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Jerusalem’s political stability
In a week’s time, Israel will mark former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s first year out of power. His rivals have managed to hold together a unique Right-Center-Left coalition united on almost no issue save the determination to block Netanyahu’s return to the office he occupied for the preceding dozen years.
The government headed by Naftali Bennett and his alternate Yair Lapid has managed to survive several policy and personal crises in a row, but is under constant external and internal pressures. Will it live to celebrate two years in power with Lapid shortly thereafter taking over from Bennett? Joining us from central Israel is Former Knesset member Dov Lipman, Founder and CEO of Yad L'Olim. Also joining us from central Israel is Mr. Mitchell Barak, CEO Kevoon Research Group, and Amir Oren, TV7 Editor at Large, Host of TV7 Watchmen Talk & Powers in Play.
Studio Jerusalem
Serien ger tittaren en djupare förståelse av aktuella händelser i Israel och Mellanöstern. Expertsamtalen leds av Jonathan Hessen, nyhetsankare på TV7 Israel News.