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France’s growing Mideast presence
When European powers ruled the post-Ottoman Middle East, France was Britain’s junior partner and rival, concentrating on the northern part of the Levant - Syria and Lebanon. Following Lebanon’s independence in the 1940’s, France became more of a cultural than political force – labelling the city of Beirut – Paris of the Mediterranean. While Syria, Israel, the United States had significantly more influence on Lebanese affairs - the horrendous blast in the port if Beirut on August 4th changed this balance, with President Emmanuel Macron visiting the Lebanese capital twice to demand of local leaders must needed political and economic reforms.
Guests Dr. Emanuel Navon, research fellow at the JISS and a lecturer at Tel Aviv University and IDC Herzliya, and Prof. Efraim Inbar; President of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security. TV7 Analyst Amir Oren. Host Jonathan Hessen.
Studio Jerusalem
Serien ger tittaren en djupare förståelse av aktuella händelser i Israel och Mellanöstern. Expertsamtalen leds av Jonathan Hessen, nyhetsankare på TV7 Israel News.