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The Yemen conflict, regional and international implications
Since 2015, a war has raged on in the country of Yemen between two factions claiming to constitute a government, along with their supporters and allies.
The two warring factions include: the Houthi rebels backed by Iran, on the one hand, and allied forces loyal to the government of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi backed by Saudi Arabia, on the other.
Guests: Miss Paula Slier, Middle East Bureau Chief – Russian Today, and Dr. Nir Boms, Research fellow, Moshe Dayan Center at TA University. Analyst Amir Oren.
Studio Jerusalem
Serien ger tittaren en djupare förståelse av aktuella händelser i Israel och Mellanöstern. Expertsamtalen leds av Jonathan Hessen, nyhetsankare på TV7 Israel News.