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Iran’s Race Towards Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
LLast week, President Trump appeared to throw a wrench into Iran’s strategic deliberations when he sounded willing to negotiate a new nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic. Also, should this effort fail, he may even be open to supporting an Israeli strike on the Iranian nuclear facilities. Whatever the Iranians position - either a dash towards their first weapons or trading their threshold status for sanctions relief – this must now be re-evaluated.
- Host : Jonathan Hessen : Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute and Host of TV7 Israel News
- Analyst : Amir Oren : TV7 Editor at Large and Host of Watchmen Talk
- David Albright : President of the Institute for Science and International Security
- Dr. Olli Heinonen : former International Atomic Energy Agency Deputy Director General and a Distinguished Fellow, Stimson Center, Washington DC.
Studio Jerusalem
Serien ger tittaren en djupare förståelse av aktuella händelser i Israel och Mellanöstern. Expertsamtalen leds av Jonathan Hessen, nyhetsankare på TV7 Israel News.
- Första sändningen: 2025-01-31, Himlen TV7
- Avsnitt nummer: 913
- Längd: 30 min
- Talade språk:
- engelska, svenska
- Översättningar:
- finska