive attack in Syria, in which President Bashar Assad's military effectively lost 20% of its air force, the chaotic conflict has reached a turning point, at least when we are talking about perceptions.fre 21.4.2017 kl. 22.00Israel and Hamas on a course of collision
Since the summer of 2014, during which Hamas and Israel waged a 50 days' war in the Gaza Strip, relative quiet was maintained. Since tensions are escalating, however, both rhetoric and physical preparations for another round of fighting are recorded, raising the question of 'when will the next armed escalation ensue'.tis 18.4.2017 kl. 22.00The West in the face of returning militants from the Middle East
With the Islamic State facing significant losses in recent months, with both its capitals in Syria and Iraq under intensive military pressure from Western backed forces, thousands of foreign fighters that joined the ranks of the extreme Muslim group with the aspiration of establishing a caliphate, are seeking ways to return to their home countries.fre 14.4.2017 kl. 22.00Israel and moderate Arab countries: enemies or strategic partners?
The old saying of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," has received special attention in recent years, as growing concern by rivals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Middle East have shown a keen interest to cooperate, in a united effort to mitigate the threat. This reality has changed the diplomatic approach of regional Arab states, which behind closed doors, have established a strategic partnership with Israel.tis 11.4.2017 kl. 22.00The strait of Hormuz, free navigation amid Iran's maritime policy
The West has accused Iran of jeopardizing international navigation in the strait of Hormuz, where up to 30 percent of global oil exports pass annually, as the navy of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps conducts aggressive maneuvers toward foreign navies passing through the narrow strip of international waters, in what ship commanders said could lead to an armed clash.fre 7.4.2017 kl. 22.00China's interests in the Middle East
With China's dependency on Middle East oil, the raging chaos and instability across the region has prompted diplomatic efforts by Beijing to increase its political involvement, aimed at ensuring its strategic interests.tis 4.4.2017 kl. 22.00The rising tension between Israel and its neighbors
Israel has in recent years managed to maintain relative quiet on all of its borders, amid the chaos raging across the Middle East. Nevertheless, in recent weeks, frequent incidents of both rhetoric and sporadic armed confrontations on both Israel's northern and southern fronts, bring into question whether this relative state of tranquility will be maintained for long.fre 31.3.2017 kl. 22.00Escalating tension between international powers operating in Syria
The Syrian conflict, which entered its seventh-year this month, has been hammered by international powers since the very start, with both world powers as well as regional states seeking to enforce their own interests in the war-torn-country.tis 28.3.2017 kl. 22.00Washington's renewed efforts to revive the Israeli Palestinian peace talks
US President Donald Trump has sent his special representative for international negotiations to Jerusalem and Ramallah to test the waters and identify during his meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials, what course of action to pursue that will lay a foundation for a viable reconstruction a long-stalled political process.fre 24.3.2017 kl. 22.00Islamic State in Sinai raises priority of targeting Christians
The Islamic State in Egypt's Sinai has, in recent weeks, stepped up its attacks on Egyptian security forces, the state of Israel and Egypt's Christian minority whom reside in the lawless Peninsula of the most populous Arab country in the world of more than 82 million people.tis 21.3.2017 kl. 22.00Israel's new bid to show Iran's true nature
Israel, surrounded by regional chaos and a new ally in Washington, is once again trying to bring Iran's ongoing violations – pertaining to its nuclear aspirations, ballistic missile testing's and support of proxy-militias - to light, urging the international community to act.fre 17.3.2017 kl. 22.00UN backed peace talks to the Syria conflict
The United Nations special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura concluded last week a peace-summit in Geneva, which aimed at re-starting the long-stalled political process between the Government and its opposition.tis 14.3.2017 kl. 22.00
State comptroller's 2014 Gaza report
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, together with Israel's top political and defense officials, were harshly criticized in a report published by the state comptroller, over what it said was a lack of preparation and cabinet consultation over a network of Hamas tunnels that confounded the IDF in the Gaza war of 2014.fre 10.3.2017 kl. 22.00Jordan's role in Middle Eastern Affairs
Jordan, a Kingdom that, for the most part, kept itself from the ongoing chaos raging in the Middle East, is a country perceived as a vital component to regional stability. In a bid to persevere amid significant challenges, the Jordanian King Abdullah was the first Middle Eastern leader to meet with President Donald Trump, requesting from the new American leader to receive the proper backing to fight against the threats of terror.tis 7.3.2017 kl. 22.00Moscow's use of its regional involvement as leverage amid Western Scrutiny
Russia has long aspired to regain its lost power since the fall of the Soviet Union and reinstate its position as a major player in Middle Eastern affairs.fre 3.3.2017 kl. 22.00Is Hezbollah planning for a next round of fighting against Israel?
The most significant and immediate threat to Israel today, according to Israeli defense officials, the Iranian backed group in Lebanon Hezbollah, has in the past few years significantly increased its military capabilities and become a major force operating in the Middle East.tis 28.2.2017 kl. 22.00Egypt’s Islamic insurgency
Israel's southwestern neighbor Egypt, faces an ongoing Islamic insurgency that seeks to depose President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. The main group that operates in the lawless Sinai peninsula called Wilayat Sinai has been battling Egyptian government forces, while declaring war, among others, against the Jewish State.fre 24.2.2017 kl. 22.00Growing tensions amid Iranian violations
On the 10th of February, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged his country's elite to unite in the face of threats by Washington, since the new US Administration, under President Donald Trump, increasingly demonstrates a new, and tougher range of options to be used against the Islamic Republic, pertaining to Tehran's ongoing violations.tis 21.2.2017 kl. 22.00The US-led campaign against the Islamic State
In response to rapid territorial gains made by the Islamic State in the first half of 2014, its brutal tactics and rising support among Muslims around the world, the United States under the Obama administration decided to establish a campaign of airstrikes against the extreme Muslim group in Iraq and Syria, garnering active support of both regional and Western powers.fre 17.2.2017 kl. 22.00Israel-Palestinian conflict under the Trump Administration
Israel's right-wing parties have hailed the day when US President Donald Trump took office, declaring Trump's victory as signifying the end of the Palestinian dream to establishing a state; while the Palestinian leadership, on the other hand, which looked on with dismay as their aspirations may have come to an end, urging the Trump Administration and whomever may listen, not to abandon their desired two-state solution.tis 14.2.2017 kl. 22.00Iran in violation of international restrictions
Early last week, the Islamic Republic of Iran test fired two kinds of missiles, one of which was a ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, in direct violation of UN Security Council resolution 2231, which prohibits any such launches. Tehran's last violation was of course just one in a series of international allegations against the Islamic Republic.fre 10.2.2017 kl. 22.00Israel and the European Union relations
Israel and the European Union have for years maintained strong, even though somewhat challenging relations, with a non-linear bond entangled in mutual interests and common values.tis 7.2.2017 kl. 22.00Political process to the Syrian conflict
Just one month before the Syrian civil war enters its sixth year, and with several failed attempts by the international community to force the government and opposition groups to enter into negotiations that would bring about a political process to the bloody conflict, a renewed diplomatic effort is yet again advanced by several international players, in an attempt to restart a much-needed process.fre 3.2.2017 kl. 22.00The Yemen conflict, regional and international implications
Since 2015, a war has raged on in the country of Yemen between two factions claiming to constitute a government, along with their supporters and allies.tis 31.1.2017 kl. 22.00Iran following the inauguration of President Trump
After signing a nuclear agreement with world powers in July of 2015, the Islamic Republic of Iran has increasingly emboldened, succeeding to maneuver on a diplomatic level in the midst of international scrutiny, strengthening its grip in the Middle East, as well as other locations around the world.fre 27.1.2017 kl. 22.00The shifting dynamic of alliances and control in the Middle East
In the last year, with the anticipated departure of US President Barack Obama from the White House, the influence of Washington, which held an already weak foreign policy toward the chaotic Middle East in the eyes of regional and world powers, has significantly diminished.tis 24.1.2017 kl. 22.00US President Donald Trump's Middle East policy
The inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump raises many questions with regard to his anticipated policy toward the Middle East.fre 20.1.2017 kl. 22.00Israel's morality in the battlefield
For years, international organization and humanitarian activists have challenged the moral conduct of the Israeli Defense Forces in the battlefield – accusing it of committing various atrocities, even appropriate to war crimes.tis 17.1.2017 kl. 22.00
Turkey, Terrorism vs Civil Freedoms
Turkey has been facing a wave of terror from both Islamic and Kurdish militant groups that seek to destabilize the country.fre 13.1.2017 kl. 22.00Eight years to the Obama Administration
With three weeks before US President Barack Obama will leave office to allow for President-elect Donald Trump to assume his role, we will review the eight-year administration and evaluate the impact it is expected to leave behind in the Middle East in general and Israel in particular.fre 30.12.2016 kl. 19.30
Developments in the Syrian civil war
Following the successful campaign by the Syrian military and its allies to recapture the rebel-held districts of eastern Aleppo, the most significant victory by the Assad regime since the beginning of the conflict almost six years ago; a shift in the conflict has been recorded with strategic changes expected.fre 23.12.2016 kl. 19.30Libya, a nesting ground for Islamic Extremism
fre 16.12.2016 kl. 19.30Israel's wildfire disaster, drawing conclusions
Some six years after Israel dealt with a massive fire in its northern Carmel region, a blaze which claimed 44 lives; Israel has yet again faced wildfires, less than two weeks ago, which scorched large swathes of both forests and residential neighborhoods.fre 9.12.2016 kl. 19.30Israel-Egypt relations
Since the historic peace agreement was signed between Israel and Egypt, on the 26th of March 1979, after intense negotiations brokered by the United States; the situation between the two countries has been relatively stable, yet challenging.fre 2.12.2016 kl. 19.30
Donald Trump's presidential victory and its meaning for the Middle East
Following Donald Trump's land-slide victory in the Presidential election, questions arise as to his intensions pertaining to the Middle East and Israel. An Israeli document defined Trump's perception of this chaotic region as a "bad investment", yet a reality in which Washington turns its back on the Middle East could bring about dangerous consequences.fre 25.11.2016 kl. 19.30Shi'ite – Sunni rivalries: On the course of major collision
During the past few years we have raised the topic of Sunni and Shi'ite Muslim rivalries and the regional implications which follow. In recent weeks, this bloody rivalry has reached a boiling point, with a viable escalation between several regional powers, which may further deteriorate the already chaotic Middle East.fre 11.11.2016 kl. 19.30
Humanitarian challenges to the Aleppo crisis
The almost six-year-old conflict in Syria has brought about the most severe humanitarian crisis since world war two, with hundreds of thousands of casualties and more than 11 million people displaced.fre 4.11.2016 kl. 19.30The battle of Mosul
Following months of preparations, the Iraqi army and Kurdish 'Peshmerga' forces backed by the US-led coalition have launched an operation to recapture the Islamic State-held city of Mosul. The city is considered-to-be the most significant stronghold of the extreme Muslim group in Iraq, from where the leader of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a caliphate in 2014.fre 28.10.2016 kl. 19.30Israel's Home Front preparedness
In any armed-conflict the vulnerability of a country's home front dictates the military's moral in battle, and in some cases the perceive outcome of a war.fre 21.10.2016 kl. 19.30Egypt amid regional challenges
During today's program we will look into the largest Arab country, Egypt, and the challenges it faces amid regional turmoil and its significance to regional stability.fre 14.10.2016 kl. 19.30One year to the wave of violence
A year has passed since a wave of violence plagued Israel, with near daily Palestinian stabbing, shooting, and car ramming attacks against Israelis.fre 7.10.2016 kl. 19.30Israel's international standing
Guests Ambassador Alan Baker, Director of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; and Dr. Anat Hochberg-Marom, Expert on global terrorism and marketing. Analyst Amir Oren.fre 30.9.2016 kl. 19.30Russian initiative to advance Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations
Since the last round of US-brokered peace negotiations, between Israel and the Palestinians - collapsed in 2014 - and while the West prefers to focus on other international and regional challenges; Russia has stepped up efforts to use its unique position in the Middle East by persuading both Israel and the Palestinians to resume negotiations under its own auspices.fre 23.9.2016 kl. 19.30Saudi Arabia – Iran Rivalries
Saudi Arabia and Iran have rivaled one-and-other for years, as the Sunni-Muslim Kingdom and the Shi'ite Islamic Republic strive for regional dominance.fre 16.9.2016 kl. 19.30Western involvement in the Middle East
The West, under the leadership of the United States, declared war on the Islamic State in a bid to eradicate the Extreme-Muslim group and mitigate its ability to launch international attacks.fre 9.9.2016 kl. 19.30Iran-Russia cooperation
Since 2015, Russia and Iran have elevated their cooperation in various sectors, as aligned interests on regional affairs, as well as Western scrutiny have stimulated both Moscow and Tehran to join forces and bolster their international-standing.fre 2.9.2016 kl. 19.30Kriget mellan Israel och Hamas - extra
I studion sitter Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.lör 9.8.2014 kl. 20.30Antalet kristna i Mellanöstern minskar
Kristendomen var en av de största religionerna i regionen tills arabiska muslimer erövrade området på 600-talet. Gäster är pastor David Palegi och dr Jonathan Fine. Inspelad i Jerusalem 2014-12-18.tis 31.3.2015 kl. 21.30
Bibelns profetior uppfylls
Händelser som Gud meddelat om sker framför våra ögon i Jerusalem, Israel, på Tempelberget och när man vill erkänna en palestinsk stat.tis 24.3.2015 kl. 21.30Lagen om en judisk nationalstat
Enligt lagförslaget ska staten definieras som judarnas nationalstat och som demokrati. Frågan diskuteras i studion med dr Mordechai Kedar och dr Basel Ghattas.tis 17.3.2015 kl. 21.30Den arabiska befolkningen i staten Israel – en brännbar fråga
Gäster i studion: Dr Einat Wilf, forskare vid Jewish People Policy Institute, samt dr Hanna Swaid, Knesset-ledamot för Hadash-partiet. Inspelad i Jerusalem 2014-11-18.tor 27.11.2014 kl. 20.15Jerusalem – orsakerna bakom den nya terrorvågen
Gäster i studion: Khaled Diar, journalist och författare till boken Intimate Friends, samt Eran Tzidkiyahu, Mellanöstern-expert och forskare vid Forum för regionalt tänkande. Inspelad 2014-11-04.tor 13.11.2014 kl. 20.15Förhandlingarna mellan Iran och stormakterna
Kärnkraftsförhandlingarna med Iran närmar sig en ny deadline. Blir det ett avtal nu eller ännu en förlängning? Vilka förväntningar har Iran respektive Israel och västländerna?tor 6.11.2014 kl. 20.15Spänningen ökar på Tempelberget
Tempelplatsen i Jerusalem – ett slagfält eller en helig plats som både muslimer och judar bör få fritt tillträde till?tor 30.10.2014 kl. 20.15Erkännandet av "Palestina"
Även alltid aktuella IS samt palestiniernas egen identitet. I studion Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares. Inspelad 2014-10-15.tor 23.10.2014 kl. 20.15Omvärldens stöd för en palestinsk stat - underlättar eller försvårar det freden mellan Israel och palestinierna?
Gäster i studion: Paul Hirschon, talesperson för Israels utrikesminister samt professor Hillel Frisch, expert på palestinsk och islamisk politik vid Begin-Sadat-centret för strategiska studier.tor 16.10.2014 kl. 20.15Iran och P5+1 i kärnprogramsförhandlingar
Gäster: doktorerna Emily Landau,och Elisheva Machlis. Inspelad i Jerusalem 2014-09-30.tor 9.10.2014 kl. 20.15Islam och hotet från extremisterna
Islam framstår idag som våldsamt, men finns det en mer fredlig och tolerant gren? Och vad innebär ett kalifat?tor 2.10.2014 kl. 20.15
Inspelad i Jerusalem 2014-09-23.Vilken drivkraft utgör islam i Mellanösterns kulisser?
Martti Ojares och Pekka Sartola i studion. Inspelad 2014-09-22.sön 28.9.2014 kl. 21.05Turkiet - västvärldens nyckel till fred i Mellanöstern?
Analys av Turkiet och dess populäre, alltmer islamistiske president och hans stormaktsambitioner. Gäster i studion: Professor Ofra Bengio vid The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, samt dr Eyal Ginio, ledande föreläsare vid Jerusalems universitet och expert på Turkiet. Inspelat i Jerusalem 9 september 2014.tor 18.9.2014 kl. 20.15Islamisterna och inbördeskriget i Syrien
Islamistiska grupper har gensvarat på kaoset med religiös iver och med ett islamiskt kalifat och en islamisk stat som mål. Gäster: doktorerna Mordechai Kedar och Jonathan Spyer, analytiker är Jacob Wirtschafter. Inspelad i Jerusalem 2014-09-02.tor 11.9.2014 kl. 20.15Krisen och enheten inom Israels regering
Under operationen i Gaza har Netanyahus ministrar kritiserat premiärministern. Gäster är doktor Ofer Cassif och Netayahus tidigare talman Alex Selsky. Miri Eisin kommenterar för Heaven TV7.tor 4.9.2014 kl. 20.15Gaza - Mellanösterns krutdruk
I studion Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.fre 29.8.2014 kl. 20.30Israels påstådda krigsförbrytelser i Gaza
De civila offren och den internationella uppmärksamheten fick FN att undersöka Israels och Hamas eventuella krigsförbrytelser. Med är internationella rättsexperten Alan Baker, doktor Harold Rhode och Mati Shoshani.fre 22.8.2014 kl. 20.30Det kalla kriget i Mellanöstern
Den regionala instabiliteten gör att stormakterna aktiverar sig och vill påverka vad som sker i Mellanöstern. Gäster är forskarna Olena Bagno Moldavsky och Owen Alterman och TV7:s Paula Slier.fre 15.8.2014 kl. 20.30Operation Tzuk Eitan (Orubblig klippa)
Med i diskussionen forskaren och Israels tidigare ambassadör till Egypten, Zwi Mazel, och Paul Hirschson, talesperson för Israels utrikesministerium. TV7:s analytiker är Paula Slier.fre 8.8.2014 kl. 20.15Att välsigna Israel
Bör vi välsigna Israel och i så fall hur och på vilka grunder? Pekka Sartola undervisar.fre 1.8.2014 kl. 20.15Presidentval i Syrien och Egypten
fre 27.6.2014 kl. 20.15Presidentval i Israel och Egypten
Samtal också om bl.a. Saudiarabiens nya inställning till andra religioner, incidenten på judiska museet i Bryssel och påvens besök i Israel. I studion Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.fre 20.6.2014 kl. 20.15Price Tag tillslagen
Sedan juni 2008 har ett nytt, oroande fenomen skapat rubriker. En serie upprepade attacker mot olika icke-judiska mål. Gäster är Gideon Ariel och Etgar Lefkovits.fre 13.6.2014 kl. 20.15Israels gest till den Palestinska myndigheten
Israel lovade att befria 104 palestinska terrorister mot att den Palestinska myndigheten inte skulle ansöka om medlemskap i internationella organisationer som en självständig stat. Gäster: Paula Slier och Itamar Marcus.fre 30.5.2014 kl. 20.15Förhandlingarna mellan Fatah och Hamas
Vad har Japan, Nordkorea och Kina med saken att göra? Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares samtalar också om vad som sker i Syrien och Nigeria.fre 23.5.2014 kl. 20.15Det palestinska avtalet och dess följder
Gäster är Dimitri Daliani, medlem i Fatahs revolutionära råd, och Moneer Saier, representant för de palestinska fångarna och Hamas-forskare.fre 16.5.2014 kl. 20.15De palestinska flyktingarna
FN:s biståndsorganisation för de palestinska flyktingarna, UNRWA. Gäster är Calev Mayers och Eitan Bronstein.fre 2.5.2014 kl. 20.15Mellanöstern och Rysslands ambitioner
I studion Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.fre 25.4.2014 kl. 20.15Relationerna mellan USA och Israel
Ända sedan 1960-talet har USA och Israel stått varandra nära på ett unikt sätt. På senaste år har det uppstått konflikter i relationen. Sakkunniga gäster är Max Singer och Paul Hischson.sön 20.4.2014 kl. 18.30Befolkningsstrukturens komplexitet i Israels svåra verklighet
Gäst är befolkningsforskare Yaakov Faitelson och ledande forskaren vid immigrationsministeriet, professor Ze'ev Hanin. Inspelad i Jerusalem 25 mars 2014.fre 4.4.2014 kl. 20.15Tempelberget i Jerusalem i fokus
I studion sitter Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.fre 28.3.2014 kl. 20.15Krisen i Ukraina och Mellanöstern
Krisen mellan Ryssland och Ukraina har lett till en kris också mellan Ryssland och väst, och denna påverkar händelserna i Mellanöstern. Gäster är doktor Olena Bagno-Moldavsky och professor Ze'ev Hanin.fre 21.3.2014 kl. 20.15Det islamistiska Hamas kris i Gaza
Vi granskar terroristorganisationens möjlighet att klara av svårigheter som beror på finanser, ledning och minskad popularitet. Gäster är f.d. ambassadören Tzvi Mazel och de palestiska fångarnas representant, Monier Zrayer.fre 7.3.2014 kl. 20.15Irans kärnkraftsprogram efter Genève
I studion sitter Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.fre 28.2.2014 kl. 20.15Europeiska företag drar sig ur Israel
Gäster: Israels före detta Sydafrika-ambassadör Ilan Baruch och den politiske analytikern Eran Shayshon.fre 14.2.2014 kl. 20.15Israel, "Palestina" och fredsprocessen
Hurdan var Ariel Sharon som person? I studion sitter Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.fre 7.2.2014 kl. 20.15Israel förbereder sig för naturkatastrofer
Gäster är professor Daniel Rosenfeld och journalisten Avi Blizovsky.fre 31.1.2014 kl. 20.15Israel och länderna kring Persiska viken
Gäster är ambassadör Zvi Mazel och Golan Barhoum, politisk expert och specialist på Mellanösternfrågor.fre 24.1.2014 kl. 20.15Israels rätt till sitt land
Men varför talar man inte om det? Martti Ojares och Pekka Sartola.mån 3.3.2014 kl. 19.30Israel - ockupant?
Är bosättningarna ett hinder för freden? Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.mån 4.8.2014 kl. 19.30Israel eller Palestina
Vad är det man förhandlar om nu? I studion Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.fre 17.1.2014 kl. 20.15Rysslands Mellanösternpolitik
Gäster är doktor Olena Bagno-Moldavsky från forskningsinstitutet för nationell säkerhet (INSS) och Yitzhak Brudny, professor i politik och historia vid Hebrew University i Jerusalem.fre 10.1.2014 kl. 20.15Ett år under premiärminister Netanyahu
Doktor Gershon Baskin, vd för Israel-Palestinacentret för forskning och information, samt Gideon Ariel, medlem i Likudpartiets centralkommitté.fre 3.1.2014 kl. 20.15Iran och avtalet i Genève
Vad kom man egentligen överens om?fre 20.12.2013 kl. 20.15Kinas framgång och maktpolitik i Mellanöstern och Israel
Gäster är professorerna Yishai Yafeh och Yuri Pines från Jerusalems hebreiska universitet.fre 13.12.2013 kl. 20.15Det islamistiska Hamas härskar över Gaza?
Gäster är professor Zeev Hanin från Bar-Ilan universitetet och Paula Slier, chef för Russia Todays Mellanösterkontor.fre 6.12.2013 kl. 20.15Fredsförhandlingar eller något helt annat?
Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares diskuterar fredsförhandlingarna mellan Israel och Palestina.fre 29.11.2013 kl. 20.15Irans kärnvapenförhandlingar med västvärlden
Gäster: Uzi Rubin - före detta ledare för Israels program för missilförsvar/robotförsvarsprogram samt Efraim Karsh som är professor i Mellanösternstudier vid King's College i London och Bar Ilans universitet.fre 22.11.2013 kl. 20.15Krisen i Syrien
Gäster är Mendi Safadi, sakkunnig i frågor gällande Syrien, och Ilan Baruch, Israels tidigare ambassadör till Sydafrika.fre 15.11.2013 kl. 20.15Mellanöstern i brännpunkten
Syrien, Iran och FN. Israels ställning i denna brännpunkt.fre 8.11.2013 kl. 20.15Det nya Mellanöstern
Politiska, ekonomiska och nationella förändringar i Mellanöstern. Gäster: doktor Eldad Pardo från det Hebreiska universitetet i Jerusalem och professor Hillel Frisch från Bar Ilan-universitetet.fre 1.11.2013 kl. 20.15EU:s ekonomiska restriktioner och 1967 års gränser
Bakgrunden till beslutet och konsekvenser för den israeliska ekonomin.Gäster: Paul Hirschson från Israels utrikesministerium och Pinchas Inbari - författare och korrespondent vid Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.fre 18.10.2013 kl. 20.15Revolutionen i Egypten & dess inverkan på fredsavtalet med Israel
Gäster: Mr Zvi Mazel - före detta ambassadör för Israel i Egypten och dr Mordechai Kedar - föreläsare på Bar Ilan University och expert på Israels arabbefolkning.fre 11.10.2013 kl. 20.15Judisk närvaro på Tempelberget i Jerusalem
Gäst 1: Yaakov Hayman - ordförande i föreningen som vill grunda synagogor på Tempelbergetfre 4.10.2013 kl. 20.15
Gäst 2: Baruch Ben Yoseph - före detta ordförande i rörelsen som vill återupprätta templetFN, Israel, och res. 242
Ett beslut om Israels landsgränser i Nationernas Förbund (NF) 1922 fördes så småningom över i FN:s stadgar.fre 27.9.2013 kl. 20.15
De världspolitiska förändringarna har lett till att man reducerar Israels ursprungliga rättigheter.Förnyade israelisk-palestinska fredsförhandlingar
Marcus är politisk aktivist och forskare. Han grundade och driver Media Watch som studerar det palestinska samhället och analyserar den palestinska ledningen i media. Med är också Israels generalkonsul Hirschson.fre 20.9.2013 kl. 20.15Israelisk rymdindustri
Israel anses vara en av de ledande länderna när det gäller att samla information via världsvida satelliter. Studio Jerusalem ser tillsammans med två ledande israeliska specialister på de olika aspekterna av Israels rymdindustri.fre 11.4.2014 kl. 20.15Cyberhoten i en ny era
Herr Ram Levi, rådgivare till projektledningen för nationella cyberdirektoratet. Han är ledande forskare på Yuval Ne'eman Workshop för vetenskap, teknologi och säkerhet, samt rådgivare i cyber-ärenden till nationella rådet för forskning och utveckling. Dr Tal Pavel, specialist på internet och cyberhot i Mellanöstern och den islamska världen.fre 14.3.2014 kl. 20.15Den Palestinska myndighetens roll i fredsförhandlingarna
Gäster: Professor Avraham Diskin, universitetslektor och nära bundsförvant med premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu, och Xavier Abu Eid, rådgivare till och talesman för PLO.lör 4.1.2014 kl. 20.30Oroligheterna på Sinaihalvön
Gäster: Yiftah Shapir, från Institutet för nationella säkerhetsstudier, chef för projektet Militär balans i Mellanöstern, och Ksenia Svetlova, analytiker och korrespondent med inriktning på arabfrågor vid Israels kanal 9 (rysk kanal).fre 25.10.2013 kl. 20.15Israels rättigheter ur ett historiskt perspektiv
Är Israel en illegal ockupant eller en laglig stat?tis 30.9.2014 kl. 21.30
Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares.Vems stad är Jerusalem?
Pekka Sartola och Martti Ojares granskar Jerusalems betydelse inom islam, kristendom och judendom.fre 9.5.2014 kl. 20.15Israel eller Palestina?
Martti Ojares diskuterar med experten Pekka Sartolafre 6.6.2014 kl. 20.15
om Israels och Palestinas rättigheter till landområdena
där israelerna och palestinierna bor.Att besöka och bo i Jerusalem
Gäster: Hilik Bar som är partiledare för arbetarpartiettis 9.9.2014 kl. 21.30
och ledamot i kommunfullmäktige samt ansvarar för turism- och utrikesfrågor. Programledare: Netanel Bar David och Saana Sladkov.