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Russian-Iranian relations amid gains in the Syrian civil war
With significant arms deals, cooperation in Syria and vocal backing of the nuclear agreement of 2015, Russia's bilateral-relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran provide us with a picture of what appears to be a strategic-alliance. However, significant differences and interests raise questions, as to: how long will Moscow and Tehran be able to conceal their growing friction.
To further discuss this topic, I'm joined here in the Studio by; Miss Paula Slier, Middle East Bureau Chief of Russia Today; and Meir Javedanfar – Iran lecturer, IDC Herzliya. Analyst Amir Oren.
Studio Jerusalem
Serien ger tittaren en djupare förståelse av aktuella händelser i Israel och Mellanöstern. Expertsamtalen leds av Jonathan Hessen, nyhetsankare på TV7 Israel News.