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Israel's Campaign Between the Wars vs Iran
Last October, it seemed that at long last Iraq was on the verge of having a some-what stable multi-confessional government, which will take care of the country’s domestic problems free of efforts by neighboring Iran to manipulate it. This was good news to the Biden administration, because it showed that even after the end of America’s military involvement, or because of it, a more democratic Iraq, which resists Iranian domination, could emerge. But these expectations were soon shattered, when personal ambitions of politicians with vested interests in a status quo overshadowed by Iranian-backed militias stifled the move towards majority rule. Now, there is no effective administration in Baghdad, Washington has a hands-off policy and ‘satisfied smiles’ are seen only in Tehran.
To analyze developments in Iraq and Iran’s role in them, joining us from Washington DC is Brigadier General (Res.) Mark Kimmitt, Former Assistant. Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs
Also joining us from Turkey is Mr. Omer Özkizilcik Foreign Policy and Security Analyst.
Studio Jerusalem
Serien ger tittaren en djupare förståelse av aktuella händelser i Israel och Mellanöstern. Expertsamtalen leds av Jonathan Hessen, nyhetsankare på TV7 Israel News.